A Tahrir square (Liberation square) in Syria too


The Facebook group, The Syrian Revolution 2011, which boasts more than 120,000 followers and which has emerged as the organizing force behind the demonstrations that have been demanding “freedom” in Syria has reported that the protesters in the city Homs have renamed the downtown New Clock Square as the Tahrir square of Liberation square, after the one in Cairo .

The Cairo Tahrir square witnessed the largest ever protests in Egypt which ended the ruke of former president Hosni Mubarak.

Hundreds of thousands of protesters in Homs attended today the funerals of the 13 people that were killed yesterday by the Syrian security forces

Syrian Revolution 2011 called today for a minimum of 3 day sit-ins across the country until their demands are me.

In The Syrian city of Banias the Syrian security forces demonstrated in support of the Syrian president Bashar al Assad . They were chanting “Bashar don’t worry we are your men and we drink blood” . Watch the You Tube



5 responses to “A Tahrir square (Liberation square) in Syria too”

  1. issam ghallab Avatar
    issam ghallab

    إنه لمن حق القوّالين ..صنوج وطبول ومزامير ما.. ومن يمثلون، من حقّهم ان يصابوا بالهلع..، لانه وعندما ترفع سوريا الغطاء عنهم، لن تعود متفرّغة لتحقن حقدها المؤبد علينا،و لن يجدوا من يستر عورتهم السياسية والوطنية، وسيصبحون أوراق خريف في مهبّ شعب لبنان هذه المرة… فأبشروا وخففوا قدر المستطاع هذه الحماسة لخارج الحدود!!

  2.  Avatar

    إنه لمن حق القوّالين ..صنوج وطبول ومزامير ما.. ومن يمثلون، من حقّهم ان يصابوا بالهلع..، لانه وعندما ترفع سوريا الغطاء عنهم، لن تعود متفرّغة لتحقن حقدها المؤبد علينا،و لن يجدوا من يستر عورتهم السياسية والوطنية، وسيصبحون أوراق خريف في مهبّ شعب لبنان هذه المرة… فأبشروا وخففوا قدر المستطاع هذه الحماسة لخارج الحدود!!

  3. A fact about the Syrians.
    Fortunately for the Syrians, they are not locked in such religous/secterian entities as it is the case in other countries surrouring Syria. While it is true that the present regime had erased all other oppositions in the course of imposing its iron fists governing/suppressing Syria, elements of islamic fundementalists emegrd as if it were the only opposion; sponsored and financed by, who else, Saudi Arabia; particullarly by the psychopath “Bander” remember him ? he is the one who planted Fath Al-Islam in Nahr Al-barid !, however, the Syrians, being on the top of their game, will thank him for his generous financial support, but once they estalish what is most important to them, they will most definitely let him go back to his games elsewhere! perhaps he should use his genious work to save his family from the marshing freedom waves that have already knocked the royal family door.

  4. A fact about the Syrians.
    Fortunately for the Syrians, they are not locked in such religous/secterian entities as it is the case in other countries surrouring Syria. While it is true that the present regime had erased all other oppositions in the course of imposing its iron fists governing/suppressing Syria, elements of islamic fundementalists emegrd as if it were the only opposion; sponsored and financed by, who else, Saudi Arabia; particullarly by the psychopath “Bander” remember him ? he is the one who planted Fath Al-Islam in Nahr Al-barid !, however, the Syrians, being on the top of their game, will thank him for his generous financial support, but once they estalish what is most important to them, they will most definitely let him go back to his games elsewhere! perhaps he should use his genious work to save his family from the marshing freedom waves that have already knocked the royal family door.

  5. A fact about the Syrians.
    Fortunately for the Syrians, they are not locked in such religous/secterian entities as it is the case in other countries surrouring Syria. While it is true that the present regime had erased all other oppositions in the course of imposing its iron fists governing/suppressing Syria, elements of islamic fundementalists emegrd as if it were the only opposion; sponsored and financed by, who else, Saudi Arabia; particullarly by the psychopath “Bander” remember him ? he is the one who planted Fath Al-Islam in Nahr Al-barid !, however, the Syrians, being on the top of their game, will thank him for his generous financial support, but once they estalish what is most important to them, they will most definitely let him go back to his games elsewhere! perhaps he should use his genious work to save his family from the marshing freedom waves that have already knocked the royal family door.

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