Syrian opposition group calls for uprising, civil disobedience


The Syria Revolution 2011, which has emerged as the organizing force behind the demonstrations demanding “freedom” in Syria, declared an intifida ( uprising ) and civil disobedience , effective immediately urged the citizens to control the cities .

It described Syrian president Bashar al Assad as a clown following his speech

This action comes after Assad failed to deliver on the promises made over reforms by his adviser Butheina Shaaban and instead focused on conspiracy theories and blamed the wave of protests on “conspirators” who reportedly are trying to destroy the country by sowing sectarian strife.

This was Assad’s first appearance since the protests erupted in this tightly controlled Arab country.

Update: Al-Arabiya quoting witnesses as saying : Several people were seriously injured in clashes with security forces in Latakia following Assad’s speech.

AP quoted witnesses as saying : Syrian troops opened fire on protesters in Latakia.



11 responses to “Syrian opposition group calls for uprising, civil disobedience”

  1. nagy_michael2000 Avatar

    Its high time for the great Syrian people who seek freedom and dignity to rise above the ashes and let Assad and his cronies know that intimidation and shooting will not stop them from marching toward freedom and economic justice.Let them know that the people will not tolerate any more oppression and will not yield to minority ruling the country for 50 yrs. Enough is enough turn those crying voices into action and march toward damascus and let the freedom reign all over Syria and free yourself of this Tyrants and his brothers and cousins and most of all of the Mullahs who controls them too.

    1. YesYes ,get your forces,Boys ,young man, women ,,anergy together and get read of this good for nothing Pussy Assad out. Conspiracy theories BALLOUT.Enough is Enough out out OUT NOW.
      Free Syria now.

  2.  Avatar

    Its high time for the great Syrian people who seek freedom and dignity to rise above the ashes and let Assad and his cronies know that intimidation and shooting will not stop them from marching toward freedom and economic justice.Let them know that the people will not tolerate any more oppression and will not yield to minority ruling the country for 50 yrs. Enough is enough turn those crying voices into action and march toward damascus and let the freedom reign all over Syria and free yourself of this Tyrants and his brothers and cousins and most of all of the Mullahs who controls them too.

    1.  Avatar

      YesYes ,get your forces,Boys ,young man, women ,,anergy together and get read of this good for nothing Pussy Assad out. Conspiracy theories BALLOUT.Enough is Enough out out OUT NOW.
      Free Syria now.

  3. josephphdman Avatar

    this is about justice mr asad that your regeme denied to 18 millions sunnis for 50 years;
    this is about the freedom that you took away from the syrian people for 50 years and humilated them ,your regeme had slaved, and tortured and killed,innoccent people and stole there money and raped their women for years and years
    this is about all the crimes your regeme had committed against 23 millions people
    this is about justice for mankind
    if you are really worried about the syrian people why do,nt you give them there rights, their freedom, and return the 100 billions dollars that your family stole from them over the past 40 years
    release all those innocent people you have jailed simply because of their opinion in life
    and most important of all give freedom for the 15 million sunnis that your rgeme had slaved them for 50 years in there own country.



  4.  Avatar

    this is about justice mr asad that your regeme denied to 18 millions sunnis for 50 years;
    this is about the freedom that you took away from the syrian people for 50 years and humilated them ,your regeme had slaved, and tortured and killed,innoccent people and stole there money and raped their women for years and years
    this is about all the crimes your regeme had committed against 23 millions people
    this is about justice for mankind
    if you are really worried about the syrian people why do,nt you give them there rights, their freedom, and return the 100 billions dollars that your family stole from them over the past 40 years
    release all those innocent people you have jailed simply because of their opinion in life
    and most important of all give freedom for the 15 million sunnis that your rgeme had slaved them for 50 years in there own country.

    1.  Avatar


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