Jumblatt tells Aoun to back off of Suleiman


Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Thursday revealed that he has advised Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun against trying to eliminate President Michel Suleiman’s role in the Lebanese political life.

“I told General Aoun when he approached me concerning his demand to get the interior portfolio (in the new cabinet) that there is a president who has played a good role and who cannot be eliminated,” Jumblat said in an interview on LBC TV network.

On January 12, Hizbullah and its allies toppled Saad Hariri’s cabinet in a long-running feud over the U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon probing the murder of former premier Rafik Hariri.

Hizbullah-backed Najib Miqati was then appointed to form a new government, which Hariri’s alliance has refused to join and has labeled “Hizbullah’s government”.

While Saad Hariri and his allies won Lebanon’s last parliamentary election in 2009, shifting alliances today have positioned the Hizbullah-led camp as the majority after Jumblat moved closer to the Shiite party.

“Since there is no fairness in the distribution of portfolios, we are insisting on getting the public works ministry as it’s the only ministry through which we can serve all citizens,” Jumblat told LBC.

He noted that Hariri was referring to him and Miqati “when he spoke of betrayal” in his speech on February 14, the sixth anniversary of the assassination of Rafik Hariri.

“I’m convinced of what I’ve done since 2009,” Jumblat said of his new alliances.

“We engaged in the May 7 adventure following U.S. incitement aimed at cornering Hizbullah after it defeated Israel in 2006, and today the same plot has surfaced again through the STL,” Jumblat noted.

He voiced concerns that the U.S. might try to “financially blockade Lebanon in order to pressure the Lebanese,” adding that the visit of U.S. senators Joseph Lieberman and John McCain to Lebanon this week was “part of that pressure.”




30 responses to “Jumblatt tells Aoun to back off of Suleiman”

  1. Mosetsfire Avatar

    Waleed beik, a two faced traitor like you has no right to give any advice to anyone. Let me advise you and Aoun together. Get out of politics because you are both corrupt and self serving. Politicians like you are a stain on our country.

  2. Waleed beik, a two faced traitor like you has no right to give any advice to anyone. Let me advise you and Aoun together. Get out of politics because you are both corrupt and self serving. Politicians like you are a stain on our country.

  3. Constantin7 Avatar

    Yeah, it does sound like a joke, Walid “defending” the president. Actually he is trying to have one credible ally I guess to hang on with. He knows that HA and Berri deal with him for their own convenience but do not trust him and are using him. He lost all the confidence from March 14 leaders. So lets cling to the President….Poor Walid, I would not like to be in his shoes…

  4.  Avatar

    Yeah, it does sound like a joke, Walid “defending” the president. Actually he is trying to have one credible ally I guess to hang on with. He knows that HA and Berri deal with him for their own convenience but do not trust him and are using him. He lost all the confidence from March 14 leaders. So lets cling to the President….Poor Walid, I would not like to be in his shoes…

  5. mikati just take a look at those two shithead crimials in your cabinets any chance to have a justice with them 2 bastered the unny thing the do thing thats the are a good politician as well the are not even qualifiy to clean a damn drain whan you see them you can smell assad on them

  6. mikati just take a look at those two shithead crimials in your cabinets any chance to have a justice with them 2 bastered the unny thing the do thing thats the are a good politician as well the are not even qualifiy to clean a damn drain whan you see them you can smell assad on them

  7.  Avatar

    mikati just take a look at those two shithead crimials in your cabinets any chance to have a justice with them 2 bastered the unny thing the do thing thats the are a good politician as well the are not even qualifiy to clean a damn drain whan you see them you can smell assad on them

  8. Aoun will take his rights, with or without anyone’s approval. If they think they can form a government without Aoun, let them – Aoun will simply join an Opposition similar to what he did in 2005 when they denied him his rights.

    Aoun will not accept what he doesn’t want. It is a simple as that. He will take what he thinks is his right, and deny what he thinks is not. He is no Feb14 dhimmie. Do you remember how Geagea and co accept bones in the 2005 cabient when they even ruled alone, and had 15 Christian ministers at their disposal? They got 3! 3! And the biggest one out of the 3 was Industry lol. Do you remember how Kataeb cried and cried that Hariri threw them a bone with the Social Affairs portfolio? Hariri didn’t even consult with them lol.

    1. tayyar,I just wonder why you keep on analyzing the Lebanese politics and what has been happening for the last few years and also trying to convince and defend certain politians knowing for a fact they were all bought by Hezbollah,so,what is your point here, a Terrorist lead government and stone age rules is better for Lebanon and its citizens.You seem to be a shrewd and very knowledgeable commentator.why don’t you Try to convince Hezbollah to lay down their weapons,and what about their thousands and thousands of rockets they received from the Axis Of Evil Iran,try to convince us why The Terrorists Hezbollah are armed to the teeth and much equipped than the Lebanese army itself.The matter of fact is
      All what they want is playing politics,control Lebanon once for all and impose their Islamic fanaticsism on us and use Lebanon their battle ground against its citizen,as exactly what the PLO and its super Terrorist Arafat and his Gangsters have done to Lebanon in the 70’s.

      1. The government could not have been brought down without Aoun. This is his power. It is as simple as that. Aoun had half the ministers out of the Opposition 10 – that’s right 50% of the Opposition ministers! That’s right do the calculations: 27/57*10 = 4.7. I told you, Aoun will get his weight. He had HALF THE MINISTERS!!! What did you have – let me do the calculations. Your weight in the Hariri gang – was 5MP’s Geagea, 5MP’s Kataeb, 1 Harb, 1 Tueni = 12. 12/69 = 17%. Do I need to explain anymore then that?????? Which Christian side had more influence? Your side or Aoun side??????????

        Seconsdly, HA sure, had their own reasons, but Aoun also had his reasons too – he no longer had confidence in Hariri. So together, they brought down the government.

        Secondly, the government was brought down constitutionally and legally.

        Thirdly, any new government, Aoun is now the majority of the new majority – what do you not understand about this?

        Fourthly, you can call HA whatever you want. The steps in the weapons issue was outlined in the MoU. This was the first time that the weapons were discussed! You joined a government and elections in 2005 with HA, without no conditions. You did it to spite Aoun.

        Aoun and HA for 6months hammered out negotiations in the spirit of dialogue. You guys conitinued with your war of confrontation.

        The solution is simple – 1. liberate the land 2. work out a national defence strategy. Not only this, why hasn’t the US and all the western powers you had by your side, armed the army with anything significant? Mate, the Army couldn’t even fight Fatah el Islam (created byt eh Welsh club) – and you want them to defend against the might of the Israeli army? Why did you time and time again – I think 4 times – deny Iranian pledge to offer the army weapons?

        1. Not only that, 2005, 2008 and 2009 – you gave the resistance the legality through the bayan.

          Actually may I remind you what Hariri said after the 2009 elections despite his “shia-phobia” during the campaign?
          He basically said, that he will allow Nasralah himself to even write the bayan regarding the weapons.

          I love it, how when you always lose, you bring the HA card. Face it, their are many problems with Lebanese society, and the basic needs and services of the people! Hariri Snr left Lebanon with a $50bn debt while the reconstruction effort was worth $4bn. Oh that’s right he was paying Rustom to stay in power. Sorry forgot. He was using the people’s money to pay an occupier to stay in power LOL – very patriotic.

          Hariri Junior, still can’t explain where another $11bn went during the last few years!

        2. Mosetsfire Avatar

          The first agreement of the Doha accord was that March 8th would not secede from the cabinet to bring down the government. That was violated.

          2nd. Hezbollah’s weapons were not an issue before the May 7 incident, but once those weapons were used to kill Lebanese citizens, then the weapons are no longer a resistance, but a use of force against the citizenry and that is intolerable.

          3rd, Aoun may have won the last elections from the Christian vote, but if he was confident he still had it, he would not object to new elections. His prime minister ran on a March 14th ticket, so did Jumblatt and his crew which gave you the new majority. the people voted for March 14th in those MPs and the peoples vote was betrayed.

          Sami Gameyel and Geagea have it right. Bring on new elections and let the citizenry give its word. I have no doubt Aoun and Hezbollah will lose greatly this time around and I think they know they will too. We will stand in opposition of terrorism and religious zealotry and unlike March 8, March 14 will do it democratically and through diplomatic channels. not terrorism and manipulation. Then, God willing, after the 2013 elections, we will never have to deal with the stench of Aoun, Berri and the Hezbollah ministers poisoning our parliament with Syrian and Iranian agenda.

        3. Hannibal Avatar

          To Mohamad Masri:
          Why does one need an election really if one has weapons. Weapons decide who stays in power.

    2. tayyar,I just wonder why you keep on analyzing the Lebanese politics and what has been happening for the last few years and also trying to convince and defend certain politians knowing for a fact they were all bought by Hezbollah,so,what is your point here, a Terrorist lead government and stone age rules is better for Lebanon and its citizens.You seem to be a shrewd and very knowledgeable commentator.why don’t you Try to convince Hezbollah to lay down their weapons,and what about their thousands and thousands of rockets they received from the Axis Of Evil Iran,try to convince us why The Terrorists Hezbollah are armed to the teeth and much equipped than the Lebanese army itself.The matter of fact is
      All what they want is playing politics,control Lebanon once for all and impose their Islamic fanaticsism on us and use Lebanon their battle ground against its citizen,as exactly what the PLO and its super Terrorist Arafat and his Gangsters have done to Lebanon in the 70’s.

      1. The government could not have been brought down without Aoun. This is his power. It is as simple as that. Aoun had half the ministers out of the Opposition 10 – that’s right 50% of the Opposition ministers! That’s right do the calculations: 27/57*10 = 4.7. I told you, Aoun will get his weight. He had HALF THE MINISTERS!!! What did you have – let me do the calculations. Your weight in the Hariri gang – was 5MP’s Geagea, 5MP’s Kataeb, 1 Harb, 1 Tueni = 12. 12/69 = 17%. Do I need to explain anymore then that?????? Which Christian side had more influence? Your side or Aoun side??????????

        Seconsdly, HA sure, had their own reasons, but Aoun also had his reasons too – he no longer had confidence in Hariri. So together, they brought down the government.

        Secondly, the government was brought down constitutionally and legally.

        Thirdly, any new government, Aoun is now the majority of the new majority – what do you not understand about this?

        Fourthly, you can call HA whatever you want. The steps in the weapons issue was outlined in the MoU. This was the first time that the weapons were discussed! You joined a government and elections in 2005 with HA, without no conditions. You did it to spite Aoun.

        Aoun and HA for 6months hammered out negotiations in the spirit of dialogue. You guys conitinued with your war of confrontation.

        The solution is simple – 1. liberate the land 2. work out a national defence strategy. Not only this, why hasn’t the US and all the western powers you had by your side, armed the army with anything significant? Mate, the Army couldn’t even fight Fatah el Islam (created byt eh Welsh club) – and you want them to defend against the might of the Israeli army? Why did you time and time again – I think 4 times – deny Iranian pledge to offer the army weapons?

        1. Mosetsfire Avatar

          The first agreement of the Doha accord was that March 8th would not secede from the cabinet to bring down the government. That was violated.

          2nd. Hezbollah’s weapons were not an issue before the May 7 incident, but once those weapons were used to kill Lebanese citizens, then the weapons are no longer a resistance, but a use of force against the citizenry and that is intolerable.

          3rd, Aoun may have won the last elections from the Christian vote, but if he was confident he still had it, he would not object to new elections. His prime minister ran on a March 14th ticket, so did Jumblatt and his crew which gave you the new majority. the people voted for March 14th in those MPs and the peoples vote was betrayed.

          Sami Gameyel and Geagea have it right. Bring on new elections and let the citizenry give its word. I have no doubt Aoun and Hezbollah will lose greatly this time around and I think they know they will too. We will stand in opposition of terrorism and religious zealotry and unlike March 8, March 14 will do it democratically and through diplomatic channels. not terrorism and manipulation. Then, God willing, after the 2013 elections, we will never have to deal with the stench of Aoun, Berri and the Hezbollah ministers poisoning our parliament with Syrian and Iranian agenda.

        2. Hannibal Avatar

          To Mohamad Masri:
          Why does one need an election really if one has weapons. Weapons decide who stays in power.

    3. Another religious zealot who thinks Aoun is Jesus Christ… May be it’s time to crucify him…

      1. Nah I prefer St Geagea who bombed the house of Jesus Christ in Zahle 1987. Shu was his apology part of his “national duty” as well?

      2. Nah I prefer St Geagea who bombed the house of Jesus Christ in Zahle 1987. Shu was his apology part of his “national duty” as well?

  9.  Avatar

    Aoun will take his rights, with or without anyone’s approval. If they think they can form a government without Aoun, let them – Aoun will simply join an Opposition similar to what he did in 2005 when they denied him his rights.

    Aoun will not accept what he doesn’t want. It is a simple as that. He will take what he thinks is his right, and deny what he thinks is not. He is no Feb14 dhimmie. Do you remember how Geagea and co accept bones in the 2005 cabient when they even ruled alone, and had 15 Christian ministers at their disposal? They got 3! 3! And the biggest one out of the 3 was Industry lol. Do you remember how Kataeb cried and cried that Hariri threw them a bone with the Social Affairs portfolio? Hariri didn’t even consult with them lol.

    1.  Avatar

      tayyar,I just wonder why you keep on analyzing the Lebanese politics and what has been happening for the last few years and also trying to convince and defend certain politians knowing for a fact they were all bought by Hezbollah,so,what is your point here, a Terrorist lead government and stone age rules is better for Lebanon and its citizens.You seem to be a shrewd and very knowledgeable commentator.why don’t you Try to convince Hezbollah to lay down their weapons,and what about their thousands and thousands of rockets they received from the Axis Of Evil Iran,try to convince us why The Terrorists Hezbollah are armed to the teeth and much equipped than the Lebanese army itself.The matter of fact is
      All what they want is playing politics,control Lebanon once for all and impose their Islamic fanaticsism on us and use Lebanon their battle ground against its citizen,as exactly what the PLO and its super Terrorist Arafat and his Gangsters have done to Lebanon in the 70’s.

      1.  Avatar

        The government could not have been brought down without Aoun. This is his power. It is as simple as that. HA sure, had their own reasons, but Aoun also had his reasons too – he no longer had confidence in Hariri. So together, they brought down the government.

        Secondly, the government was brought down constitutionally and legally.

        Thirdly, any new government, Aoun is now the majority of the new majority – what do you not understand about this?

        Fourthly, you can call HA whatever you want. The steps in the weapons issue was outlined in the MoU. This was the first time that the weapons were discussed! You joined a government and elections in 2005 with HA, without no conditions. You did it to spite Aoun.

        Aoun and HA for 6months hammered out negotiations in the spirit of dialogue. You guys conitinued with your war of confrontation.

        The solution is simple – 1. liberate the land 2. work out a national defence strategy. Not only this, why hasn’t the US and all the western powers you had by your side, armed the army with anything significant? Mate, the Army couldn’t even fight Fatah el Islam (created byt eh Welsh club) – and you want them to defend against the might of the Israeli army? Why did you time and time again – I think 4 times – deny Iranian pledge to offer the army weapons?

        1.  Avatar

          Not only that, 2005, 2008 and 2009 – you gave the resistance the legality through the bayan.

          Actually may I remind you what Hariri said after the 2009 elections despite his “shia-phobia” during the campaign?
          He basically said, that he will allow Nasralah himself to even write the bayan regarding the weapons.

          I love it, how when you always lose, you bring the HA card. Face it, their are many problems with Lebanese society, and the basic needs and services of the people! Hariri Snr left Lebanon with a $50bn debt while the reconstruction effort was worth $4bn. Oh that’s right he was paying Rustom to stay in power. Sorry forgot. He was using the people’s money to pay an occupier to stay in power LOL – very patriotic.

          Hariri Junior, still can’t explain where another $11bn went during the last few years!

        2. The first agreement of the Doha accord was that March 8th would not secede from the cabinet to bring down the government. That was violated.

          2nd. Hezbollah’s weapons were not an issue before the May 7 incident, but once those weapons were used to kill Lebanese citizens, then the weapons are no longer a resistance, but a use of force against the citizenry and that is intolerable.

          3rd, Aoun may have won the last elections from the Christian vote, but if he was confident he still had it, he would not object to new elections. His prime minister ran on a March 14th ticket, so did Jumblatt and his crew which gave you the new majority. the people voted for March 14th in those MPs and the peoples vote was betrayed.

          Sami Gameyel and Geagea have it right. Bring on new elections and let the citizenry give its word. I have no doubt Aoun and Hezbollah will lose greatly this time around and I think they know they will too. We will stand in opposition of terrorism and religious zealotry and unlike March 8, March 14 will do it democratically and through diplomatic channels. not terrorism and manipulation. Then, God willing, after the 2013 elections, we will never have to deal with the stench of Aoun, Berri and the Hezbollah ministers poisoning our parliament with Syrian and Iranian agenda.

        3. To Mohamad Masri:
          Why does one need an election really if one has weapons. Weapons decide who stays in power.

    2. Another religious zealot who thinks Aoun is Jesus Christ… May be it’s time to crucify him…

      1.  Avatar

        Nah I prefer St Geagea who bombed the house of Jesus Christ in Zahle 1987. Shu was his apology part of his “national duty” as well?

  10. What a joke these 2 are,Aoun & Jumblat betrayed their congregations,flakes and untrustworthy.Could you please both of you retire from politics and give a chance to a free minded true young lebanese who truly cares for Lebanon and its citizens to lead.For God and Lebanon sake,’F****OFF both of you,and take the Terrorists with you as well.

  11.  Avatar

    What a joke these 2 are,Aoun & Jumblat betrayed their congregations,flakes and untrustworthy.Could you please both of you retire from politics and give a chance to a free minded true young lebanese who truly cares for Lebanon and its citizens to lead.For God and Lebanon sake,’F****OFF both of you,and take the Terrorists with you as well.

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