Aoun: I am in no hurry over cabinet formation


Following a meeting of the Change and Reform parliamentary bloc , its leader MP Michel Aoun told reporters that he is in no hurry over the cabinet formation , but pledged that the new cabinet will be harmonious .

“There will be a harmonious cabinet that can implement its decisions,” Aoun said during a press conference on Monday.

“I am in no hurry for its formation. Last time we spent more than six months forming the cabinet , and a month has not passed yet ,” Aoun said after the bloc’s weekly meeting in Rabieh, in reference to the appointment of Nagib Mikati as PM designate to form and lead the new government

He also said that a fundamental change is taking place in the political system, after the fall of several political parties , spiritual leaderships and media outlets. He did not elaborate

In a related development a dispute between President Michel Suleiman Aoun over the distribution of Cabinet posts may delay the formation of a new government, the pro- Syrian newspaper Al-Akhbar reported

Al-Akhbar on Monday quoted well-informed sources as saying that government formation hit a snag after a “conflict” broke out between Suleiman and Aoun over the interior ministry portfolio.

The sources said that while Aoun is demanding to have the interior ministry, Suleiman is insisting on exclusively keeping this post .

Another dispute

In another development FPM sources were reportedly surprised by statements attributed to Mikati during an interview with Al-Hayat published Sunday, in which he said that he asked the former army general to provide him with names and qualifications so that the premier-designate can choose the right person for the job.

FPM sources accused Mikati of trying to give Suleiman a “large part of March 14 ’s quota, in reference to the March 14 share in the outgoing cabinet .

The Iranian- and Syrian-backed Hezbollah brought down PM Saad Hariri’s government on January 12 over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s ( STL) indictment which is widely expected to implicate Hezbollah members in the assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri in 2005 .

Mikati, who was backed by Hezbollah and its March 8 allies including Jumblatt and Mohammad Safadi, was appointed by president Michel Suleiman as PM-designate to form and head the next cabinet , giving Hezbollah and its allies increased leverage in the country and provoking widespread protests by the Sunni community which considers Hariri as its leader



20 responses to “Aoun: I am in no hurry over cabinet formation”

  1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

    The reason for the delay of Cabinet formation because Syria wanted to delay it due to STL coming out soon.
    Aoun is a hog and wants to control the whole gov’t. But will he be in control or is it going to be HA who is steering the wheels.
    After all all the FPM mp’s reported to Nassrallah on regular basis that’s why Aoun wants the Interior Ministry and Defense probably and God knows what he wants in order to satisfy him and his masters. I hope STL come out and they stick it to HA, Syria and Iran even if they don’t arrest anybody its a good thing to tell the world what these scums have done and been doing for 30 yrs.. Israel is going to look like an Angel compare to these jackasses..

  2.  Avatar

    The reason for the delay of Cabinet formation because Syria wanted to delay it due to STL coming out soon.
    Aoun is a hog and wants to control the whole gov’t. But will he be in control or is it going to be HA who is steering the wheels.
    After all all the FPM mp’s reported to Nassrallah on regular basis that’s why Aoun wants the Interior Ministry and Defense probably and God knows what he wants in order to satisfy him and his masters. I hope STL come out and they stick it to HA, Syria and Iran even if they don’t arrest anybody its a good thing to tell the world what these scums have done and been doing for 30 yrs.. Israel is going to look like an Angel compare to these jackasses..

  3.  Avatar

    The reason for the delay of Cabinet formation because Syria wanted to delay it due to STL coming out soon.
    Aoun is a hog and wants to control the whole gov’t. But will he be in control or is it going to be HA who is steering the wheels.
    After all all the FPM mp’s reported to Nassrallah on regular basis that’s why Aoun wants the Interior Ministry and Defense probably and God knows what he wants in order to satisfy him and his masters. I hope STL come out and they stick it to HA, Syria and Iran even if they don’t arrest anybody its a good thing to tell the world what these scums have done and been doing for 30 yrs.. Israel is going to look like an Angel compare to these jackasses..

  4. PROPHET.T Avatar

    What’s the hurry, Arabs always have plenty of time on their side,lol.
    The Lebanese people waited years to get electricity and other basic services, they can wait for few more months, or
    That is very sad,

  5. PROPHET.T Avatar

    What’s the hurry, Arabs always have plenty of time on their side,lol.
    The Lebanese people waited years to get electricity and other basic services, they can wait for few more months, or
    That is very sad,

  6. PROPHET.T Avatar

    What’s the hurry, Arabs always have plenty of time on their side,lol.
    The Lebanese people waited years to get electricity and other basic services, they can wait for more months,lol
    That is very sad,

  7. PROPHET.T Avatar

    What’s the hurry, Arabs always have plenty of time on their side,lol.
    The Lebanese people waited years to get electricity and other basic services, they can wait for more months,lol
    That is very sad,

  8. Constantin7 Avatar

    Aoun Aoun Aou Aou Aou…..just repeating the wishes of his masters the Syrians!!! A lunatic with lots of barking….

  9. Constantin7 Avatar

    Aoun Aoun Aou Aou Aou…..just repeating the wishes of his masters the Syrians!!! A lunatic with lots of barking….

  10.  Avatar

    Aoun Aoun Aou Aou Aou…..just repeating the wishes of his masters the Syrians!!! A lunatic with lots of barking….

  11. For those who accuse me of following Aoun blindly, well I do disagree with him on the interior ministry. I think the president should name the interior and the defense minsters, this way no one can complain about their neutrality.
    I guess Aoun had been reading my posts about him becoming the ultimate Dictator ….

    1. Libnan, we don’t seem to agree often but this time I agree with you! peace!

    2. Libnan, we don’t seem to agree often but this time I agree with you! peace!

    3. Hannibal Avatar

      Aoun cannot peel an orange without asking Syria. (oh and pun intended) lol

    4. Hannibal Avatar

      Aoun cannot peel an orange without asking Syria. (oh and pun intended) lol

  12.  Avatar

    For those who accuse me of following Aoun blindly, well I do disagree with him on the interior ministry. I think the president should name the interior and the defense minsters, this way no one can complain about their neutrality.
    I guess Aoun had been reading my posts about him becoming the ultimate Dictator ….

    1. Libnan, we don’t seem to agree often but this time I agree with you! peace!

    2. Aoun cannot peel an orange without asking Syria. (oh and pun intended) lol

  13. lebnaneh Avatar

    the best post for aoun will be wazir lemjerir as he is stinging all the time whatever come out of his mouth is the same come out of his ass

  14.  Avatar

    the best post for aoun will be wazir lemjerir as he is stinging all the time whatever come out of his mouth is the same come out of his ass

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