MP Qabbani urges Bassil to submit decrees over oil sector


MP Mohammad Qabbani , Parliamentary Public Works, Transportation, Energy and Water Commission chief requested on Thursday during an interview with LBC TV Energy Minister Gebran Bassil to speed up the submittal of decrees pertaining to the oil sector.

Qabbani a member of Lebanon First bloc MP said that a commission to manage the oil sector must be established quickly.

The Lebanese parliament ratified on August 17 the draft bill on offshore oil exploration.

A gigantic natural gas field that could yield millions of barrels of oil was recently discovered on the maritime border between Israel, Lebanon, the Gaza Strip, Cyprus, and Northern Cyprus.

The largest section discovered so far, the Leviathan gas field, is believed to possibly contain, alongside natural gas, 4.2 billion barrels of oil. Leviathan straddles the Israeli-Lebanese maritime border. Israel is currently in a state of war with Lebanon .

Israeli Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau said last week that Israel will defend its claims to offshore oil “with all necessary force in the face of all the Lebanese threats.”



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