Hezbollah official calls for elimination of STL


Hezbollah politburo member Mahmoud Qomati stressed Wednesday the party’s demand for the elimination of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

He said: “The tribunal has been politicized from the start and was initially formed to fulfill interests, and not discover the truth, but bury it.”

He stated that trying the false witnesses in the investigation in former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri’s assassination “will lead to the truth and this issue will be proposed before the Cabinet.”

He said that Hezbollah handed over its information on the Hariri assassination based on a request from the Lebanese judiciary and not the STL or its Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare.


According to local reports the Lebanese cabinet asked Justice Minister Ibrahim Najjar to follow up with the Lebanese judiciary on the issue of false witnesses of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s (STL) and prepare a report on the matter.
