Lebanese army did not use US arms in border clash with Israel


US State Department spokesperson Philip Crowley said on Friday that “there is no evidence that the Lebanese army used American-made weapons during the recent military clash with Israel,” Future News has reported.

Crowley reiterated “Washington’s commitment to continued support of the Lebanese government and strengthening the capacities of the Lebanese army,” saying that such support helps stabilize regional security and further American interests.

He added that the Lebanese army’s opening fire was “unjustified and completely impermissible,” and that the US was awaiting a full UN report on Tuesday’s events.

Two Lebanese soldiers, a journalist and a senior Israeli officer were killed in the border clash on Tuesday, the most serious incident since the July 2006 war

US Congressman Ron Klein said on Thursday that if the opening of fire was shown to be a “Lebanese government authorized action, I think a lot of members would be very concerned about continuing to provide military support to Lebanon,” Israel’s The Jerusalem Post reported.

Americans for Peace Now (APN) reported that pressure appears to be mounting on Congress to punish Lebanon… It also appears that groundwork is being laid in advance to ensure US support for Israel in the case of another Lebanon war.

Israeli and Jewish lobbies

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC ) has reportedly circulated a memo arguing that the Lebanese Army is cooperating with Hezbollah, and stating that unless this stops, “Washington must reevaluate its relationship with the Beirut government and the Lebanese Armed Forces–the recipient of significant American military aid.”

Similarly, The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) has reportedly circulated a memo implicitly bashing the Obama Administration for providing military aid to Lebanon (something that the Bush Administration did as well). The memo also appears to explicitly call for Israel to launch a new war in Lebanon and takes a shot at the Obama Administration in advance for being insufficiently supportive of such an action.

US ambassador Sison

Outgoing U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Michele Sison paid a farewell visit to President Michel Suleiman on Friday

Outgoing U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Michele Sison paid a farewell visit to President Michel Suleiman on Friday during which she stressed the U.S. support for Lebanon’s sovereignty and security.

“A strong, sovereign, stable Lebanon at peace with its neighbors is in everyone’s interest — the Lebanese, the region, and the international community,” she stressed.

commenting on Tuesday’s border clashes at Adeisseh , she said: “This terrible and tragic event reminds us once again that we must all work for progress toward the permanent ceasefire that U.N. Security Council resolution 1701 demands. The United States continues to call on all parties to work to diminish these tensions.”

“The United States is committed to achieving a lasting, comprehensive, and sustainable peace in the Middle East. Lebanon’s security and stability cannot be separated from this process,” Sison stated.

She emphasized the U.S.’s support for Lebanon in various fields, including the economic and security one, as well as the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

“I depart Lebanon knowing that the United States remains unshaken in its commitment to Lebanon’s sovereignty – not just in word, but also in deed. Most of all, I depart Lebanon knowing that partnership between the Lebanese and American peoples grows deeper and stronger each day,” Sison added.

Maura Connelly was nominated last June by US president Barack Obama to be the new U.S. ambassador to Lebanon

Maura Connelly, Deputy Assistant Secretary in the State Department Near Eastern Affairs bureau, and former charge d’affaires at the U.S. embassy in Damascus, was nominated last June by US president Barack Obama to be the U.S. ambassador to Lebanon but the US Senate has not yet confirmed her nomination



7 responses to “Lebanese army did not use US arms in border clash with Israel”

  1. Tony Smith Avatar
    Tony Smith

    It is no problem for Israel to destroy Lebanon with American arms but God forgive the LAF to do the same.The US needs to know that Lebanon can seek weapons from a lot of other sources.

  2. lebfirst Avatar

    So let me see if I understand this correctly if the LAF allow israel to enter lebanons borders and do what it likes is ok but if the LAF stops israel from Illegally entering its borders and using force when necessary then its collaboratoring with HA???? what a load of crap!

  3. Tarie AL Fanarie Avatar
    Tarie AL Fanarie

    I think we should arms fatah al islam members with bombs on their chest and have them go to heaven on the israeli borders..

    1. peter gates Avatar
      peter gates

      Tarie Al Fanarie -Lets arm you with bombs and send you to heaven! They need people like you up there – yella

  4. well said tony smith. i would like to add that the US will go to any lengths in preventing the absorption of HA into the army. it will be very detrimental to israeli security and plans to keep annexing lebanese land if they could.

    the US was conquered by israel many years ago as it started even before the killing of JFK.

    i feel so sorry for the american people who are being sucked dry.

    when will they wake up.

  5. Anti-Zio Avatar

    Honestly With israel your damned if u do and damned if you don’t. They have such double standards

  6. tony smith until now america is not given the army and arms except the personel one where are we gonna get some they always donated them arms we never paid for anything may be iran will give us some but they only supply HA syria negative so where we will get it from bro

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