Soueid: It bothers Jumblatt that March 14 can say what he can’t


March 14 General-Secretariat coordinator Fares Soueid stressed Thursday that the General-Secretariat “still safeguards the principles that Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt helped shape in 2004 and 2005, and participated in a joint struggle with it to achieve them.”

Soueid in response to Jumblatt’s attack against the March 14 General-Secretariat: “It bothers him that March 14 continues on saying what he can’t.”

Jumblatt, like Hezbollah blamed the UNIFIL troops for the clashes with the residents of south Lebanon.

“Some UNIFIL survey patrols are unjustified”, he said

Hezbollah MP Mohammad Raad’s said last Sunday that “some UNIFIL forces may be straying from their mission.”

March 14 has criticized the attacks against UNIFIL and called for full implementation of UNSCR 1701 .

Jumblatt said : “Perhaps all that was missing was having it( March 14) send a memo to the United Nations demanding it to change the rules of engagement of resolution 1701.”

Prior to his 2009 U-turn, Jumblatt was the most outspoken March 14 leader in support of UN resolutions 1701 and 1559. In fact one of the key members of his parliamentary bloc , MP Marwan Hamadeh miraculously survived an assassination attack , for being the force behind UNSCR 1559. Syria was accused of being behind the assassination.
