Civil War anniversary: Lebanon’s friendly football game in pictures

martyrs square statue
The shrapnel-riddled Martyrs' Statue is pictured in the Lebanese capital Beirut. The statue witnessed the start of Lebanon's 1975-1990 civil war before being dismantled and hidden until the conflict ended. It was later returned to its original place with the marks of war deliberately left on. Lebanon commemorates the 35th anniversary of the start of the civil war on April 13. (AFP/Joseph Eid)

The friendly football match gathering the two opposing political camps in Lebanon March 8 and March 14 – kicked off at Camille Chamoun Stadium to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the Lebanese civil war.

They all formed 2 teams . One red and one white… both teams included members of both camps.

Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri was the captain of the red team which won the match

MP Sami Gemayel of the Phalange party scored both goals for the team led by Hariri .

The days of the war will not return, Hariri told the press prior to the match.

People from all over the country are participating in the match, said Hariri, calling on all Lebanese to unite.

President Suleiman was at the stadium but did not participate in the match.

Many Lebanese praised the idea.

Rafik , a regular Ya Libnan reader wrote: “Bravo whoever came up with this idea, it’s a winner so this way the public can see the opposing parties can play in a sportive spirit and people will be less tense, I hope whoever organizes this event should make it a regular event”

Here are more pics of this special event courtesy of Dalati Nohra:

suleiman - football match
President Michel Suleiman congratulates Minister of youth and sports Ali Abdullah following the football ( soccer game ) at Camille Chamoun Stadium between the rival politicians , to mark the 35th anniversary of the civil war

football - civil war anniversary 4 the team

football - civil war anniversary 2

Update: The captain of the white team was MP Ali Ammar



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