4 Hezbollah fighters, including commander Ali Fayad return to Lebanon in coffins

Hezbollah Commander Ali Fayad, aka “Alaa of Bosnia” is shown with major general   Qasem Soleimani  who is Iran's  Quds force   chief. The Quds force is the foreign arm of  Iranian  revolutionary Guard which created Hezbollah in 1982 .
Hezbollah Commander Ali Fayad, aka “Alaa of Bosnia” is shown with major general Qasem Soleimani who is Iran’s Quds force chief. The Quds force which created Hezbollah in 1982, is the foreign arm of Iranian revolutionary Guard  .

The Iranian backed Shiite Hezbollah  militant group  was able to bring back  to Lebanon the bodies of four of its fighters including that of a senior military commander  in coffins.

Commander Ali Fayad was killed last week  hundreds of kilometers away from Lebanon border   in the northern Syrian province of Aleppo last week

Hezbollah recovered the bodies in a special operation carried out in collaboration with the Syrian army in the town of Tal-Hmam, LBCI reported

Ali Fayad, aka “Alaa of Bosnia”, was killed last week in the ongoing clashes with Syrian rebels on the Athrayya-Khanasser road in rural Aleppo, according to reports.

Fayad was known to have “planned, overseen and led” a key part of the siege that is imposed on the rebels in Damascus’ Eastern Ghouta region, they added.

He also played a key role in the capture of the strategic Syrian town of Shebaa that lies on the road to the Damascus international airport.

His military tactics also played an important role in “halting the Syrian rebels’ advance towards the Syrian coast.”

Hezbollah has  reportedly deployed at least 6,000 militants to fight alongside Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces against Islamist-led rebels and jihadists and around 1,000 Hezbollah members have been killed in Syria since the start of the conflict.

The party argues that its intervention, which is against Lebanon’s Baabda declaration , was necessary to protect Lebanon borders from extremist groups and to prevent the fall of Syria into the hands of hostile forces.



16 responses to “4 Hezbollah fighters, including commander Ali Fayad return to Lebanon in coffins”

  1. What irony. This Shiite man fought in Bosnia, which is now a Sunni stronghold. He dies fighting Sunnis hundreds of miles from his home.
    This is all madness.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      It’s ‘Crusades’ of religions way beyond the borders. Madness, yes.

    2. Caribbean Avatar

      He wasn’t fighting Sunnis, he was fighting dirty rats who are serving the Zionist.If he’s out for Sunnis he should have start with the syian army

      1. husseinbazzi Avatar

        Well said:):)

      2. He was fighting for what is now a Sunni state that has an Israeli embassy and Saudi preachers in the mosques. No Zionists anywhere at that time, though I saw that there is a new Chand House there today.
        Good thing this guy risked his.life for his Islamic brothers!

        1. Thats just not true! According to Hezbollah “He participated in a number of qualitative operations, and was sent to Bosnia in the nineties of the last century, to organize the ranks of the Bosnian Serb fighters in the face of Serb attack”.
          That said, he was fighting along the real yugoslavian nationalist – against the zionist agenda which despises every multiconfessional country as it disproves the legitemacy of creating a jewish(zionist)state.

          1. Do you realize you said HA helped Serbs against Serbs? Geez, you Jew haters are such morons.
            He went to help Muslims at a time when Shiite v Sunni was just not as big a deal (though ever present). Those same Muslims went whole hog (pardon the pun) for Sunni Islam. But that does not stop them from being friends with Israel (just as the Serbs are).
            Check out the Israeli embassies, tourists, businessmen, and military attaches in each place.
            This guy learned the same lesson that other “freedom fighters” around the world have learned, from Angola to Zimbabwe to Gaza – your friends will throw you over if they find a better friend.

          2. I am very well aware of what i said. If you are suprised by the fact that there were pro yugoslavian bosnian serbs and bosniaks fighting against the establishment of great serbia – you clearly show poor understanding of the bosnian war. Hezbollah has never fought alongside al qaeda!
            All balkan wars have been major clusterfucks and are hard to simplify. Despite that zionist sympathizers usually generalize wars in ways that serve the zionist agenda: people of different religions/cultures cannot coexist.(Heck! i have heard of people describing the lebanese civil war as: christians against muslims)
            As for the israeli-bosnian-serbian relations – i couldn’t care less. How can i expect other countries to stand against israel when arabs themselves are zionist a**lickers.

          3. Oh, I get it. Serbs fought Serbs to prevent…Serbia. ok.
            And they all like Israel bc Israel is irresistible, just ask….the Arabs who love it.

          4. Read balkan hisotry, serbs fought serbs many times (example: chetniks and partasians). It is crazy but true. Israel and the US grant security to corrupt leaders obeying their policies – do you doubt that?

          5. I will look into that. was not aware, though I read a book on the conflict and there was only mention of Serbs in Sarajevo fighting against their besiegers. Israel is close with every country in the Balkans. But not sure you can say that they singlehandedly support one side or the other. They do business and have lots of diplomatic activity there ever since they lost Turkey. I cannot say more bc I am not an expert and have never been to those countries.

          6. Their history is very intresting, you will certanly not get bored. As for now, balkan countires are either in – or getting closer to the EU. Serbia has even been approached by NATO. And i agree, their relations with israel are good. However i do not think israel cares too much about the different sides. Yugoslavia is a post cold war conflict, and America was the one directly involved. Russia was almost a puppet state at that time (Yeltsin armed the croats – which is insane if you think about it) …
            I must say that even though we did disagree with each other at some points, I enjoyed this discussion 🙂

          7. Sabko Z Avatar

            He slept in a basement in Sarajevo. He ate same rubbish food like us. Nobody knew that he was high ranking officer. Than he left , without asking for medals or honors.

            Thank you Ali Fayad from Bosnia

            By the way Israel does not have embassy in Bosnia while Palestine has.

          8. Oh, and BTW, never said HA fought alongside AQ. This dude went (probably as an idealist) to fight in Bosnia before AQ was much of anything. He was called The Bosnian. But he fought for people who would now gladly slit the throats of any HA member.
            Just saying that he bet on the wrong horse.

          9. Probably, but there was just one horse to bet on. Nevertheless i believe their involvement saved lives and prevented more bloody massacres from happening

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