Hezbollah urged to withdraw from Syria before strike


hezbollah flag gunHezbollah was urged to withdraw from Syria before the anticipated U.S. strike. Future Movement MP told Voice of Lebanon on Wednesday:

“I hope that Hezbollah would take the decision to withdraw from Syria hours before a possible U.S. strike.”

Lebanon president Michel Suleiman called for sticking to the policy of dissociating Lebanon from the Syrian crisis based on the Baabda Declaration and urged officials to hold onto the nation’s interest.

But Hezbollah’s caretaker Agriculture Minister Hussein Hajj Hassan said that his party was monitoring the situation in Syria and would respond with “the necessary action at the appropriate time.”

“Hezbollah is following up with the issue and observing and will take the necessary action at the appropriate time,” Hassan told Al-Mayadeen television on Wednesday.

He also said that “the decision to attack Syria must be dealt with seriously and its purpose is to weaken the Syrian army.”

“Any aggression against Syria is destined to fail,” Hassan added.
