Lebanon signs 6 deals with Turkey


Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Monday his country has reached a total of six deals with Lebanon in a variety of diplomatic areas.

The Anatolia News Agency said Erdogan confirmed the deals during a news conference with Lebanese Prime Minister Sa’ad al-Din al-Hariri.

Erdogan said the agreements between the two countries included deals in the areas of agriculture, education, health, military cooperation and transportation.

An agreement between the two sides could also result in the scrapping of visa requirements by the two countries, Erdogan said.

Turkey signed a similar deal on visas wit Syria and Jordan

Erdogan said Turkey would supply natural gas and electricity to help meet Lebanon’s energy needs and that the two countries planned a ferry service between their Mediterranean coasts.

Media reports on Tuesday said Turkey also proposed the idea of “strategic cooperation” between the two countries similar to that of the Turkey-Syria High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council. UPI



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