Bishop Rai: Sfeir hasn’t received any invitation from Syria


The Syrian president Bashar al Assad complained the other day that he has not received any invitation to visit Lebanon and today Maronite Bishop of Jbeil Beshara Rai said that “the Syrians have not sent any invitation to Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir to visit Damascus.”

“I hope relations between Lebanon and Syria follow the diplomatic path and that the previous chapter has ended,” added Rai in an interview with MTV network.

Commenting on the disputes within the Christian community Rai said:

“We want the Maronites to play their role … and we support diversity within unity, Lebanon is characterized by diversity within unity and it loses its value in absence of diversified opinions and visions,”

Rai said that Bkirki supports inter-Christian reconciliation but added “the dispute in Lebanon, which is being incited by foreign powers, is between the Sunnis and Shiites, “calling on everyone to avoid the slide toward civil strife.



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