Iranian Speaker’s Claim: “Iran is the Main Pillar of the Lebanese People”


Lebanese protest against Iranian occupation of Lebanon through its proxy Hezbollah.

By Ali Hussein

During a recent session of the Iranian Shura Council, Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf, Speaker of the Iranian Parliament, made an outrageous statement regarding his visit to Lebanon. He remarked: “The significance of my visit to Beirut is not due to personal traits, but to the responsibility we carry within the framework of the Islamic Republic. It is Iran’s greatness and power that make its presence in the region an influential factor in international equations.” He went on to claim, “With the help of God Almighty, the main pillar of the Lebanese people, their leaders, and officials is Iran, its leader, and its people.”

This audacious statement is nothing short of a provocation to the Lebanese people. While there is no issue with the Iranian people, who are, by and large, ordinary and admirable individuals, they have the misfortune of living under a despotic theocratic regime. And it is this regime that many in Lebanon take issue with—because Lebanon has a major problem called Hezbollah. This armed militia, entirely funded and controlled by the Iranian regime, operates in service of Iran’s regional ambitions, not Lebanon’s.

No, Mr. Qalibaf, you are not the pillar of the Lebanese people. You are, in fact, one of the reasons Lebanon has collapsed as a functioning state. Your proxy, Hezbollah, has destabilized Lebanon and the wider Middle East to serve Iran’s interests.

With a so-called friend like the Iranian regime, the Shiites of Lebanon need no enemies.

The betrayal of the Lebanese Shiites, however, is the most devastating aspect of this relationship. For decades, many Shiites in Lebanon looked to Iran as a savior, believing that it would defend them in times of crisis. Yet, as Israel relentlessly bombarded Hezbollah’s strongholds in Lebanon, Iran stood by, doing nothing to support them. The Shiite community bore the brunt of this betrayal, suffering immense losses while Iran remained on the sidelines.

What’s worse is that Iran has even gone so far as to point the finger at Hezbollah for an alleged assassination attempt on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, further endangering the Shiites of Lebanon. By shifting blame onto Hezbollah, Iran risks the lives of countless more Shiites. With a so-called friend like the Iranian regime, the Shiites of Lebanon need no enemies.

We strongly urge you never to set foot in Lebanon again. To us, you represent nothing less than the colonizers who once invaded our lands, and perhaps even worse. Your regime has wrought more destruction and division in the Middle East than any colonial power in history.

The Lebanese were outraged when you audaciously offered to negotiate with France on our behalf regarding UN Resolution 1701, which pertains exclusively to Lebanon and Israel. Iran has no place in this discussion, and your interference is an insult to our sovereignty.

The day will come when the Iranian regime collapses, and when that day arrives, Mr. Qalibaf, you may seek refuge in Lebanon—not because we support you, but because we, as a free and civilized nation, might be your only safe haven. You will have nowhere else to go.



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