Time for the wise to rise and be counted in Israel. A call for peace in Gaza


 File: Former prime ministers Ehud Olmert and Ehud Barak. Both Olmert and Barak remain committed to finding a path to a two-state solution and remain interested in negotiating with Palestinians. It is time for both former Prime Ministers and other senior Israeli leaders to tell PM Netanyahu to end the violence and enough is enough . Coexistence should be the key to future coexistence

Coexistence must become the guiding principle of Israeli policy . The pursuit of total victory over Hamas in Gaza is a futile endeavor that will only perpetuate the cycle of violence and suffering. Israel’s future cannot be held hostage to the ambitions of a desperate individual

Ya Libnan Editorial

As tensions escalate in Israel and Gaza, it’s time for the nation’s leaders to heed the call of wisdom and pursue a path of peace and coexistence. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s hawkish stance and disregard for the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza signal a dangerous disregard for the future of Israel and its people.

Recent reports of potential violations of international humanitarian law by Israeli forces in Gaza, including the discovery of mass graves and the destruction of vital medical facilities, demand urgent attention and accountability. The decision by President Biden to pause a shipment of powerful bombs underscores the gravity of the situation and the need for restraint.

Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s scathing critique of Netanyahu’s motives, accusing him of prioritizing power over the well-being of the nation, rings alarmingly true. Netanyahu’s insistence on military escalation, despite mounting international condemnation and the absence of a clear path to victory, only prolongs the suffering of both Israelis and Palestinians.

It’s time for the wise voices of Israel to rise and be counted. The pursuit of total victory over Hamas is a futile endeavor that will only perpetuate the cycle of violence and suffering. Coexistence must become the guiding principle of Israeli policy, recognizing the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people for statehood and self-determination.

Netanyahu’s threats of fighting with “fingernails” in response to President Biden’s decision highlight the desperation of a leader clinging to power at any cost. But Israel’s future cannot be held hostage to the ambitions of one individual. The time has come to prioritize the interests of the nation and its people above political expediency.

The international community has long recognized the need for a Palestinian state, and Israel must embrace this reality if it is to secure a peaceful and prosperous future for all its citizens. The cycle of conflict and bloodshed has taken a heavy toll on both sides, and enough is enough.

In the face of adversity, it is the wisdom and courage of the people that will ultimately prevail. It’s time for Israel to choose the path of peace, dialogue, and reconciliation. The alternative is simply too grim to contemplate.
