Lebanon opposition to hold intensive talks to agree on presidential candidate


Lebanon opposition leaders decided to hold intensive meetings and consultations this week, in an attempt to agree on one presidential candidate, according to a report by Asharq al-Awsat newspaper

According to the report top opposition leaders are planning to meet with Change MPs, in a serious attempt to agree on one candidate who would face the Shiite Duo candidate, Marada movement leader Suleiman Franjieh, a key ally of the Iranian backed Hezbollah militant group and a close friend of Syria’s dictator Bashar Al Assad

Reaching a consensus on a presidential candidate is a complex and challenging process, and it requires , leadership, significant efforts , a multi-faceted approach and a willingness to compromise from all parties involved.

It is worth noting that international actors have also been involved in the process, advocating for a speedy resolution to the political crisis in Lebanon. The UN Special Coordinator forLebanon echoed the grave concerns of the Secretary-General and of the International Support Group for Lebanon over the lack of progress towards the election of a new President and called on Lebanese leaders to prioritize the country’s interests and reach a political agreement.

According to analysts if the oppositions will not agree on a candidate , Hezbollah will dictate who will be in Baabda and the Grand Serail for many years to come .

Many have been urging the Change and reform MPs s to show real leadership as the newly elected members of parliament and not act as if they are still demonstrating in the street against the ruling class. After all they are now part of the ruling class and have to prove to their constituents that got them that their vote made a difference . ” It is time to put an end to the blame game and to stop pointing fingers at each other ” One analyst told Ya Libnan

Lebanon , has been facing a political and economic crisis for several years The presidency in Lebanon is a crucial position, since the president is responsible for appointing the prime minister and forming the government. The current caretaker government cannot take make any important decision.
