Sheikh Qabalan blasted over accusing Patriarch Rai of treason

Grand Shiite Mufti al-Jaafari , Sheikh Ahmad Qabalan

Lebanese from all over the country flocked to Bkerke on Saturday to support Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros Al-Rai’s calls for a neutral Lebanon and an International conference to help save Lebanon

His Eminence, the Grand Shiite Mufti al-Jaafari , Sheikh Ahmad Qabalan who is closely associated with the Iranian backed Hezbollah militant group did not appreciate Patriarch’s calls and accused him of treason:

George Al Alam a prominent Lebanese political analyst and journalist responded to His Eminence, the Mufti al-Jaafari with the following letter :

How can the patriarch be a traitor?

A huge rally in Bkirki in support of Patriarch Rai’s neutrality calls. “No right shall be wasted. I understand your pain and anger well. I understand your revolt. Do not stay silent about politicizing the judiciary. Do not stay silent about illegal arms. Do not stay silent about innocents kept in prisons, or the naturalization of Palestinians. Do not stay silent about the coup against the state and system. Do not stay silent about the delayed government formation, or about reforms or our martyrs. .” Rai told the people at the rally

Is the one who demands the neutrality of his country from and around the region a traitor?
Is the one who calls for an international conference to protect the sovereignty of his country a traitor?

His Eminence, I will tell you who is the traitor:
The traitor is the one who carries the illegal weapon.

A traitor is the one who builds a state in the heart of the state.

A traitor is someone who drags his homeland into a devastating war and returns to say “If I – I knew.”

A traitor is someone who considers the militia’s occupation of Beirut’s streets and the killing of citizens a “glorious day.”

A traitor is someone who says that his money, food, equipment and weapons are from a foreign country

A traitor is someone who kills people on the roads because their opinions are different.

The traitor is the one who killed the Lebanese Prime Minister, Rafik Hariri.

The traitor is the one who killed and detonated the martyrs of the Cedar Revolution.

The traitor is the one who covers the theft of state funds in all of the following facilities: the port, the airport, the electricity, and others.

A traitor is someone who smuggles subsidized goods from the pockets of the Lebanese people into Syria.
A traitor is the one who killed and deserted the Syrian and Yemeni people and others.
The traitor is the one who considered Nahr al-Bared camp as a red line in the battle between the terrorists and the Lebanese army.

A traitor is someone who brags to be a soldier in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.
The traitor is the one who brought terrorists to Lebanon and returns them by air-conditioned buses.

The traitor is the one who kidnapped Boutros Khawand, Joseph Sader, and others, to serve his interests and those of the state backing him.

The traitor is the one who participated in the dialogue table and said about its decisions, “Soak them and drink their water.”

The traitor is the one who now concludes side agreements on the borders with your brutal imperialist isolationist enemy.

No, your Eminence, it is not permissible to accuse the Patriarch of treason because he is free.
He has carried our Lebanon on his shoulders for 1500 years. This is how his predecessors did, and so will his successors.

With all our respect to you, but when you will one day get the taste of being free, you will understand all this …



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