MP Nadim Gemayel said in a statement that “reconstruction is the responsibility of those who hijacked the state’s sovereignty and dragged the country into wars in service of a foreign agenda.
The state compensates when it is the one who makes the war and peace decision , but those who wage wars with the illusion of destroying Israel without considering the consequences, are the only ones responsible.
If we accept supporting compensation and reconstruction, it is only to confirm that the state is the only refuge for the Shiite community and the Lebanese, and not the militia that led them to destruction and death.”
Gemayel is referring to Hezbollah’s war against Israel which it waged on October 8, 2023.
Hezbollah did not consult with any Lebanese officials when it launched its attacks against Israel , reportedly to help its Iranian backed ally Hamas in Gaza.
The majority of the Lebanese people consider Hezbollah’s action as an attempt to increase Iran’s influence in Lebanon.
Hezbollah isa proxy of the Quds Force , the foreign arms of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard , IRGC
Hezbollah’s top leaders were all killed in the war and its current leader Naim Qassem fled to Tehran Iran last October for fear of being assassinated like his predecessors
Many in Lebanon have been saying that the Shiites of Lebanon, an essential and proud segment of the population deserve better leadership—leaders who put Lebanon first and work toward rebuilding the tens of thousands of Shiite homes destroyed by war. No nation should be led by a group that operates more like a “terrorist organization” for foreign interests than a true defender of its people.
Many say is time for the Shiites of Lebanon to rise against Hezbollah’s stranglehold and produce leaders who embrace Lebanon as their homeland, not as a mere outpost for Iranian influence.
Hezbollah’s former top leader Hassan Nasrallah who was assassinated last September pledged allegiance to Iran and its Supreme leader
Gemayel is the son of former president Bashir Gemayel who was assassinated in 1982 by the Syrian regime of Hafez al Assad, a close ally of Hezbollah and Iran