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Don’t feel bad when someone you love dies . His or her soul will live forever and you may meet again in real life.

For thousands of years many people believed that the human soul is immortal and after death the soul leaves the body . The existence of life after death is one of the greatest mysteries of humanity, but now scientists are claiming that there is no death of consciousness – just death of the body.

While scientists are still unsure about what exactly consciousness is, the University of Arizona’s Stuart Hameroff believes that it is merely information stored at a quantum level in the human cells.

British scientist at the forefront of this issue, physicist Sir Roger Penrose claims that humans have souls which don’t die . He claims to have found evidence that this information, which is stored in microtubules within human cells, leaves the body after a person dies.

Researchers from Max Planck Institute for physics in Munich agree and state that the physical universe that we live in is only our perception and once our physical bodies die, there is an infinite beyond.

Dr Hans-Peter Dürr, former head of the Max Planck Institute for Physics, has said: “What we consider the here and now, this world, it is actually just the material level that is comprehensible.

Dr Ian Stevenson, former Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and former chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, dedicated the majority of his career to finding evidence of reincarnation, until his death in 2007.

Dr Stevenson claims to have found over 3,000 examples of reincarnation during his time which he shared with the scientific community.

In a study titled ‘Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased Persons’, Dr Stevenson used facial recognition to analyse similarities between the claimant and their alleged prior incarnation, while also studying birth marks.

He wrote in his study: “About 35 per cent of children who claim to remember previous lives have birthmarks and/or birth defects that they (or adult informants) attribute to wounds on a person whose life the child remembers. The cases of 210 such children have been investigated.

“The birthmarks were usually areas of hairless, puckered skin; some were areas of little or no pigmentation (hypopigmented macules); others were areas of increased pigmentation (hyperpigmented nevi).

“The birth defects were nearly always of rare types. In cases in which a deceased person was identified the details of whose life unmistakably matched the child’s statements, a close correspondence was nearly always found between the birthmarks and/or birth defects on the child and the wounds on the deceased person.

In a separate study, Dr Stevenson interviewed three children who claimed to remember aspects of their previous lives.

The children made 30-40 statements each regarding memories that they themselves had not experienced, and through verification, he found that up to 92 per cent of the statements were correct.

Soultrace is here to help you trace your soul.
There are thousands of stories about people who reincarnated and in the process they brought with them the information previously stored at a quantum level in their former cells. They talk about their former life as they are living it today. They visit their former homes meet with their loved ones and friends and share many of their memories.

Some of the stories are amazing. What is shockingly most amazing is the quality and quantity of information some of these people brought along with them from previous life.

You or a person that means a lot to you may have been through such an experience . You may not know how or whom to contact to trace your soul and this is where Soultrace will help you.

You don’t have to worry about what religion you belong to . You may believe in Christianity, Islam, Bahá’í or Druse faith, Hinduism, Judaism, Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism..etc etc.. the soul has no boundaries and has existed way before any religion saw the light .

Reincarnation is the belief that when someone dies, his or her soul is funneled into a new body. Some systems of belief say people could be reincarnated as any living thing , while other systems of belief think that we may reincarnate as people over and over again. There are theories as to why this process exists, but no one knows for sure.

Scientists say they can prove the existence of the soul.

Reincarnation ‘is REAL

Scientists are still unsure as to what exactly consciousness is
Scientists are still unsure as to what exactly consciousness is

REINCARNATION is possible as consciousness is simply energy which is contained in our bodies and is released after death and can find a new host, according to an astonishing theory  SEAN MARTIN  reported on Express  company  website

Dr Jim Tucker spent 15 years interviewing young children who came to have been reincarnated.

For his book, Life After Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children’s Memories of Previous Lives, Dr Tucker interviewed 2,500 youngsters who show signs that they have been reincarnated – such as having memories that they had never experienced or having scars or birthmarks identical to the person that that they have supposedly been reincarnated from.

The psychiatrist from the University of Virginia says that reincarnation is possible thanks to consciousness being energy on a quantum, sub atomic level which is simply contained in our bodies, and not a part of them.

Exactly what consciousness remains a mystery to scientists, with researchers struggling to pin down exactly what it is.

According to some well-respected scientists, quantum mechanics allows consciousness to live on following the body’s eventual demise.

Dr Robert Lanza coined the phrase ‘biocentrism’ which is a theory that the consciousness is released into the universe through sub-atomic particles after death.

Dr Tucker has adapted this theory, and says that this stream of energy can find a new host.

Speaking to NPR, he said: “Some leading scientists in the past, like Max Planck, who’s the father of quantum theory, said that he viewed consciousness as fundamental and that matter was derived from it.

“So in that case, it would mean that consciousness would not necessarily be dependent on a physical brain in order to survive, and could continue after the physical brain and after the body dies.

“In these cases, it seems – at least, on the face of it – that a consciousness has then become attached to a new brain, and has shown up as past life memories.”

One of the people he interviewed was a young boy named James Leninger who was “the son of a Christian couple in Louisiana”.

The young boy, who was two years old at the time, was obsessed with his toy planes, and eventually started having nightmares where he was in a plane crash.

Dr Tucker continued: “During the day, he talked about this plane crash and said that he had been a pilot, and that he had flown off of a boat.

“And his dad asked him the name of it, and he said Natoma. And he said he had been shot down by the Japanese; that he had been killed at Iwo Jima; and that he had a friend on the boat named Jack Larsen.

“Well, it turns out that there was an aircraft carrier called the USS Natoma Bay that was stationed in the Pacific during World War II. In fact, it was involved in Iwo Jima.

“And it lost one pilot there, a young man named James Huston. James Huston’s plane crashed exactly the way that James Leininger had described – hit in the engine, exploding into fire, crashing into the water and quickly sinking.”

 Dr Tucker added: “Like with most of these cases, it faded away by the time he was 5 or 6 or 7, which is typical. But it was certainly there, quite strong, for some time.”
Many similar stories have been told time and time again and all these stories prove that Reincarnation is real

That said you may have been experiencing certain signs that your soul may be reincarnated. Here are some of the signs as outlined by Higher perspective:

Some signs and signals of Reincarnation

1. You keep having the same dream.

Dreams are a reflection of the things you see in your life. Did you know that, even if they seem very unfamiliar, every face in your dreams is one you’ve seen before? It’s that fact that compels me to add recurring dreams to this list. Do you have strange dreams that happen over and over again in the exact same way every time? Do people and places in these dreams appear to represent a particular period in history? Do you ever die in this dream? It might be a sign that your soul is recalling memories from a past life, one that your current incarnation didn’t experience but your previous one did. Of course, it’s not a sure fire sign of reincarnation. Yours may be a new soul still.

2. Your intuition is strong and incredibly useful.

Intuition stems from the ability to tap into wisdom and knowledge that isn’t readily available for us to articulate. Sometimes these bits and pieces of wisdom come from experiences you’ve had already in your life, but that isn’t always the case. Those of us who tend to be wise and in control may simply be more soulfully mature. If you have a strong intuition, it may be an indication that your soul springs from a well of past experiences just waiting to be tapped into.

3. Some of your memories seem like they’re out of place or don’t fit.

This happens to children in particular quite often. Kids are a lot closer to the crossing-over point for a soul than adults are, and they’re often able to recall things from past lives much easier. As a kid, did you have memories you couldn’t quite place? Did they take place with people who aren’t actually a part of your current life or in a period of time that doesn’t include the time you’ve been alive? Having out of place memories is common in people who have had past lives. The more past lives you’ve had, the more these memories may occur. The brain can play tricks on us though. So be careful not to rush to judgement on this one.

4. You routinely experience déjà vu.

This happens to everyone at some point or another, right? I’m not talking about the occasional bits and pieces of déjà vu we experience. I mean déjà vu that is clearly an indication that you’ve been somewhere before, met someone before, and it impacts your knowledge of certain things. People who have been reincarnated may visit an unfamiliar city or country and know exactly where things are and how to get around. People who have been reincarnated may know an older person – even their name and background, even though you haven’t actually met in this lifetime.

5. You’re strongly empathic.

Empaths are people who aren’t able to shake the feelings of others terribly well. Highly empathic people may have trouble being in a crowded space full of people. They often directly feel the experiences of the people around them. Sometimes people use empathy to forget their own problems and deal with other people. But it could be a real sign that your soul has had previous incarnations and is more geared toward healing the world than the self.

6. You often experience precognition.

Precognition, also called future sight and second sight, is the capability some of us have to obtain information about events that will happen in the future that isn’t generally available to us. One experiences precognition through visions, feelings, and sometimes dreams. Some consider it to be pseudo-science at best, while others experience as strongly as any of our five senses. In either case, it’s a sign that the soul has grown mature and is full of insightful energy.

7. You also experience retrocognition.

Easy enough: retrocognition is the polar opposition of precognition. Retrocognition allows you to access information and details from past events that aren’t generally available about said events. Retrocognition is incredibly difficult to prove, unlike precognition. Regardless of how well you’ve been able to prove it to others, genuinely experiencing retrocognition is a strong sign that you have lived past lives.

8. You’re “wise beyond your years.”

Are you young at heart? Or were you like me? My mother always joked that I was an old man from the day I was born. I didn’t engage in nearly as many childlike activities as a young man and preferred to have deep conversation with the adults in my life. This experience is called the “Soul Age” theory, which theorizes that souls that have been reincarnated many times acquire age that breaks through in our personalities. If you’re a new soul, you’re more likely to be young at heart for the rest of your life. If you’re an older or mature soul, it means you may have been reincarnated many times. One isn’t necessarily better than the other.

9. You have an exceptional draw toward certain times periods and cultures.

When you were a kid, did you have a draw to any time period or culture? Did you love the 1950’s? Did you feel deeply connected to other cultures, current or no longer in existence? You may even have a strange, strong draw to a certain type of work or employees of a particular profession. These affinities may be a sort of residue of a past life that was probably a pretty happy one. If you weren’t happy, you likely wouldn’t pine for it in this life, right? Immerse yourself in that time period or culture. Learn what there is to know. You might take some profound wisdom away with you.

10. You carry with you fears that you can’t explain.

I have a bizarre phobia of having organs removed from my body. I nearly fainted in a hospital years ago when a good friend of mine had his appendix removed. Is it possible that I died on the operating table? Another close friend of mine has always been deathly afraid of fountains and still, calm waters like lakes. Is it possible that he drowned in a past life? If you can remember places from your past life, and your past life comes through in your dreams, there’s no reason to think that the fears you held in your previous lives might still haunt you today. Meditate upon your fears and confront them. Break that cycle so your soul’s future incarnations don’t have to be afraid, should your soul continue on.

11. You don’t feel at home.

Not just in your home, but in your town. In your state. Even in your country, continent, or culture. You just don’t feel quite right about it. Yearning to feel like you’re home may be a sign that your soul had a love for a certain culture or period in time that it no longer gets to have, or that your soul may pine for the oneness that it occupies before being planted in a new body. Souls that have been around for a long time may feel a deep desire to go back to the collective pool of souls on the other side.

12. You made no strong connection with your parents.

This one is almost exclusively experienced in children. As a child, you might love and respect your parents, but you don’t have that pull toward them. That unconditional love and appreciation for them. Why? A previous incarnation may have died young, and it simply misses its parents from that time. Have you had dreams about having other parents? Could you recall their names and where they lived? Or did you never really have that close fondness with your parents? It may be a sign that you’ve lived once before.

And that wraps it up. These 12 signs we’ve talked about may be a firm indication that your soul has lived many times. Of course, there’s no guarantee that there is any type of incarnation. But one thing is for sure: this universe is filled with mysteries as numerous as they are baffling. In our lives, we must never stop asking questions about ourselves and the things around us.

12 You crave for deep  conversations  and connections

You have no appetite for small talk; you have an undeniable, relentless hunger for raw, real connections. For conversations that keep you on the edge of your seat, the kind that you could engage in for hours without getting bored. Many people have called you an old soul because you enjoy having meaningful conversations, possibly about the universe, science, history, philosophy, art, nature, or something of the sort. You get bored easily with conversations about gossip, jobs, fashion, or anything else superficial.

13 You have an  urge to faraway places

You might have memories of living in a certain country or city in a past life, and have an insatiable desire to go there once again in this life. You have a wandering soul, and because you realize that home isn’t a physical place, but a feeling in your heart, you want to go anywhere and everywhere on this Earth. However, you might feel drawn to a particular location or culture, possibly because you lived there in a past life.

This is how soutrace will work for you.

If you experience any of the signals mentioned above , we recommend that you create a Soultrace account in  which you post the relevant details that apply to your situation to invite people who can relate to your experience to contact you.

It is important to note that some people experiencing some of the above signals may be too young to create their own SoulTrace account and in such cases we recommend that parents do it. It only takes couple of minutes to create your SoulTrace account . Click sourcetrace to start.

date of birth day month year
approx time of birth

city,  Country   of birth
email address

List  signs and signals of Reincarnation

Remember this can be as private as you want it to be but the reward in being able to trace your soul can be enormous. At SoulTrace we know of so many amazing cases that prove reincarnation is real.


Tips on how to find your soul

10 year old Oklahoma boy

Ryan, a ten-year-old boy from Oklahoma, believes he is the reincarnation of Hollywood actor Marty Martyn, a man who died in 1964. Today reports that Ryan began having nightmares at age four and then at age five told his mother Cyndi, “I used to be somebody else.” “The then five-year-old would cry to his mother to take him “home to Hollywood” and recounted meeting Rita Hayworth, dancing on Broadway, and traveling the world. When his mother showed him a library book with pictures of movie stars, Ryan pointed to a photo of Martyn and said, “that’s me, that’s who I was.” His mom is a Baptist who didn’t previously believe in reincarnation. Child psychologist Dr. Jim Tucker at the University of Virginia examined Ryan, verified the details he claimed to remember and said almost none of that was available online. Tucker tells the story of Ryan and other children who claim to recall past lives in his book Return to Life.

Marty was born in Philadelphia in 1903. Ryan had talked a lot about a sister and also mentioned another one, and Marty had two sisters. His mother had curly brown hair, as Ryan as said. Ryan was right about dancing in New York, as Marty and one of his sisters went to New York to be dancers. He danced in various reviews on Broadway, and his sister became a well-known dancer there.

Birthmarks and Past Life

An old woman died in Thailand with the wish to reincarnate as a boy. Her daughter dipped a finger in white paste and marked the back of the woman’s neck with the paste.

Not long after the woman’s death, the daughter gave birth to a son with a white mark on the back of his neck that mirrored the white paste left on the woman’s neck. When the boy became old enough to talk, he would claim possession of things that belonged to his grandmother as though they’d always been his.

This is one of many cases recounted by Dr. Jim Tucker at the University of Virginia in which birthmarks seem to relate to past lives.

The late Dr. Ian Stevenson, whose work Tucker continues, investigated 210 cases of children with birthmarks or defects that related to memories they retained from past lives.

Stevenson obtained a post-mortem report in 49 cases. The wound and birthmark were within 10 square centimeters of each other on the body in 43 percent of these cases, and many were much closer to the same location.

A young boy remembers a past life “reincarnation” he had where he was murdered. The 3-year old correctly identified the spot he was buried, the village he was from, and the murderer. Watch this video


10 things everyone should know about reincarnation

Reincarnation is generally a   concept that implies that upon a select few’s deaths, their soul, mind or conscious is transferred to a new born.

It sounds like the stuff of fantasy, but some scientists do believe that it is a feasible concept.

Dr Ian Stevenson, former Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and former chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, dedicated the majority of his career to finding evidence of reincarnation, until his death in 2007.

Dr Stevenson claims to have found over 3,000 examples of reincarnation during his time which he shared with the scientific community.

The Science of Reincarnation watch this 

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