Bassil: Iran cannot use Lebanon to fight its war and we Lebanese support a ceasefire


The head of the Free Patriotic Movement, MP Gebran Bassil, stressed that Iran cannot use Lebanon to fight its war and the Lebanese support a ceasefire.

He added ” The problem today is not with Iran or Lebanon, but with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has military and logistical cover and is continuing to do so, and I believe that it is possible to expand further to achieve what he has always talked about.

Bassil pointed out in a television interview that we have no problem with the content of the statement issued by the tripartite meeting in Ain al-Tineh ( between Speaker Nabih Berri, Caretaker PM Najib Mikkati and former MP Walid Jumblatt), but in form it was provocative to many Lebanese, and in reality this is the ruling authority and it must bear responsibility and they must have realized that they cannot handle the matter alone, and we will not prevent the arrival of a president because his presence is better than his absence, and our national choice stems from our mind and the interest of our people and our country and we have no other calculations.

He added, “Christians cannot be outside the historical and founding role of Lebanon, and Christians are primarily concerned with the presidential entitlement, and nothing stops the war except the battleground, as the war cannot be stopped by the President of the Republic, and what is required is a national and Christian need to preserve the homeland, and we have no problem with anyone, and the most important thing is that we agree on what unites us, not what divides us.”

He asked, “Do you believe that every building that is bombed is a center for Hezbollah? The goal is to terrorize and displace people, and the forced displacement process aims to pit the people against each other, and we cannot stop Netanyahu, but rather protect our society from within, and as we have said in the past that the resistance alone cannot win, but must work with the state.”

He added, “For the people to stand firm, we cannot bankrupt the state and steal people’s money, then tell them to stand firm. We have been saying this for years in terms of confronting Israel with a strong state, and now we have reached what we have reached.”

He pointed out that the Free Patriotic Movement works with all regions, whether those who were displaced or those who remained, and Rmeish is affected, and I will not forget Ain Ebel, Debel, and the heroic people of Qleiaa who announced today that they will remain in their land, and all the people of the South who remained, and we tell them that you are the real heroes, no matter how much we are with you in thought and communications, the matter remains small in front of your steadfastness.

He continued, “What we are proposing is a bilateral consultation process to practically put together a list of who is acceptable to each party and who is rejected, so that we can see later whether the intersection can lead to it, and I am with the consensus and broad agreement on the presidential file, and I call for speeding up the election of a president, and therefore we are mobilized and meeting with all political forces without exception, and we do not have a candidate. He stressed that we must work to secure 86 votes to secure the quorum, not for the election, and the most important thing is to agree on the president.”

El Nashra



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