An urgent appeal to restore Lebanon’s sovereignty


Noufal Daou, a prominent Lebanese politician issued an urgent appeal on Saturday to former presidents Amin Gemayel, Michel Sleiman, former PMs Fouad Siniora and Tammam Salam, in addition to current and former MPs and ministers, party leaders, independent political figures, opinion leaders, and trade union and social activists, asking them to assume their responsibilities in this exceptional and dangerous phase that Lebanon is going through.

In his appeal, Daou called for “an immediate meeting with the aim of addressing Lebanese and Arab public opinion, especially the leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, Egypt, Jordan, and the international community, through the United Nations and the UN Security Council.” This move aims to “pressure the concerned parties to implement a series of demands that he considered necessary to preserve Lebanon’s sovereignty and stability.”

The most prominent demands included in the appeal:

1- Implementing international resolutions: Daou called for the full implementation of all international resolutions related to Lebanon, without any interpretations or interpretations, and stressed the need to dissolve all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias and completely disarm them, to ensure the security and stability of the country.

2- Implementing Resolution 1701 under Chapter VII: Noufal Daou called for requesting the UN Security Council to include the implementation of Resolution 1701 under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, which obliges all regional parties, especially Israel, Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, to fully adhere to its provisions. He focused on the importance of Article 15 of Resolution 1701, which stipulates the need to maintain security in the South and prevent any hostile acts.

3- Electing a President of the Republic: Daou stressed the need to oblige the parliament to elect a new President of the Republic in accordance with Resolution 1559 and the provisions of the Lebanese Constitution, and without any external interference. He also called for the formation of a sovereign government whose primary goal is to implement international resolutions and the Taif Agreement, considering this a ministerial statement to save Lebanon.

4- Arab and international tour: Daou proposed forming a delegation that includes former presidents Amin Gemayel, Michel Sleiman and former PMs Fouad Siniora, and Tammam Salam, in addition to heads and representatives of parliamentary blocs and parties. He explained that the aim of this tour is to request the support of Arab countries and the international community in restoring Lebanon’s Arab and international role and position.

5- Launching a “Marshall Plan” to rebuild Lebanon: Daou called for launching a “Marshall type Plan” for Lebanon, aiming to rebuild the country and build the national economy on the basis of a clear strategic partnership politically, economically, security-wise, and militarily with the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. He pointed out that this partnership must be explicit and serve the interests of Lebanon and its people.

At the end of his appeal, Noufal Daou stressed that “the current stage requires rapid and decisive action from all Lebanese leaders,” stressing that “international and regional solutions are the only way to ensure Lebanon’s stability and future.”

Source: Lebanon Debate website



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