Lebanese forces chief accuses Hezbollah of dragging Lebanon into war with Israel


The head of the largest Christian political party Lebanese Forces on Sunday accused Hezbollah of dragging the country into a war with Israel without consulting the people.

In a speech attacking the militia group, Samir Geagea, who heads the main Christian bloc in parliament, accused Hezbollah of “confiscating the Lebanese people’s decision on war and peace, as if there were no state”.

Since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas in October, Hezbollah has engaged in near daily cross-border fire with Israel in support of its Iranian-backed Palestinian ally, which the Lebanese Forces and other parties oppose.

The clashes are “a war that the Lebanese people reject, but has been imposed on them”, Geagea said in a speech to supporters in northern Beirut.

“It is a war that the Lebanese people do not want and over which the government has had no say. This war does not serve Lebanon, it has brought nothing to Gaza, nor alleviated its suffering one iota,” he added.

Iran-backed Hezbollah was the only Lebanese faction that did not disarm after the 1975-1990 civil war.

Its arsenal, which is significantly larger than that of the Lebanese army, is touted by its supporters as a shield against Israel but brought Lebanon only misery

Al Arabiya
