Families of American hostages held in Gaza blast Netanyahu’s speech


The relatives of the eight American hostages being held in Gaza criticize Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress earlier today as “political theater.”

“While we recognize the importance of some of the issues Prime Minister Netanyahu focused on in his address to Congress, we were profoundly disappointed he failed to deliver the message we have been waiting to hear for 292 days: the hostages are coming home,” the families say in a statement.

“He failed to present any new solutions or a new path forward. Above all, he failed to commit to the hostage deal that is now on the table even though Israel’s senior defense and intelligence officials have called on him to do so,” the American hostage families say.

“We need to put everything else aside and stop delaying for domestic political gains. Prime Minister Netanyahu, get the deal done and bring our loved ones home before it is too late.”

Times of Israel
