Speaker Johnson threatened to arrest lawmakers who interrupt Netanyahu’s speech at Congress


“I want you to know that there’s a number of Democrats in the House who have said they’re going to boycott the event … and then some others are going to protest,” Johnson said at a Republican Jewish Coalition event at the Republican National Convention earlier this week. 

“Listen, we’re going to have extra sergeants-at-arms on the floor, and if anybody gets out of hand, the speaker of the House will bang the gavel; we’re going to arrest people if we have to do it,” he continued. “We’re going to get the message out.”

Netanyahu is scheduled to address Congress on Wednesday, July 24. Some Democratic politicians have said they will boycott the event. 

According to Axios, Capitol Police will boost security for the event. 

The Washington Times reports that some members boycotting the speech include Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash.

The pro-Israel lobby AIPAC donated around $95000 to Speaker   Johnson after he led the House passage of an extra $14 billion for Israel last January according according to US media reports. He has so far received over $500, 000 from AIPAC according to the reports

In his first major move,  Johnson, R-La., used the bipartisan goal of providing aid to Israel to pick a fight with President Joe Biden over his signature achievement.

It is well known that the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee ( AIPAC) has been  targeting US House  members who have dared to object to the government’s support of Israel’s assault on Gaza.

Many democratic lawmakers plan to boycott Netanyahu’s speech .

Vice President Harris also has declined to preside over the Senate chamber when Netanyahu addresses the joint meeting of Congress on Wednesday afternoon, according to two people familiar with her plans as calls for boycotting the speech grow.

Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, will preside over the joint session of Congress on Wednesday , the senator’s office confirmed to The Hill on Monday

Just News/ News Agencies
