US official calls the last quintet meeting the most important and denied any disputes


Regional spokesman for the US State Department, Samuel Werberg, confirmed that “the five-member committee meeting was one of the most important meetings related to Middle East affairs, and I do not want to go into its details, but it was an important opportunity for us to meet with America’s allies and partners to discuss the importance of the political process in Lebanon and the importance of forming a government.” He asserted that “there is no disagreement between the gathered parties because we agree on the necessity of proceeding with the required economic reforms.”

During an exclusive interview with Al-Jadeed conducted by our correspondent in New York, Ramez Al-Qadi, about the United States setting a specific time period for the presidential elections in Lebanon, Werberg denied what was being circulated, considering it an attempt to confuse the American position aimed at Lebanon choosing its president and forming a government at the appropriate time for the Lebanese. He added: “We urge all Lebanese parties to expedite the completion of this entitlement, but there is no truth to all these lies.”

Regarding Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri’s call for dialogue, the regional spokesman pointed out America’s readiness to provide any technical assistance, adding: “No country has the right to impose its will on all Lebanese political components, and we will remain in contact with all parties.

Werberg denounced the targeting of the American embassy in Beirut, saying: We strongly condemn the shooting operation. Our ambassador in Beirut, Dorothy Shea informed PM Najib Mikati of our confidence in the Lebanese security authorities in terms of following up on the circumstances of this act. We are awaiting the outcome of the investigation. There is no fear for security in Beirut. We are taking all necessary measures to protect ourselves and we are communicating closely with the security authorities to prevent the recurrence of such an incident.”

The regional spokesman thanked the country and people of Lebanon for hosting Syrian refugees for many years, stressing that “the United States, the United Nations and all other countries must provide financial support to the Lebanese state, because it has borne these burdens for a long time,” adding: “A solution to the Syrian displacement crisis must be sought.” The United States does not consider that today’s conditions are suitable for their return to their country, but it does not accept the current conditions in Lebanon.”

Regarding America’s support for the protests in the Suwayda region, Werberg denied US support for them, saying: “After 12 years of these repeated events in Syria, it has become clear that the Syrian regime is responsible for all the conflicts and unrest that the Syrian people are suffering from, and it is the greatest witness to the negligence.of the state to their requirements.

Al Jadeed , translated from Arabic



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