Complete silence in Lebanon over Iran’s airport 20 km from Israeli border


MP Ghada Ayoub a member of the Lebanese Forces parliamentary commented on the claim that Iran is setting up an airport in south Lebanon about 20 kilometers from the Israeli border

She said that the area referred to is located in the Jezzine district, and for about 30 years there have been occupied lands whose owners are prohibited from entering and investing on the pretext that they include military bases and training areas for “Hezbollah.”

Ayoub said in a statement to Asharq Al-Awsat: “After the information circulating about the presence of a military airport there belonging to Iran, the issue has become linked to Lebanese sovereignty, and the government and security services must respond officially to the allegations, because, if true, they lead to major security and military risks.”

For his part, the head of the “Our Lady of the Mountain Meeting,” former MP Fares Saeed, said, “It is not strange for Hezbollah or Iran to have a military airport on Lebanese territory, given Tehran’s full control over Lebanon. What is strange is the complete silence from the Lebanese government.” And the Lebanese Army is facing these facts.” Saeed stressed in a statement to Asharq Al-Awsat that “the concerned parties must answer a set of questions, whether or not the airport is located in the area of Resolution 1701 operations. Does the Lebanese army know of its existence and what is the Lebanese government’s position on the matter?” He said: “This news is not marginal and may be within the framework of an Israeli warning, meaning that if some drones reach the Israeli depth, the Lebanese government will bear responsibility.”

According to observers, there are several areas that are occupied by Hezbollah whose owners are prohibited from entering and investing on the pretext that they include military bases and training areas for “Hezbollah.” Toumat Niha in the Shouf area has been occupied by Hezbollah for many years and Its landowners are prohibited from entering it.

Gemayel: Lebanon is occupied by Hezbollah

During a speech at a ceremony held in Batroun, the head of the Phalange Party, MP Sami Gemayel, commented about Hezbollah and its obstruction of the election of a Lebanese president: “Our problem is that we are a hostage and under occupation by a Lebanese instrument, and the countries that want to help Lebanon must work to lift this occupation from it, including the presence of external forces interfering in its affairs and financing and arming Lebanese parties, and they must “put an end to its interference because it places us before impossible choices.”

El Nashra
