Gemayel: “Lebanon is occupied by Hezbollah”, appeals for help in lifting the occupation


The head of the Phalange Party, MP Sami Gemayel, said that “the dispute in Lebanon is not over the name of the president of the republic, the formation of a government, or the approval of laws. Rather, there is an armed party, funded and managed from abroad, that wants to impose its will on the Lebanese. And to those who come to Lebanon with the logic that they want To reconcile the Lebanese, we say: “We do not ask anyone to do this work. We can resolve the dispute between us as Lebanese by heading to the House of Representatives and adhering to the democratic laws so that they are the decisive factor.”

During his speech at a ceremony held in Batroun, he pointed out that “our problem is that we are a hostage and under occupation by a Lebanese instrument, and the countries that want to help Lebanon must work to lift this occupation from it, including the presence of external forces interfering in its affairs and financing and arming Lebanese parties, and they must “Put an end to its interference because it places us before impossible choices.”

A cartoon showing Lebanon’s transformation from Switzerland of the East to a colony of Iran. Many Lebanese now feel that Lebanon is an Iranian colony. For Iran Hezbollah in Lebanon is Iran in Lebanon and Iran reportedly considers its border starts in Hezbollah’s stronghold of south Lebanon.

He pointed out that “the presidential elections in Lebanon have ended and we are facing a new reality. The elections are taking place within a specific deadline that passed several months ago. They have their own mechanisms and have been violated and the principles on which they are conducted have been violated. Also, the elections assume equality between the Lebanese, which is missing due to the presence of weapons, and what we are witnessing today.” In the constitutional scientific sense, it is a coup carried out by Hezbollah against the Lebanese state to put its final control over the country, and everything that is promoted other than that to suggest that the matter is nothing more than disagreements between the Lebanese is in fact a process of fraud, and the reality is that there is an armed militia that controls the country and carries out assassinations, threats, and obstruction operations. To impose the Republic that it wants, despite the will of the Lebanese, and this is the truth.”

Translated from Elnashra article in Arabic
