Salameh’s deputies blasted by Brigidair Gen. Hamdan. Tells them you are party to his crime


Brigadier General Mustafa Hamdan, the secretary general of the independent Nasserite movement, the “Mourabitoun”, blasted the 4 deputies of Central Bank Governor , Riad Salameh over their threat to resign and tells them they are just like him

“Oh, the four deputies, you are partners with Riad Salameh, and you are like him, you destroyed the Lebanese currency, you embezzled public funds and you were involved in money laundering in Lebanon, and you should be in jail with him because each one of you follows one of the corrupt sectarian leaders.

He added: “Do not threaten our Lebanese people with resignation, and practice intellectual terrorism at the instigation of your leaders because you are partners with Riad Salameh in the flagrant crime against him.”

Hamdan is a retired army general, who served as the head of the the presidential guard of former president Emile Lahoud

Longtime governor Riad Salameh’s term expires at the end of July and one of the deputy governors told Reuters on Thursday they were considering quitting together if no successor is named, raising the possibility of the central bank being left leaderless amid a deep financial crisis.

Lebanon’s breakdown in governance and political tensions have hamstrung efforts to find a successor to Salameh, whose 30-year tenure has been stained by charges at home and abroad of embezzlement of public funds in Lebanon. He denies the charges.

In a statement to Reuters, Deputy PM Saade Chami said on Friday that deputy governors of Lebanon’s central bank should run it if no governor is appointed by the end of the month, calling their threat to collectively resign “dangerous”.

Chami said the deputy governors should “assume their responsibility in case this appointment is not possible…The threat of resignation implied by the statement is dangerous at this critical juncture.”
