Abbas won’t recognize Israel as a Jewish State


abbas defPalestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is rejecting a key demand of the United States and Israel as part of ongoing peace talks that would lead to the creation of a Palestinian state.

“They are pressing and saying, ‘no peace without the Jewish state,’” Abbas said in remarks released Friday by the official Palestinian news agency WAFA. “There is no way. We will not accept.”

Recognizing Israel as a Jewish state is believed to be part of the blueprint for an agreement developed by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. He hoped to win endorsements from Israel and the Palestinians on an outline for a peace agreement by the end of next month.

President Obama has repeatedly referred to Israel as the Jewish state, most recently in his State of the Union speech in January. Still, in an interview with journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, Obama cast Abbas as a political moderate and put the onus on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to sign on to the proposals.

“There comes a point where you can’t manage this [conflict] anymore, and then you start having to make very difficult choices,” Obama said.

Abbas’ statement shows that Obama’s message was misdirected.

Abbas is scheduled to visit the White House on March 17. Many Palestinians and their supporters believe that yielding on Israel’s Jewish identity would forfeit leverage on any Palestinian “right of return.” Kerry’s blueprint reportedly includes provisions allowing thousands of Palestinians to live inside Israel, but not near the tidal wave Palestinians demand. The volume that Palestinians seek could threaten Israel’s Jewish majority.

In his remarks, Abbas indicated Palestinians might turn to “popular resistance” to gain concessions. And he would again try for recognition of a Palestinian state at the United Nations.

Israel’s foes also promise a more aggressive campaign to boycott Israel products and try to force institutions to divest from companies doing business in Israel. It is significant to remember, therefore, who is saying “no way” to the new proposals.

In a speech Monday at the American-Israel Public Affairs Council’s annual meeting, Netanyahu praised the U.S.-led effort, spoke of the mutual benefits peace could bring the region and challenged Abbas to respond in kind.

“Just as Israel is prepared to recognize a Palestinian state, the Palestinians must be prepared to recognize a Jewish state,” Netanyahu said. “President Abbas, recognize the Jewish state, and in doing so, you would be telling your people, the Palestinians, that while we might have a territorial dispute, the right of the Jewish people to a state of their own is beyond dispute.

“You would be telling Palestinians to abandon the fantasy of flooding Israel with refugees, or amputating parts of the Negev and the Galilee. In recognizing the Jewish state, you would finally making clear that you are truly prepared to end the conflict. So recognize the Jewish state. No excuses, no delays, it’s time.”




110 responses to “Abbas won’t recognize Israel as a Jewish State”

  1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    As much as I want the Palestinians out of Lebanon, until you recognize the jewish state then why should they make peace with you? make this deal for your people not because you’re afraid of your reputation.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      He’s Netanyahoooooo puppet.
      nagy..tell me, who has the absolute power, there’s only 15% of Palestinian land left, with olive tree uprooters settlers living there, on top of it Natanyahooooo said yesterdaay, making peace
      is dangerous for litlle Israel.

      1. cook2half Avatar

        Who rejected a state in 1937, 1948, 1967, 2000, 2001 and 2008 (and now)? Your dear Arabs who call themselves “Palestinians” who by the way never had a state and historically were never a distinct people – meaning your claims of a “palestinian land” is baseless and playing with words

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          There was no state called Israel neither… It is an invented state and an invented people… They should go back to Europe and Russia and you cookie back to Persia where you must stoop and kiss the ass of every divaneh Mullah… LOL

          1. cook2half Avatar

            Oh dats anti-Semitic lol

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Spell the Semitic race.

          3. cook2half Avatar

            الشعب السامي 🙂

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            In English please, unless you didn’t study Anthropology, except in Aipac Madrasses

          5. cook2half Avatar

            katabet ‘al-sha3eb el-samee’ bel 3arabee

            Sho kenek nasee 3arabee? yeeeeeeee sho ensawe

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            In English to be polite.. there is one Semitic race in existence in the World-
            Arab and Jews – when you say anti-Semitic, it’s born in Europe.

          7. cook2half Avatar

            I know I know

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Damn good thing Europeans invented something, then. 😉

          9. Patience2 Avatar

            Yessss, ONE! I’ve heard it said that Jews are merely Arabs that changed their religion. And then the Arabs created Islam because the Jews wouldn’t let them play in their sandbox.

          10. Hannibal Avatar

            It is… and broud of it 😛

          11. cook2half Avatar

            🙂 At least we aint one of them bruv, we’re both foreigners. I have a suggestion, from now on lets refer to Jews/Arabs as ‘the sand people’ lol

          12. Hannibal Avatar

            You mean sand niggers?

          13. cook2half Avatar

            Thats right, like those 2 L.A. gangstas that went to fight for Assad lol!

          14. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You know you can’t say the ‘N’ word … it’s not fashionable … ‘black sandies’ could work.

          15. cook2half Avatar

            As an alternative how about negar? naga.. neiga.. egg.. negen? negar

        2. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          They were the same as their neighbors expect they didn’t get any independence, they were sold like merchandise by Foreign Powers, what’s
          not their’s to sell. Churchil sold Palestine to Rothschilde President of the World Zionnist Mouvement.for Money..i can’t understand how they could take a whole country, call it as you wish, the cities, the streets, the buildings, orange and olive trees.. were built and planted by the Palestinians, how can they Take all that for free and not Pay?? Never understood.

          1. cook2half Avatar

            As far as I know they purchased property from the Ottomans no? Many Arabs also immigrated there at the same time.

            At first they were offered a state inside the whole of Palestine in 1917 (including transjordan) but in the end only ended up with 10% of that.

          2. cook2half Avatar

            “The area was under populated and remained economically stagnant until the arrival of the first Zionist pioneers in the 1880′s, who came to rebuild the Jewish land. The country had remained “The Holy Land” in the religious and historic consciousness of mankind, which associated it with the Bible and the history of the Jewish people. Jewish development of the country also attracted large numbers of other immigrants — both Jewish and Arab. The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts… Houses were all of mud. No windows were anywhere to be seen… The plows used were of wood… The yields were very poor… Schools did not exist… The rate of infant mortality was very high… The western part, toward the sea, was almost a desert… Many ruins were scattered over the area, as owing to the prevalence of malaria, many villages were deserted by their inhabitants.” — The report of the British Royal Commission, 1913

          3. Hannibal Avatar

            There is NOTHING holy about it… Let me take you for a trip to wadi qadisha and you will find that God dwells the land…

          4. cook2half Avatar

            Also nothing holy about eastern Jerusalem and the West Bank when the Arabs had that for 19 years. Its only when the Jews move somewhere that the fight over land starts.

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            East-Jerusalem was the holy site were pilgrims came since Middle Ages desperate ridiculous liar..

          6. cook2half Avatar

            There was never in history such a thing as “east Jerusalem”, its always been one city like any other. Good luck in dividing modern cities now.

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yah … only citizens say ‘I was born on the East Side’. 🙂
            The way the ‘news’ reports which ‘zones’ and ‘blocks’ of Damascus are being bombed today confuses everyone into thinking there are different cities there, if they had only looked at a world-map before hearing of it. 😉
            Of course, Beirut and Tripoli feel the same. ‘Hey, I was born in Bab-Al-Dumbo – that’s MY country’. :-)))

          8. cook2half Avatar

            Oh well the people in each neighborhood are different no doubt, but just saying especially with modern cities where everywhere is so connected to each other (e.g. the rail in Jerusalem) good luck in dividing it, we’re not in 1945 with a ruined city

          9. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Stupidity, cookie, is that the whole DAMNED place is probably smaller than the ‘Golden Horseshoe’ around one end of Lake Ontario – where idiots created an ‘amalgamated financial city’ on some of the best farmland anywhere … but people still pump out the chest and say ‘I was born in Cabbagetown.’ Try to find THAT on a world map. :-))) But then, all admit to being Canadians too.
            The friend in Beirut says to me: ‘You’re going to Tripoli?? Ohhh .. be careful … it’s a different country.’ And THERE is the problem in a nutshell.

          10. cook2half Avatar

            🙂 I never liked Jerusalem, boring and no fun

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Oh, I imagine boring … too damn much ‘religion’ in it.

          12. cook2half Avatar

            Here’s a true story – 4 years ago me and my friend were visiting and were by the wall (the one where the over-dressed people go lol!) and some guy shouted at us as to why we’re dressed casually bla bla blaaaa. Eventually said we’re non-Jews and he calmed down lol..

          13. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Ideed, “there was never in history such a thing as East Jerusalem its always been one city like any other”…except that East Jerusalem represent the old part situated on East side of the green line..West Jerusalem had bars, night clubs, discotheques and other debaucheries. Historian researches found that Palestinians, Christians, Moslems and Jews lived in harmony..(before).

          14. cook2half Avatar

            Oh yeah harmony when the Ottoman Empire oppressed all these people for 500 years and made them illiterate, you think under such circumstances anyone would raise a flag or talk about land? But straight after the Ottoman Empire collapsed in 1918, there was the Hebron massacre against the Jews by the Arabs, let us not forget (wink wink 😉

            The Jordanian-occupied eastern part was captured and is annexed to Israel. Jerusalem is one city and is Israel’s unified and eternal capital.

            And lol, ive been to Jerusalem and I have no idea what “night clubs” or “bars” you are talking about, there is no such thing. Good luck dividing a modern city, its unheard of.

          15. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Ahh! Please not again, i’m so sick and tierd to read this over and over,
            i don’t care to disuss it’s ridiculous.. you all have one track mind, fed by your instructures about a time you did not live in reality on the ground in Middle East History.. why on earth do you want to teach it? No room for any discussion. so talk about little jokes, bye!

          16. cook2half Avatar

            Its a discussion board what else does one do here……..

          17. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Loosing time.

          18. cook2half Avatar

            Are you married

          19. man-o-war Avatar

            Wrong website cook, I think you’re looking for match.Com or eharmony. I’m sure you can find yourself a good kosher Jewish girl on there. Don’t give up hope, you’re young

          20. cook2half Avatar

            🙂 Things have not been easy on that side, although am quite busy with something else that it can wait

          21. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Divorced, you’re not a very polite person.. i would never ask that.

          22. cook2half Avatar

            Sorry if it came as offensive, you can ask me things if you like

          23. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I wouldn’t’s all propaganda….!

          24. cook2half Avatar

            Nope, im just a normal person watching a movie at 3 am, nothing propaganda outside discussions

          25. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You were too young to sneak into them ….

          26. cook2half Avatar

            Ive been to Akko many many times – it has an old city (with walls and everything) and then there’s the rest. I wonder by Hind’s logic whether this makes Akko a “divided city” too…

          27. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I ment nothing, i just explained the “east” of Jerusalem is the part divided by 1967 green line.. so it’s annexed, case closed, blablabla..what an ugly name Akko, it was always called Acre.

          28. cook2half Avatar


          29. cook2half Avatar

            No it isnt Jewish its an Arab city

          30. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            The name you said is ugly .. Acre and Jaffa were in Palestine, Napoleon’s soldiers and the population were decimated by “la Peste” in english Pandemic?

          31. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Lots of Mosquitoes in Lebanon. A bug that carries a much smaller bug which kills big strong godly humans. Interestingly ….

          32. cook2half Avatar

            I dont pronounce it like that, I say Akka. But thats how its written on road signs

          33. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            AKKa is right. Acre is in French….so is la Peste; Plague in Inglisi ?
            If you think ..(or i) the atrocities today are horrible you should read
            about Napoleon in Akka…and Jaffa

          34. cook2half Avatar

            When I was there several times I saw cannon balls that have gone halfway through the walls, quite interesting

          35. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And therefore, one assumes, ALL on the west side. 😉
            East-side was reserved for ‘Friday, Saturday, Sunday’ variances ??

          36. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I never undesrtand what you say and what it means, i find no meanings…
            What is it to you, why you don’t understand this. Good bye.

          37. cook2half Avatar

            And by the way it was our holy land before these sand people immigrated, still is

          38. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            They started to call it the “holy land” in Europe because of Jesus, there were
            no experts on the Bible, they were primitive, no questions, Popes ruled Europe flat World, Popes went to War, Popes created Wars, Popes sent the Crusades for Jesus. There was no “holy land” before. .

          39. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Come tomorow i’ll show you a picture from 1914, six generations= grand-grand mother on my mother side, her sister, nephew, niece and an English lady friend visitor, sitting in the living room with Assyrian frescoes walls..
            The report talks about camels.. Zios are such wiesels, (there were no camels in Haifa), it describes fellah and Bedouin areas, bordering Egypt “mud houses”.. Good propaganda.

          40. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Even if not ‘faulty’, ALL the Middle East seen through the eyes of a ‘Brit’ in that period would have been a desperate place. An inhabitant would have viewed it differently, dork, as probably did the ‘Zionists’ who had more ‘backing’, and maybe some garnered technology, to attempt ‘greening’ a desert which had only produced the thought that a god must be the reason for making it so bloody hard to live in.

          41. Hannibal Avatar

            Hmmmmm… That describes the entire middle east… INCLUDING LEBANON, SYRIA, PALESTINE, JORDAN etc. etc. The Ottomans plundered and oppressed the people as they hated anybody who was not Turk… including the Maronites, the Druze, the Armenians, the Jews etc… They even had an edict that you no longer were allowed to use Arabic script nor any other languages but Turkish… So I wonder Mr. smart cookie HOW would you like an area to evolve under such oppressive conditions? The spirit of an entire nation was crushed by a Nazi like nation but the difference is that the Jews those little whiners knew how to play their cards and cried to the world whereas the Middle Eastern nations were claimed but wannabe kings who claimed they were descended from a prophet and usurped the will of the people.
            Below you will see 2 pictures… The first is of Lebanese Maronites building a church in 1920, and the second is a view of Jerusalem from the church of the nativity… I wonder where are the mud houses? So stop your propaganda cookie because Israel could have been born in the center of Iran and the course of history would have been different.
            After centuries of occupation a lot of Jews were born in the land… In reality nobody wants to see them gone… Nobody is going to do to them what they did to others… The majority of us want the peace and some land to put the Palestinians in a country they can finally call home.

          42. cook2half Avatar

            I find it interesting that somehow you and 5th came to some conclusion that my above post is there to demonstrate that other countries were in better/excellent conditions. I never said that.

            A place to call home? Jordan is 77% of historic palestine, the one person thats not palestinian there is the king (even his wife is palestinian). We dont need a second palestinian state or a 23rd Arab state. You only support a palestinian Arab state because Jews are there, but the plain truth is that when Jordan and Egypt controlled today’s occupied territories for 19 years no one spoke of a palestinian people or a palestinian state. Here’s an extract from the PLO charter:

            “This organization does not exercise any regional sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in the Gaza Strip or the Himmah area.”

            They are plain Arabs who fled a war whose descendants should be absorbed by the countries they were born in (including West Bank Arabs who until 1988 were Jordanian citizens), just how Israel absorbed the 820,000 Jewish refugees instead of establishing some terrorist organization like UNRWA that keeps people homeless.

          43. Hannibal Avatar

            Let me tell you this… I come from North Lebanon… I lived ALL my life in Beirut then the U.S. and I am happy to go in the Summer back to my tiny village where my parents and grand parents and my grand grand parents are buried. Despite that I have been most of my life outside my village it is and will always be MY HOME… qaryati… MY VILLAGE. Without land and belonging you will always be lost inside… The Jews understood that why don’t you?
            In my opinion the country should be all one and managed like Switzerland as cantons some with Jewish majorities and others with Palestinian majorities but with one federated government. THAT will be the BEST formula for peace never mind splitting the entire region to small tick-ass sized countries.

          44. cook2half Avatar

            But you were born there. Both me, my mother and grandmother have British passports and they left at the time of the Shah, im not one to call Tehran “my home” and the same applies to anyone else, like the descendants of the 100 million Europeans displaced from their homes after 1945. Why should the grandchildren of Arab palestinian refugees have some special right and us not?

            By the way, the original definition of these Arab palestinian refugees registered by UNRWA was – “persons whose normal place of residence was Palestine during the period June 1, 1946 to May 15, 1948, and who lost both home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 conflict.” Its a fact that many many Arabs immigrated to that land looking for work in that period, are you seriously comparing someone indigenous to his country like yourself with these lot?

            That Jews deserve to keep their state that they have worked hard to keep for 66 years. The PA loons who can keep their foreign handouts and leave the rest of us within the green line alone. They can have their state in areas A and B (40% of the territory).

          45. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well, Hannibal, they will never put a cabinet together to create that constitution.
            Will tell you a strange tale. First time I set foot in the ‘Leb-place’ in ’71, I had the ‘home feeling’ … especially at about the 5000-ft level in late summer. It just felt ‘right’. The old Roman Collesium at Tyre gave it out too on the next trip. And the memory of those feelings (and young ladies) brought me back when it wasn’t so risky too. Wild and crazy guy, eh?
            But then, on the beach of St. Maarten – French side – I had the same feeling.
            I don’t think it was, necessarily, the 1000 or so naked bodies there. Reflection over the years about those feelings makes me think it was more to do with weather …. although there might be some genes directing things in there …. and considering everything, I’d rather return to St. Maarten and be free.

          46. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Go to Ethiopia and see wooden plows still being used. Man works the land as he sees fit – not always as some salesman pushes him to think it should be.

          47. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Neither of us likes the uprooting or burning. We understand the olives take longer than one lifetime. And in that sense, they are like ‘peace’ – and I think better than making a path with palm-fronds.
            But if one ‘side’ offers the olive branch from the tree he cut, it can be tended, re-rooted, and give something to next generations. You may not forgive the original cutting – but see there is some recognition of the wrong in the offer of the branch. Now it is up to you to accept that, and re-plant. Yes, generations pass again.
            Nothing is ‘instant’ expect silly tweets and flash-bulbs.
            Backing tree-cutters is equally as bad as not accepting the ‘now’ and nurturing the offered branch for a future orchard – perhaps not exactly on the rotted roots of the ancient ones, but close.

          48. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            What olive branch, who’s offering an olive branch?
            Olive trees don’t take one generation, they take 4 generations to reach maturity, when i was young i saw the old man lying on the soldier feet, begging and crying not to cut his grand grand grand fathers lives.. his sons trying to lift him up with no succes, i was crying, i will never forget the painful scene, now its the settlers know nothing about the deep love Palestinians had for their land. No forigner can understand this.

          49. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Actually, I said ‘lifetime’. And I suppose if you make that only 5 years it could be 80 generations. Why not say ‘8 generations’ if you marry at age 13?
            Don’t be so DAMNED pedantic.

          50. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            “4 is ten” people pic their family accounts, to match one century the Olive tree take to reach full maturity.. i don’t have to be precise, but your Arabesques abstractions on ..” cuting” (kill the tree), replanting blabla offering an olive branch.. I don’t undestand nothing.!!
            You took the liberty to call me “pedantic”, permit me to say; your drawers are so empty you have to step on the gas pedal..too hard.. that you become pedantic.

          51. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Pedal to the metal … yes. Never enough time.

          52. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Gaz pedal = accelerator

          53. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            always enough time to pedal here.

          54. cook2half Avatar

            The Kurds never got independence, and lets not forget theyre a population of 40 million with a distinct language and history and ethnicity (non-semites), and you’re complaining about a bunch of nomads who are already a majority in Jordan?

          55. master09 Avatar

            Try Cyprus. Sounds just like.

          56. 5thDrawer Avatar

            It IS … :-)))

        3. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Wouldn’t accept Lebanese citizenship when it was offered either.
          So, here we have two ‘stateless peoples’ who can’t agree on how to split one given away by a conqueror. Weird. Almost Sounds like Crimea. 😉

          1. cook2half Avatar

            Wait what? I never knew they were offered citizenship by the Lebanese. Whiny little troublemakers huh.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Why would they accept citizenship when they have a country, that it was stolen changes nothing.

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Did you become a ‘Canadian’. ?? Somebody offered it.

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Why would somebody “offere it”? Don’t understand.

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I had assumed you didn’t drift into the east-coast shore , walk into the nearest small town, and ask a Taxi-driver for a lift to Toronto, like some Shri-Lankans did.
            That most were allowed to stay astounds me, of course.
            That some thought they had some ‘right’ to just land in the fog is weird.
            Perhaps you are like ‘others’ who feel if they ‘buy’ their way in, they own the place? That they automatically instantly have all the rights of a citizen born on the land???
            :-O Canada. It’s a sad world of misunderstanding out there.

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I am Lebanese i have a Lebanese passeport, my father sent me to a French college at 15, he had two sisters here, i hated the cold, the brick houses an
            my aunts, made terrible scenes to get out of here, later i came back married
            a Canadian. Do you request more informations? You’re sick.. i take leave.

          7. cook2half Avatar

            I was born with a Canadian passport =)

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            How’s that, how many you have crook2half?

          9. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Sounds like one for every 5 years of his life. 😉

          10. cook2half Avatar

            I have 2 =)

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Wasn’t asking for ‘personal history’ revelations. We were talking about ‘concept’.
            A Country has citizens. They decide collectively that they could accept some immigration – of people who could be good for their country. Those are people who want to emigrate from where they are.
            They (the country) set up ‘rules’ for this – to which all who wish to ‘join’ will need to ascribe for a period of time, at least; and hopefully ‘forever’ with future baby-citizens if it proves good for them. THE COUNTRY ‘OFFERS’ a place in the lists, and eventual citizenship – under the RULES they have set out for it.
            It’s an offer. NOT a ‘right’. And people are free to go too. Only some hardy stock gets through the year to enjoy three months that can feel like Lebanon – OR they decide that the benefits outweigh the snow-factor anyway. And eventually they apply for that Valued Citizenship. Which was OFFERED… IF they survived the initiations. (this past winter was a little brutal I admit … even citizens seemed to be anxious to head south for the much-advertised by Florida ‘Break of Various Non-denominational Names’.)(Flying is half the fun.)
            NOW, IF you want to hold onto a passport from somewhere else that you couldn’t stand to live in, they allow that too. You can pay for the renewals if you want in various places … tax is tax, after all.
            NO-ONE is telling you not to be ‘proud’ of a heritage, and the ancient culture is interesting. Doesn’t help much, of course, in -20C unless you came from Siberia.
            One of the ‘lenient rules’ is involving marriage things. And Aunts can help.
            BUT IT WAS AN OFFER. Sometimes I think some should check the weather of the last hundred years … to sort of have an idea of what they think they want to accept when they want to pack a bag and move … don’t complain to me.

          12. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Why are telling me all this?

          13. master09 Avatar

            I’m happy all the time, don’t stress about me.

          14. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yes you were Demanding and very personal.. the ‘concept’ was the Palestinians..not me, you lost a whole page of writing i’m not interested
            in your “tone” in fact, i abhore it. Gute naght

          15. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            We were talking about Palestinians cityzenship..what made jump at me?
            A 5th Scotch? Are you obsessed you can’t keep focus? never mind..

          16. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You asked, ‘why would they accept?’ I would ask ‘why not? Many DO when offered.’ You seemed to be confused by what is an ‘offer’.
            I wasn’t digging for a life history. So I gave a ‘general concept’. Not me who personalized it.

          17. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            We are not going to discuss this subject.. or any.

          18. 5thDrawer Avatar

            That, I agree to.

          19. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Why you ask me “how i became a Canadian ?? Somebody offered it.”
            my stalker “like” you can help him find me…

        4. master09 Avatar

          Yes I would like to see the two nations stand next one another like the flags you show.

          1. cook2half Avatar

            Oh great youre finally the first person to comment on the picture =) وأخيرا

            Two beautiful democratic countries in a sea of dictatorships and surrounded by enemies

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (snicker snicker, snicker …)

      2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        My dear Hind what can you expect from Palestinians who created problems in Jordan and Lebanon? how can I believe what they did to Israel in order for Israel annexed most of their properties. I am sad in general to see many innocent palestinians hurt in the conflict. But its their leaders who keep taking them in the wrong directions. I am not saying the Israelis are innocent. they’re very greedy and especially the extremists jews. Most secular jews do not like them anyway. All I am saying is call the israeli bluff and tell them we recognize you. Now give up east jerusalem and other areas you’re occupying. So tell me Hind why do the resistance in Lebanon insisting on having the formula people, army, resistance and they’re attacking anyone who doesn’t want to follow it. don’t you call that also Arrogance?
        I am just tired of seeing palestinians everywhere and lebanon are out of control. we have extermists breeding in the camps and i want these camps cleaned from them. Israel need to take lots of them back like or not?? i for one support a few thousands palestinians in Lebanon and grant them work and citizenship. Why not take the bright minds and have them be part of Lebanese societies. Israel will be forced not only thru US and western allies but also thru its people if the palestinians show leniency and stop this nonsense armed struggle where they have never won it. follow the Ghandi ideology and they will win the war trust me. Before Arafat Left Lebanon in 1982 forcefully, Ghadafi the most lunatic arab leader told him. Sacrifice few hundreds and you will gain sympathy and you will benefit a lot from it. Well that’s what happened after Sabra and Shatilla. If Arafat cared about his people he would not have tried to overthrow King Hussein of Jordan or the Lebanese gov’t.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          I know ..but Arrafat signed a peace treaty wit Rabin, extremist Likout voter
          killed him, the murder of Rabin was blessed by the grand Rabbi…all these
          years passed worsening the lives of the Palestinians, Arrafat died, Abbas
          became Israeli policeman for the Palestinian, the only strong intelligent leader
          is in prison since more than 20 years, Israel wants week Palestinian leaders, they want week Arab neighbors, menshan heik ham biekherbu kull el bilad, kull shee rah al jehanam, wahad yom rah biekhdu libnan, ballachou be souria.

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            Nobody can take Lebanon… On the way out an Israeli soldier said I am happy to leave it as this is a cursed country… Every Lebanese will become a bomb against ANY invader… Let anyone try including the takfiris…

      3. master09 Avatar


        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Your master degree is baseless

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Zionist present love you:)

      1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        I have bad news for them I only love Lebanon and all Lebanese from all sects. I despised Christians when they’re killing Muslims and vice versa. I just wish we all care about Lebanon and unite instead of argue and fight.. take care and good night.

  2. cook2half Avatar

    Oh yeah go ahead Abbas tell us what kind of state Israel is then, never mind the coin/flag/national anthem/history/name of the country/ethnic majority/language/holidays/Sabbath/leaders

  3. One day, all the world will worship the Great King, God walking amongst men, that we can love, adore, hug, talk too, and fellowship with forever……..A God who has drawn near to us, and desires our friendship……..

    Revelation 21:3…….
    And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I’d go with the hugging … always thought the best slogan was ‘Make Love, Not War’ … fellowship was a bit of a stretch, but sistership didn’t seem too much to ask for on the naked beach … and there IS a scotch I adore … I’m READY !!
      Ok, Cross. Find me a goddess to worship. 😉

  4. Maybe it should be called Bani Israil بني إسرائيل and maybe everything split 50/50 between them.

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