Mikati is fed up of dealing with Aoun, Al Akhbar


Visitors of Prime Minister Nagib Mikati were quoted by al Akhbar news paper as saying ” the PM can longer stand the Aounists and is fed up of dealing with them”.

This is a possible reference to Free patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun and his ministers in the cabinet who stormed out of last Wednesday’s cabinet meeting .

The visitors added that Mikati will not be trying to contact any of Aoun’s ministers to try to resolve the current crisis



  1. Patience2 Avatar

    So!  Someone important is finally tired of ‘Mr. Potty-Mouth’ screaming in his face.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I’m sure more of them are tired of him … just need some leadership.

      1. MeYosemite Avatar

        Yeah, now when aoun threatens he will complain to Nassie, Mikati will answer Nassie who?

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I’m sure more of them are tired of him … just need some leadership.

  2.  Avatar

    So!  Someone important is finally tired of ‘Mr. Potty-Mouth’ screaming in his face.

    1.  Avatar

      I’m sure more of them are tired of him … just need some leadership.

      1.  Avatar

        Yeah, now when aoun threatens he will complain to Nassie, Mikati will answer Nassie who?

    2.  Avatar

      I’m sure more of them are tired of him … just need some leadership.

  3.  Avatar

    So!  Someone important is finally tired of ‘Mr. Potty-Mouth’ screaming in his face.

  4.  Avatar

    they are fed up with you but you are fed up with them. They say youre a fool but youre only a syrian tool. HA may think youre cool but lebanon thinks youre a fool. Without you my pathetic life has no meaning though you have no feelings. I cant even think about you turning 80 soon and either becoming brain dead or just dead so ill act like youre 40 and hang photos of you while you still had hair and people used to think you care.

    Im no poet but Im trying

    1.  Avatar

      Hehehehe … well, at least as bad as poor libnan1 … 🙂

  5. Patience2 Avatar

    Y’know, that Ad-Picture above of the 3 chicks in dark glasses reminds me of the ‘Manson Girls’ of yesteryear.  Shows my age, I guess. The Ads change, so be ‘patient’ !! No pun intended.

  6.  Avatar

    Y’know, that Ad-Picture above of the 3 chicks in dark glasses reminds me of the ‘Manson Girls’ of yesteryear.  Shows my age, I guess.

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