Lebanon easy to swallow but hard to digest, UK envoy


The British ambassador to Lebanon, Tom Fletcher said on Tuesday “that Lebanon may be easy to swallow, but hard to digest,” and praised “the talent and intelligence enjoyed by the Lebanese people.”

He said during a ceremony in his honor by the “Standarad Chartered” bank that he decided to come to Lebanon and not other countries “because this country is unique and debates we see here we do not see in other countries.”

He expressed confidence over Britain’s ability to support stability in Lebanon through the support of the Lebanese armed forces, which plays an important role in unifying the country, as well as working with Lebanon on the economic level , in addition to supporting some of the ongoing projects on the Lebanese economy, such as increasing the speed of the Internet and improving the infrastructure, and all this is in the interest of both countries. ”

He called for the need to work out the best way to fund the Special Tribunal for Lebanon ( STL) the International Tribunal.

اعتبر السفير البريطاني في لبنان طوم فليتشر “أن لبنان قد يكون سهل البلع، لكنه صعب الهضم”، مشيدا “بالموهبة والذكاء اللذين يتمتع بهما الشعب اللبناني”.

واكد في حفل تكريم اقامه على شرفه بنك “ستانداراد شارترد” أنه اختار المجيء الى لبنان دون غيره من البلدان “لأنه بلد فريد والنقاشات الموجودة فيه لا نراها في البلدان الأخرى”.

وأبدى ثقته “بقدرة بريطانيا على دعم الاستقرار في لبنان من خلال دعم القوات المسلحة اللبنانية التي تلعب دورا مهما في توحيد البلاد، وكذلك العمل مع لبنان على الصعيد الاقتصادي خصوصا مع القطاع الجغرافي، بالاضافة الى دعم بعض المشاريع التي تسير قدما بالاقتصاد اللبناني، وتطور سرعة الانترنت وتحسن البنية التحتية، وهذا الامر فيه مصلحة للبلدين”.

واشار الى ضرورة العمل على تأمين الطريقة الفضلى لتمويل المحكمة الدولية.



6 responses to “Lebanon easy to swallow but hard to digest, UK envoy”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Something faster than the world’s slowest internet would be nice.

  2.  Avatar

    Something faster than the world’s slowest internet would be nice.

  3. antar2011 Avatar

    perhaps soon he will regret his decision to come to lebanon 🙂

  4.  Avatar

    perhaps soon he will regret his decision to come to lebanon 🙂

  5. You Look so nice at hadis albalad

  6. You Look so nice at hadis albalad

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