Hariri, Gemayel met for talks over recent developments


Outgoing Prime Minister Saad Hariri met with former Lebanese president and current Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel on Monday evening at his downtown prime ministerial residence.

According to a statement from Hariri’s office, the meeting covered the most recent political developments in the country.

This comes after Gemayel criticized the Hezbollah led March 8 alliance during a press conference on Monday accusing them of changing their own rules.

“We do not understand … consensus was not accepted, and they did not accept that the democratic game be governed according to the exact course that they specified during the terms of the past two governments.

He was referring to the pressure that was exerted by the March 8 alliance on former PM Fouad Siniora and outgoing pm Saad Hariri to secure a blocking third in the cabinet citing consensus and national unity as the basis for their demands.

The Iranian- and Syria-backed Hezbollah along with its March 8 allies and MP Walid Jumblatt brought down PM Saad Hariri’s government on January 12 over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s ( STL) indictment which is widely expected to implicate Hezbollah members in the assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri in 2005 .

Mikati, who was backed by Hezbollah and its March 8 allies including Jumblatt and Mohammad Safadi, was appointed by president Michel Suleiman as PM-designate to form and head the next cabinet , giving Hezbollah and its allies increased leverage in the country and provoking widespread protests.
