Wahab calls for overthrowing the government


Former minister Wiam Wahab called on the March 8 coalition ministers to resign and overthrow the government as soon as possible because the government cannot continue to work in the current situation, the National News Agency (NNA) reported on Tuesday.

Wahab, a staunch ally of Syria made the statement following his meeting with former President Emile Lahoud.

“Let the opposition surprise them by resigning from government before they surprise us with the indictment,” he stressed.

Wahab is referring to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) indictment.

Tension escalated in Lebanon after reports said that the STL will soon issue its indictment into the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Last July, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that the tribunal is “an Israeli project” that will indict Hezbollah members. Nasrallah accused Israel of being behind Hariri’s assassination but refused to provide the evidence to STL. Some March 8 coalition politicians have been calling for the abolition of the tribunal, while Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun and former head of General Security Jamil as-Sayyed publicly attacked the government.

Wahab also called on President Michel Suleiman to take action in order to face worst situations that might occur. If the STL aims to sabotage Lebanon, we will overthrow it and prevent those who cooperate with it from doing so. He also said that the president can request aborting the functioning of the STL.

Ali Hussein a political analyst told Ya Libnan last August : “Both Hezbollah and Syria use Wahab on regular basis to do their dirty work….whatever he has been saying ever since 2004 has always been reflecting the thinking of the Syrian and Hezbollah leadership.”



40 responses to “Wahab calls for overthrowing the government”

  1. this guys head burns me… everytime i look at it i wanna bash it..dunno much about him though, but he seems shit

  2.  Avatar

    this guys head burns me… everytime i look at it i wanna bash it..dunno much about him though, but he seems shit

  3. Too bad that our freedom of speech is used by people like this monkey, give him a banana and let him shove it you know where….no the other hole 🙂

  4. Too bad that our freedom of speech is used by people like this monkey, give him a banana and let him shove it you know where….no the other hole 🙂

  5. Leborigine Avatar

    There is only one thing I would like to say to you and I am only going to say it once, so please pay attention………..OINK!

    1. LOL too funny Leb

  6.  Avatar

    There is only one thing I would like to say to you and I am only going to say it once, so please pay attention………..OINK!

  7. Look at his face….like a stuffed pig who has been living off the hard work and sweat of the Lebanese people! Slaughter house is where he belongs!

  8.  Avatar

    Look at his face….like a stuffed pig who has been living off the hard work and sweat of the Lebanese people! Slaughter house is where he belongs!

  9. If you and the so called opposition (an opposition does not take part in a government!) stop your attacks and daily threats that are causing the tension,the government can do work!!!!!

  10.  Avatar

    If you and the so called opposition (an opposition does not take part in a government!) stop your attacks and daily threats that are causing the tension,the government can do work!!!!!

  11. Since this guy is a EX minister what gives him the right to continue to tell the government what to do and also threaten it? As I see it he should be arrested just the same as the poor guys who get harassed for bagging out the president on facebook!… is this idiot not threatening security just the same???

    1. you are absolutely right, only In Lebanon the ex politicians keep talking and try to keep the same power, do you hear about George Bush, or Jacques Chirac, or any politician in the westen world once they ‘re done with their term they go for t their regular business, right a book ,it is not their fault it is the stupid TV stations and Newspaper in Lebanon that send reporters and cover their conference call in order to sell , it is also our Tribal ( takhalouf ) behaviour that we keep praising leader after they’re done. Look at Lahoud , Annahar and TV’s and other still cover him , why? their opinion doesn’t count anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have a serious problem and all of us we should be writing letters to newpapers and TV stations to stop this crap!!!!!!

  12. Since this guy is a EX minister what gives him the right to continue to tell the government what to do and also threaten it? As I see it he should be arrested just the same as the poor guys who get harassed for bagging out the president on facebook!… is this idiot not threatening security just the same???

    1.  Avatar

      you are absolutely right, only In Lebanon the ex politicians keep talking and try to keep the same power, do you hear about George Bush, or Jacques Chirac, or any politician in the westen world once they ‘re done with their term they go for t their regular business, right a book ,it is not their fault it is the stupid TV stations and Newspaper in Lebanon that send reporters and cover their conference call in order to sell , it is also our Tribal ( takhalouf ) behaviour that we keep praising leader after they’re done. Look at Lahoud , Annahar and TV’s and other still cover him , why? their opinion doesn’t count anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have a serious problem and all of us we should be writing letters to newpapers and TV stations to stop this crap!!!!!!

    2.  Avatar

      Needed to add that always in the news you hear “wa kad sarraha al wazir al sabek, or al rais al sabeK” do the realize it is ” AL SABEK” why they need to cover what the past is saying !!!!!

  13. I am not sure why he’s in Lebanon , he’s so in love with Syria and the Syrian regime , does Syria allow gay marriage , him and Mouallem will make a perfect couple !!!

  14.  Avatar

    I am not sure why he’s in Lebanon , he’s so in love with Syria and the Syrian regime , does Syria allow gay marriage , him and Mouallem will make a perfect couple !!!

  15. I am not sure why he’s in Lebanon , he’s so in love with Syria and the Syrian regime , does Syria allow gay marriage , him and Mouallem will make a perfect couple !!

  16.  Avatar

    I am not sure why he’s in Lebanon , he’s so in love with Syria and the Syrian regime , does Syria allow gay marriage , him and Mouallem will make a perfect couple !!

  17. seriously hwy he doesn’t consider losing some weight before thinking of throwing the government ,I guess the Syrian like chubby men!!!

  18.  Avatar

    seriously hwy he doesn’t consider losing some weight before thinking of throwing the government ,I guess the Syrian like chubby men!!!

  19. Every time you look at Wahhab,Najjad, you realize that Darwin theory about human is the descendant of the monkey become clearer:)))))!!!

  20. Every time you look at Wahhab,Najjad, you realize that Darwin theory about human is the descendant of the monkey become clearer:)))))!!!

  21.  Avatar

    Every time you look at Wahhab,Najjad, you realize that Darwin theory about human is the descendant of the monkey become clearer:)))))!!!

  22. “People were considerate with you at first because your father is a martyr, but today they have become bored with you. You’re playing with the country, not with Playstation!” Tawhid Movement leader Wiam Wahhab said in a shout out to Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Monday.

    Ok, let me translate this for you guys, just in case you don’t speak the douche bag dialect.

    “Your dad, Rafik Hariri, was considered by many to be a heroic leader and guiding figure in the effort to bring this country back together after 15 years of civil war. My dad was a nobody.

    My jealous feelings for you extend far beyond normal levels of resentment and envy. Basically, Saad, I want to be you; a person in power, holding a legitimate position, and surrounded by people who believe in my cause.

    I don’t really have a greater political cause. I just call on people to resign…. a lot. And I often perform in a one-man play titled, ‘the dirty mouthpiece for the suits from the country next door.’ Ummm… I also wish I had a Playstation, but my dad didn’t care enough to buy me one.”

    Hey Wheezy… Antoine Dodson asked me to pass along this message: So you can run and tell that. Homeboy!

    Who’s up for pooling some money together to buy Wheezy an X-box?

  23.  Avatar

    “People were considerate with you at first because your father is a martyr, but today they have become bored with you. You’re playing with the country, not with Playstation!” Tawhid Movement leader Wiam Wahhab said in a shout out to Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Monday.

    Ok, let me translate this for you guys, just in case you don’t speak the douche bag dialect.

    “Your dad, Rafik Hariri, was considered by many to be a heroic leader and guiding figure in the effort to bring this country back together after 15 years of civil war. My dad was a nobody.

    My jealous feelings for you extend far beyond normal levels of resentment and envy. Basically, Saad, I want to be you; a person in power, holding a legitimate position, and surrounded by people who believe in my cause.

    I don’t really have a greater political cause. I just call on people to resign…. a lot. And I often perform in a one-man play titled, ‘the dirty mouthpiece for the suits from the country next door.’ Ummm… I also wish I had a Playstation, but my dad didn’t care enough to buy me one.”

    Hey Wheezy… Antoine Dodson asked me to pass along this message: So you can run and tell that. Homeboy!

    Who’s up for pooling some money together to buy Wheezy an X-box?

  24. josephphd Avatar

    no one listened to your dumm ass when you were minister why sould any one listen to you now fool?

  25. josephphd Avatar

    no one listened to your dumm ass when you were minister why sould any one listen to you now fool?

  26.  Avatar

    no one listened to your dumm ass when you were minister why sould any one listen to you now fool?

  27. Only In Lebanon the ex politicians keep talking and try to keep the same power, do you hear about George Bush, or Jacques Chirac, or any politician in the westen world once they ‘re done with their term they go for t their regular business, right a book ,it is not their fault it is the stupid TV stations and Newspaper in Lebanon that send reporters and cover their conference call in order to sell , it is also our Tribal ( takhalouf ) behaviour that we keep praising leader after they’re done. Look at Lahoud , Annahar and TV’s and other still cover him , why? their opinion doesn’t count anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have a serious problem and all of us we should be writing letters to newpapers and TV stations to stop this crap!!!!!

  28. Only In Lebanon the ex politicians keep talking and try to keep the same power, do you hear about George Bush, or Jacques Chirac, or any politician in the westen world once they ‘re done with their term they go for t their regular business, right a book ,it is not their fault it is the stupid TV stations and Newspaper in Lebanon that send reporters and cover their conference call in order to sell , it is also our Tribal ( takhalouf ) behaviour that we keep praising leader after they’re done. Look at Lahoud , Annahar and TV’s and other still cover him , why? their opinion doesn’t count anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have a serious problem and all of us we should be writing letters to newpapers and TV stations to stop this crap!!!!!

  29.  Avatar

    Only In Lebanon the ex politicians keep talking and try to keep the same power, do you hear about George Bush, or Jacques Chirac, or any politician in the westen world once they ‘re done with their term they go for t their regular business, right a book ,it is not their fault it is the stupid TV stations and Newspaper in Lebanon that send reporters and cover their conference call in order to sell , it is also our Tribal ( takhalouf ) behaviour that we keep praising leader after they’re done. Look at Lahoud , Annahar and TV’s and other still cover him , why? their opinion doesn’t count anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have a serious problem and all of us we should be writing letters to newpapers and TV stations to stop this crap!!!!!

  30. Seriously why you don’t go throw yourself over a hill in Aramoun once for all !!!

  31.  Avatar

    Seriously why you don’t go throw yourself over a hill in Aramoun once for all !!!

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