Jumblatt criticizes Libya summit, praises democracy in Iraq


Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt criticized the outcome of Libya’s Arab summit , saying ” it emphasized the continuous Arab course of deterioration and regression, especially in terms of refraining to take any vital decisions on the issue of the historical Arab-Israeli conflict in the region.”

In his weekly editorial in PSP’s al-Anbaa, Jumblatt added: “As if everything happening on the ground in Palestine is an issue that does not require adopting drastic and strategic choices that allow us to leave this dark tunnel we have been stuck in since long decades.”

However, Jumblatt announced that it was not expected to witness “major strategic breakthroughs in this summit, in a fashion that contradicts the experiences of some of the previous Arab summits.”

Jumblatt also criticized the summit for not tackling other important issues

“It was possible to discuss less drastic issues such as combating illiteracy, poverty and desertification in addition to fortifying economic cooperation, activating inter-Arab trading and expanding the grounds for Arab investment across the Arab region.

“These issues benefit the Arab societies and peoples who still need a lot of developmental, educational, social and humanitarian efforts in more than one region.”

On the other hand, Jumblatt congratulated the Iraqi people “who overcame this democratic challenge with a lot of confidence and hope through insisting on democracy.”

Jumblatt advised the Iraqis to “emulate Lebanon in adopting the pattern of consensual democracy, which despite being imperfect remains necessary for providing a broad political representation and avoiding the slide toward disputes.”

He expressed hope that unity in Iraq will be preserved after the withdrawal of foreign forces.

Jumblatt condemned “the terrorist bombings that took place in Moscow” .

“These bombings highlight again the necessity of vigilance against terrorism whose repercussions affect everyone without exception.”
