March 14 holds its meeting at Bristol


march 14 meeting 013110The meeting of March 14 alliance at the Bristol hotel which aims at preparations for February 14 , commemoration , the date that will mark the 5th anniversary of the assassination of of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri has started.

Sunday’s meeting is the first for the March 14 alliance since May 26, 2009.

Prior to the meeting March 14 general-secretariat coordinator Fares Soueid aid Soai said invitations have been sent to all March 14 supporters. The only negative reply came from Nassib Lahoud’s Democratic Renewal movement which announced that it would not attend the Bristol meeting although it would participate in the Feb. 14 event.

The Democratic Gathering bloc which is headed by MP Walid Jumblatt did not also attend. In a statement the bloc said after its own meeting which was chaired by Jumblatt that it is determined to “stay out of political alignments and past divisions.”

There were rumors that Prime Minister Saad Hariri will also not attend Sunday’s meeting, but he surely did prove the rumors wrong . Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea, Deputy speaker Farid makari and former Lebanese president Amin Gemayel and a large number of MPs attended also
