Syria’s FM slams Turkish leader after Assad comments


erdogan israel hitlerSyria’s Foreign Ministry said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan supports terrorism and bears “prime responsibility for the bloodshed in Syria.”

The ministry fired back after Erdogan on Wednesday called Syrian President Bashar Assad a “terrorist” who should have no part in Syria’s post-conflict future.

Erdogan’s comments were his sharpest against the Syrian president in months and came as Turkey, Russia and Iran are trying to advance peace efforts.

Turkey is a supporter of the Syrian opposition, which said Assad should have no role in any future political transition. The government, which has gained the upper hand in the civil war thanks to heavy Russian and Iranian support, has adamantly rejected that demand.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry said Erdogan has offered “limitless support” to all kinds of “terrorist groups.” The Syrian government refers to all those who have taken up arms against it, including mainstream opposition groups, as terrorists.

An Nahar



18 responses to “Syria’s FM slams Turkish leader after Assad comments”

  1. The socialmedia is turning to battlefield that is out of control.
    The Syrian government refers to all those who have taken up arms (as well as the socialmedia opposition groups) against it, including mainstream opposition groups, as terrorists.

    Like the resent start och a soft “censorship” so called “Pending” when it comes to quotes from Twitter.
    However on Twitter it is not a new phenomena, as I pointed earlier;

    “Till yesterday Ahed’s twitter account was online (@ahedAlTamimi), today @twitter decided to delete the account.”
    “… did they do it under orders of the Israeli entity ..”

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar

      Dec. 2016? You already showed this haha..!.
      Soon you will give yourself an uppie as Guest, using his Matrix account.

  2. Danny Farah Avatar
    Danny Farah

    Erdogan the monkey you and Assad need to go. You are a dictator as well and nothing but an opportunist and a troublemaker.

  3. This is a classic case of a toad shagging a viper. Even though Erdogan’s blood harvest has so far been somewhat more modest than Assad’s.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar

      WW1 ‘6 million Jews’ figure was a brainwash for WW2. To steal Palestine Lebanon Syria From the Nile to the Euphrates Zionist motto.

      “Sun of New York 6/6/1915- 6 Million Jews 1/2 of world Jewry persecuted”

      “New York Times 10/18/1918- 6 Million Jews plead for help rebuilding after war”.

      “NYT 9/8/1919- 6 Million Jews in peril”

      “NYT 11/12/1919- 6 Million Jews starving & diseased”

      “Atlanta Constitution 2/23/1920- Emergency fund to save 6 Million Jews..”

      What Russian Government?
      “From these lines it is clear that the party organization in Tver only really began to function towards the end of 1915.”

      1. How’s your Nazi copypaste relevant to what I wrote, you crazy hag?

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar

          Because i have nothing to tell insist on trolling here to insult, while barbarian soldiers kill school children, don’t come give lessons to Lebanon.

        2. Hind Abyad Avatar

          You’re right about the ZioNazi though..and hag your mother.

        3. Hind Abyad Avatar

          You’re a Zionist troll and your comments are perverse.

    2. Do not worry, the new Turkish sultan only started his cleansing.
      Erdoğan has turned his country into a gulag state, branding millions of citizens as terrorists.

      Recep Tayyip Erdoğan accuses Germany of ‘mercilessly supporting terrorism’

      Erdoğan and Benjamin Netanyahu traded insults…. Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called Israel a “terror state”, days after the US decided to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. [Yasin Bulbul/Pool Photo via AP]

      Turkey and Israel accuse each other of supporting terror in row over Jerusalem decision.

    3. Niemals Avatar

      Remember my remark? .. is not always successful.

      One might expect more freedom than in Turkey….

        1. Niemals Avatar

          It will be interesting to see Abyss reaction (if the Abyss react at all…), so far nothing – only this Kuwaiti report: “US gives Israel go-ahead to kill powerful Iranian general”…

  4. Watching the Hawks
    .. and who is watching the 2 Actors and a film director that are required to produce Watching the Hawks on

    The socialmedia is turning to battlefield that is out of control.

  5. Hind Abyad Avatar

    -The word “Jew” did not come into existence until the year 1775 A.D., whereas the occurrences in the bible took place from around 4000 B.C. to 70 A.D.


    Its modern connotation points to someone who follows and adheres to a faith similar to that of the Pharisees of Judah, but is not of the tribe and stock of Judah. In other words, Jews are people from nations other than the 12 Hebrew tribes who practice a religion known as Judaism/Pharisaism, the doctrine of the Pharisees.-

  6. The bilateral relations between Greece and Turkey are not the best.
    Athens now grants asylum to an qalleged coup plotter.

    Ankara reacts indignantly.

    One of the eight military men who fled to Greece by helicopter in July 2016 during the failed military coup in Turkey has been granted asylum in Greece. According to the transmitter Skai, the man has already been released.

    Even in the last resort, Greek judges found that there was no guarantee that the man in Turkey would expect a fair human rights-compliant procedure.
    The Turkish government in Ankara strongly condemned the decision. [dpa]

    Will Athen now grants asylum to Iranians too?

  7. Erdoğan is outraged at US support for Kurdish fighters in Syria with Ankara claiming that the US is forming a “terror army.”.

    Recep Tayyip Erdoğan accuses Germany of ‘mercilessly supporting terrorism’
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan called Israel a “terror state”

    Turkey-US relations ‘entering a risky period’, its about time to dismiss Turkey as NATO member state.

    On Monday Erdoğan lambasted US plans to form a 30,000-strong Kurdish-led border security force in Syria, vowing to “drown this army of terror before it is born.”
    He also warned US troops against intervening should Turkey launch a new operation against the main Syrian Kurdish militia, known as the People’s Defense Units, or YPG.

    This is a very serious development and it comes against the background of several years of friction now, specifically over the issue of American support for the YPG and an even longer history of American differences with Turkey over policies towards the Kurds.

    Trump and Erdoğan must be careful of the language they use, because this can easily inflame an already potentially explosive situation.

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