Hezbollah chief calls for Saudi- Iran dialogue, says it is only way forward


nasrallahThe chief of Lebanon’s Hezbollah group is telling Saudi Arabia that dialogue with Iran is the only way forward, lashing out at the kingdom’s lavish royal welcome of U.S. president Donald Trump.

In a speech Thursday, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said the U.S. president is ‘only interested in money’ and is the most ‘racist’ U.S. president against Arabs and Muslims. He says the Saudi welcome and deals signed are a sign of the kingdom’s weakness.

Nasrallah accused Saudi Arabia of bribing Trump:

“Saudi Arabia is behind the takfiri thought and the takfiri groups and the entire world knows this, that’s why the Saudi regime sought to offer a bribe to (U.S. President Donald) Trump,” Nasrallah added, referring to the deals that were signed between Riyadh and Washington during Trump’s visit.

Nasrallah was speaking days after Trump signed a $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia aimed at bolstering Saudi security, and after the U.S. State Department announced sanctions on senior Hezbollah leader Hashem Safieddine.

Nasrallah dismissed the sanctions as laughable and said such summits and declarations “will not make any difference.”

Slamming Hezbollah and Hamas in his speech at the Arab Islamic American Summit, Trump blamed Iran for destabilizing the Middle East and called for a crackdown on its allies, including Hezbollah.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah was formed by the Quds force, the International arm of The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a branch of the Iranian military. Both Saudi Arabia and the US consider Hezbollah a terrorist organization.
AP/ Lebanese media



104 responses to “Hezbollah chief calls for Saudi- Iran dialogue, says it is only way forward”

  1. Danny Farah Avatar
    Danny Farah

    what is it your business what the Saudi did for Trump? Are you jealous? what’s your problem punk? the Iranians are doing you the same. You care about the Shiites in Bahrain, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. But it was okay when Khameini hired your assassins to beat and kill Iranians protesters and sodomize In Ivan Prison? where these Sunnis protesting the election of then ahmed najedi whatever his name was..do you remember some of the protesters lying in their own blood and no one brought them ambulances and they were even prohibited to help. you want to show your humanitarian side toward Bahrain and Yemen Shiites even though they were living much better than your squatters in Dahia now.. what propelled to protest? was it your beloved Iran and you are supporting them and training them..How dare you to keep putting Iran and your agenda over Lebanon? how dare you costing us many lives and bringing the economy to a halt because of your wild adventures. you are the last to speak the Amir of Hezbollah who is the the Equivalent of the Amir of the Islamic state. you both look alike and behalf alike. except you pretend that you care and behind the scenes you are killing lebanon every day and every hour of the day. it’s time for you to grow up and start acting as Iranian Proxy and mind your damned business what others do just cause they are not pumping your ass with dollars.

    1. Danny Farah Avatar
      Danny Farah

      I meant to say “stop acting as Iranian Proxy”. Lol

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        Why because he doesn’t like Salafi takfiri head choppers..?

        1. Danny Farah Avatar
          Danny Farah

          I don’t like them either and is he mad cause I equated Nassrallah with takfiri?
          read my post before you are critical of me. and stop supporting this idiot if you are christian. he could careless about you and even his own sect.

          1. master09 Avatar

            Well that depends on what side of the bed she falls out from.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Another fake Lebanese..

          3. master09 Avatar

            Everyone wants to be like Trump. Lol

          4. master09 Avatar

            Yes I know, your the expert at fake everything .

          5. Niemals Avatar

            If I’m not wrong you referring to ‘the most ????’ Hind in your text “depends on what side of the bed she falls out from”.

            Well it depends on what side of the bed she falls out from when she confronts with the fact that Israeli supporters of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, including the non-government group Peace Now, heard a written message from Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas that it was time for both peoples to “live together in harmony.”
            Tel Aviv rally for two-state model.

            Hind always complaining about the evil Jews.
            Those Jews she hate so much attended on Saturday evening a rally on Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square, Israeli opposition Labour party leader Isaac Herzog accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of sowing fear and of missing opportunities for apeace settlement based on two states.

            Notice that Saturday’s rally coincided with the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and the end of a hunger strike by hundreds Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

            Meanwhile Hind is preoccupied (Twitter) with the problem of the ‘Western Wall was never part of temple’ as if it is the most important issue…

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Preoccupy yourself with EU, Matrix from Malmö Sweden

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Stop being ridiculous..too bad you want to perpetuate an image of anger and humourless.
            The guy who posted this is a Zionist extremist stalking me for 7 years..with death treats
            https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0a0627ac3b2cec753c8b4b7ab70e3112f7714c09d359d49cf2b483bf188166f3.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/469a1f271dad1c8c720645be1c9d8242bf9483c98f3232ac71d0d93d23379e13.jpg

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You give orders to stop “supporting this idiot”, then the idiot is you. I was researching Mar Gerges “the Patron Saint of Great Britain” (?) I received information i was seeking from my Parish. Monastère Maronite et Paroisse Saint Antoine Le Grand.
            تذكار القديس جرجس الشهيد
            ولد هذا القديس في مدينة اللد بفلسطين سنة 280 من اسرة مسيحية شريفة. توفي والده فربته أمه التقية تربية مسيحية صحيحة. ولما بلغ السابعة عشرة دخل في سلك الجندية وترقي الى رتبة قائد الف.

            قال المؤرخ اوسابيوس في استشهاده: لما شدد ديوكلتيانس قيصر في اضطهاد المسيحيّين وأصدر بذلم أمراً علقه على جدار البلاط الملكي في نيكوميدية، تقدم جورجيوس ومزق ذلك الامر. فقبض عليه الوثنيون فشووه اولاً، ثم البسوه خفاً من حديد مسمراً بقدميه وسحبوه وراء خيل غير مروضة، فخلصه الله من ذلك كله، ثم طرحوه في أتون مضطرم فلم يؤذه، ولما رأى الملك ديوكلتيانوس هذا المشهد غائصاً في بحر من الدماء لا يئن ولا يتأوه أكبر شجاعته. وعز عليه ان يخسر قائد حرسه وابن صديقه القديم. فأخذ يلاطفه ويتملقه لكي يثنيه عن عزمه، فأحب جورجيوس أن يبدي عن شعوره بعطف الملك. فتظاهر بالاقتناع وطلب ان يسمح له بالذهاب الى معبد الاوثان. فادخلوه معبد الاله “ابلّون” باحتفال مهيب حضره الملك ومجلس الاعيان والكهنة بحللهم الذهبية وجمع غفير من الشعب. فتقدم جورجيوس الى تمثال ابلّون ورسم اشارة الصليب. وقال للصنم: أتريد أن أقدم لك الذبائح كأنك اله السماء والارض؟ ” فأجابه الصنم بصوت جهير، كلا انا لست الهاً بل الاله هو الذي انت تعبده”. وفي الحال سقط ذلك الصنم على الارض وسقطت معه سائر الاصنام. وعندها صرخ الكهنة والشعب: ان جورجيوس بفعل السحر حطم آلهتنا. فالموت لهذا الساحر. فصلبوه. ورموه بالنشاب حتى اسلم الروح. فطارت شهرة استشهاده في الآفاق شرقاً وغرباً. وأجرى الله على يده عجائب كثيرة باهرة وأخذ المسيحيّون منذ القرن الرابع يحجون الى ضريح الشهيد ” اللابس الظفر”، فينالون بشفاعته غزير البركات والنعم.وقد رسم له المصورون صورة رمزية جميلة تمثله طاعناً برمحه شيطان الوثنية الممثل بالتنين، ومدافعاً عن معتقد الكنيسة الممثلة بابنة الملك السماوي. وقد شيدت على اسمه كنائس ومذابح في جميع الاقطار. واتخذته بريطانيا شفيعاً لها. ودعي كثير من ملوكها باسمه. ويكرمه الانكليز اكراماً عظيماً. وامتازت فرنسا أيضاً بتكريمه. واتخذته جمهورية جنوا في ايطاليا شفيعها الاول الاكبر. وجمهورية البندقية أنشأت فرقة رهبانية عسكرية على اسمه. صلاته معنا. آمين.

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            No reply, Daniel can’t read Arabic from a Maronite Bishop?

    2. yu salafitist mr yu lik whabies mr

      1. Arzna Avatar

        welcome back . Long time no see or hear from you mr.
        You have to agree with Danny that Nasrallah is more and more forgetting about Lebanon and acting as a proxy for Iran . This is not even good for the Shiites of Lebanon . I wonder how many Lebanese shiites work for living in Iran. You have to remember that thee are 500,000 Lebanese in the Gulf and without their remittances Lebanon would have been out of business for a long time . This issue is not about religion it is about Lebanon’s survival

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Haha.. you mean rather Lebanese corrupted politicians billionaires..oh, and Salafi Wahhabi Califats survivals…

        2. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Don’t you have any empathy for Christians massacred by Egypt’s Moslem Brotherhood, as Syrian Moslem Brotherhood who started “Revolution” by killing 80,000 Christian in Homs. Arzatna hypocrite?


          1. You are not a Christian. Hell, you’re not even a Satanist. Satanists have great parties and a macabre sense of humour. What do you have?

        3. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

          To be honest we don’t want them to come to Iran. Let them stay in Lebanon.

      2. Danny Farah Avatar
        Danny Farah

        and one more thing you are parasite just like Nassrallah and this Parasite inshallah will be wiped out soon off the face of the earth.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Disgusting! dab is a beloved friend of all on YaLibnan since 2010, talk to him in Arabic he lives in Beyrouth

          1. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            Heyyyyy Hind… Can’t believe you are still around. I’m the Iranian guy yunno..

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            No i don’t..another faker

            Joined May 17, 2017

          3. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Careful…….it may be Cook2half.

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You know by Ilami or Gilaki?

          5. Rudy1947 Avatar

            I was many names….remember.

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            cuckoosnest would be funnier..

          7. Niemals Avatar

            Seventeen or so, how can Hindenburg forget…

            Astonishing that she have no problems with the many names …on Twitter. ????

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You weren’t not even here ..HaHaHa….

          9. Niemals Avatar

            …or Santa Claus ????

          10. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            What? I’m not fake.

          11. Omega Avatar

            You’re just another username of one of the dimwit here.

          12. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar


          13. Omega Avatar

            Sarcastically said: if you say so, it must be true.

          14. Omega Avatar


            I must not have understood your sarcasm when you wrote: Yes Hezbollah is bad. They should let the jihadists take care of Lebanon.

          15. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            It’s crook, who’s Rudy1947.. cute..

          16. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            Jihadists aim the destruction of the Arab world and Hezbollah won’t let them.

          17. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            Sorry but his language is persian and i don’t speak it..since you can relate to him you must understand what his jibrish he is saying.

          18. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I said, he cant speak English he’s Lebanese not Persian.. a good soul he’s scared of Salafi, and so am i.
            dab came here because of his friend, 5th, they spent good times together in Lebanon..If you can’t speak Arabic why the stupid sarcasm.. nice try;))

          19. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            can you really understand the dab words. he never makes sense. Not sure if this arabic..I am afraid of both hezbollah and salafi too. why do i have to deal with either one? they are both maniacs and extremists. i am tired of lebanese defend saudi, iran, france or whatever. we never defended lebanon and we get bought very easily and love to fight each other. every time somebody wants to piss they have to vote on it. they never get anything done and they are all highway robbers. so stop defending anything of them and that includes hezbollah.

          20. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I understand dab’s word, i don’t defend Hezbollah, the damn sectarianism is bad for (what’s left of Lebanon)..is there any other country you know that sell their land to Foreigners?

          21. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            Yes Hezbollah is bad. They should let the jihadists take care of Lebanon.

          22. man-o-war Avatar

            What? How would the jihadist take care of Lebanon?

          23. Omega Avatar

            He sounds like Mekenseh.

          24. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            You know well.

          25. Omega Avatar

            Make of Lebanon an Islamic State? If so, don’t hold your breath (or do) but it won’t happen.

          26. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            No country is gonna be Islamic, you gotta be very naive if you think that’s their goal.

          27. Omega Avatar

            I wrote that thinking you were a Salafi/Wahabi.

          28. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            What? I’m an Iranian and not an adherent of the Arab Islam in any of its shapes or forms.

          29. Omega Avatar

            I know. I thought you were a troll at first and didn’t get the sarcasm in some of your comments here.

          30. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            Not all of it was sarcasm. If Hind, Danny and the Lebanese at large don’t support Hezbollah, Iran should not fund it. Mind you, Iran doesn’t get anything in exchange… well maybe except for hatred. I’m sick and tired of ungrateful Arabs.

          31. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            I really wish if you are Iranians then please tell the Mullahs to stop funding these terrorists in Lebanon. And trust you are getting plenty of fruit from controlling these freaks in lebanon, Yemen and Syria and Iraq. they want to control and they have gotten plenty.

          32. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            What can those countries possibly offer Iran?

          33. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You’re a comic not one word makes sense;-)))

          34. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            You make less sense.

          35. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Iranians are Shia you are Zionist

          36. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            Even if Iranians were Shia that doesn’t make us Moslems: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-37287434

          37. man-o-war Avatar

            Nope, no clue what you’re talking about. Care to explain?

          38. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            Jihadists ruin the Arab countries.

          39. Omega Avatar

            They’re paid and instructed to do so.

          40. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            They’re instructed but illiterate..

          41. man-o-war Avatar

            So again, why should we let the jihadist take care of Lebanon? Are you saying that you support the ruining/destruction of Lebanon?

          42. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yes he does ..as YK, as Rudy, as vs, as Minimals, paid by
            fish eyes Lieberman

          43. Omega Avatar

            wargame1, is that you?

          44. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            you are blind with hate and you are far from patriotic. all you care about what about your ideology and could careless about lebanon. i say lebanon and you curse me..
            Yes the palestinians sold their land and its documented. why didn’t you answer me on PLO attacking jordan? or causing civil war in Lebanon.. these bastards all they care about themselves. Arafat had over 450 Millions dollars and his entourage of Palestinians traitors driving fancy cars. while you and your family living like squatters in camps. you forgot that i guess.

          45. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


          46. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            Palestinians have caused problems in Lebanon, Jordan, and also Kowait. Google how they were deported from Kowait for their support of Saddam.

          47. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You talk bad about Palestinians with no knowledge of history.

            “Balfour promised British support for the Zionist programme of establishing a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. This pledge of support was made without consulting the indigenous Christian and Muslim inhabitants of Palestine, the Palestinian people. And it was made before British troops had even conquered the land.

            Balfour, on behalf of Britain, promised Palestine – over which Britain had no legal right – to a people who did not even live there (of the very small community of Palestinian Jews in Palestine in 1917, very few were Zionists). And he did so with the worst of intentions: to discourage Jewish immigration to Britain. No wonder Lord Montagu, the only Jewish member of the Cabinet, opposed the declaration.

            And yet, just two years earlier, Britain had committed herself to assisting the Arab nations in achieving their independence from the Ottoman Empire. Arab fighters all over the region, including thousands of Palestinians, fought for their freedom, allowing Britain to establish her mandate in Palestine.

          48. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            So what? Does every has to suffer just bcos the Palestinians don’t have a country?

          49. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            monologue maniac crazy glue.

          50. Omega Avatar

            Where does IsraHell fit in your equation?

          51. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            the same as you, Hezbollah,iran, daesh, Assad, Sissi and some filthy rich gulfies who are supporting daesh. any questions?
            As a matter of fact I would not make peace with Israeli until they take all the Palestinians back and pay for all the damages they caused us. Any more questions?

          52. Omega Avatar

            the same as you, Hezbollah,iran, daesh, Assad, Sissi and some filthy rich gulfies who are supporting daesh. any questions?

            The same as me what? I asked you a question, why do you reply in asking me one? You never mention Israel’s nefarious influence, attacks, invasions, meddling, etc on/in Lebanon – why?

            As a matter of fact I would not make peace with Israeli until they take all the Palestinians back and pay for all the damages they caused us. Any more questions?

            Agreed – but consequently (and based on that premise), that there will never be peace.

          53. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            i have many times and but you are being selective on what you want to read. i could careless what you think. I am telling you and your bf hindi.. that I will not make peace with Israel until they take all the palestinians and give us restitutions for all the damages they caused us. I do not tolerate the expansion of settlements but i have to admit deep down i could careless about them either. but you have to agree our weak gov’t then accepted thousands of palestinians then and then we let them open up a front against Israel. Not that israel is justified in kicking palestinians out of their homeland. but also many sold their lands and ran away. so as a nation are you going to accept another group like PLO opening a war zone with Israel? even shiites in South LEbanon then protested them and protested their control of the south. even some threatened Israel to an extent to draw a war between PLO and Israel so israel will punish them. But every freakin syrian regime lover keep saying well Syrian Army left us that includes Aoun. But did they? all the syrian people are in Lebanon.. Lol.. who bombed the mosques in Tripoli? who continues to affect every aspect of Lebanon? Syrian, hezbollah, Iran. I just don’t see Israel dropping bombs.. did they start the war in 2006 ? they kept asking hezbollah to return the soldiers but no hezbo didn’t want to do it? didn’t hezbollah attacked west beirut. so you see we have enemies within that’s deadlier than israel now so we must eradicate them then turn on Israel to defend ourselves. but i am tired of trying to convince clowns like you and hindi. so enough of your B.S.

          54. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Zionist troll retard

          55. You are never answered me, why Lebanon share starting war against Israel with Orabian countries, Danny?

          56. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Wow.. YaLibnan cacophony..

          57. Sure you don’t accept fact Lebanon with Orabians started war against jews

          58. Omega Avatar

            Lands were sold by Palestinians but most of the them were still owned, legally, by non-Jewish Palestinians in 1945:


            You then have the upwards of 800,000 unarmed Christian and Muslim Palestinians who were displaced after their towns/villages were attacked/destroyed and seized by the Zionists: https://www.scribd.com/document/349720246/Palestinian-towns-and-villages-attacked-and-seized-by-Israel-in-1948

            Lebanon did not accept the PLO. The lack of formal/established government gave the opportunity for them to move north. The Zionists took that as a pretext to attack and invade Lebanon. The following page summarizes Israel’s illegal attack/invasion of Lebanon: https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2003/06/23/16218181.php

            Bombs went off in the south and the north. Religious authorities on both sides agreed the incidents were false-flags (instigated by outsiders) to ignite another civil war. Nobody was found guilty.

            I agree on the nefarious past of Syria in Lebanon but I don’t see how Hezbollah and/or Iran fit in that same equation. Had the Zionists not attacked/invaded Lebanon in the 1980s, there would be no Hezbollah today. While the Salafi in Lebanon, whom you for some reason never mention, killed civilians all over Lebanon; Hezbollah has always been side by side with the Lebanese Army to defend the border.

            I can assure you that Israel has bombed Lebanon on several occasions. The first instance was when the Zionists put their hands on a Hellfire missile in the 1980s and fired it on an ambulance killing two women and four children (Ref.: Robert Fisk, “Pity the Nation” p.962-972). I don’t need to tell you about the bombings of 2006. Israel – in coordination with Lebanese officials (Elias Murr & Co.) and the USA started the war in 2006 after Hezbollah captured three IDF soldiers on Lebanese territory (village of Ayta al-Shab). The south of Lebanon (commercial/industrial buildings unrelated to the war, over a thousand civilians (the coward IDF/IAF’s specialty)and infrastructures were not spared). It had nothing to do with Hezbollah refusing to returned the three sacrificed-by-Israel IDF soldiers.

          59. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            He comes here very rarely what’s all the fuss dating one week? Are you a juvenile or an Azheimer like Niemals (Matrix)? Last time he came was at 5th passing.

          60. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            Did 5th pass away?

          61. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            From were you knew 5th?

          62. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            I’m telling you I’m the Iranian guy who used to post on this site a couple of yrs ago. Does Iraniangel ring a bell?

          63. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Hi Iranianangel;) you changed too much to recognize you
            You were proud to be Iranian, what happened?

          64. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            Mar7aba Hind keefek? nchallah mnee7.

            I did change a lot. I realized Arabs hate Iranians too much. Actually more than they hate the Zionists. So what’s the point for us supporting the Arabs.

            You changed too. Apparently you dont support hizzy anymore.

          65. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You mean ISIS are Arabs? Jihadi is born from Wahhabism Christian and Shia killers.

          66. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            Do you know that a lot of Palestinians have joined ISIS?

        2. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

          The thing is that you people can be bought for money. Nasrallah sold himself to Iran for a few worthless tomans.

        3. Niemals Avatar

          What happened to the guardian of the English grammar (language) – on

          yu hezbollah mr yu lik shia Nasrallah mr …

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            disgusting individual

      3. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        Wahhabi are not Sunni, they’re are a Sect, a tribe .

    3. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

      I’m sorry Iran is causing you so much problems. I wish the regime falls and that we could side with Israel.

      1. Danny Farah Avatar
        Danny Farah

        Yes I wish that too. I met many smart Iranians in College and unfortunately they fell under the spell of Khomeini. I could not understand why such high tech smart guys want to follow such hypocrite. Iran would been better running a more democratic regime and they would have the world in their hands cause they are very rich in every aspects of life. i just don’t get it.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          ‘Iran Had a Democracy Before We Took It Away

          Iranians do not need or want us to teach them about liberty and representative government. They have long embodied this struggle.
          It is we who need to be taught. It was Washington that orchestrated
          the 1953 coup to topple Iran’s democratically elected government,
          the first in the Middle East, and install the compliant shah in power’

          1. Back to moronic copypasting from Truthdig. The retard is beyond salvation. Only the hardcore, only lobotomy! 🙂

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Moronic Wikipedia

        2. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

          Exactly. Iran is a 3rd world country and it turned 4 countries into vassal states. If not for the Mollahs even the US would be our b!tch.

    4. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      No interest in your book.

  2. MekensehParty Avatar

    Ooooh, dialogue…

    1. Rascal Avatar

      Yes, he insults the hell out of everyone and expects civil dialogue. Nassy needs to go have another cheeseburger and STFU.

    2. Omega Avatar

      You want war, despicable vermin?

  3. Rudy1947 Avatar


  4. Rascal Avatar

    Ahhh, Nassy in typical fashion. Mud slinging his usual script from Iran with wild accusations and little substance. To call him pathetic is an understatement. I really fail to see how anyone would follow that lunatic and compulsive liar. But I guess the Party of Iran function on fear and intimidation like any terrorist group.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Ahhh, don’t have a heart attack now…;(

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