CARE 2 petition to Impeach Trump | update|

  • impeach trumpby: Care2 Activists
  • target: U.S. House of Representatives
    91,051 SUPPORTERS
    95,000  GOAL
    This petition is a collaborative effort led by Care2 activists who include:
    Leslie Ackerman, Diane Taylor Salvaryn, Jake Jacobson, Joseph Becker, Laura A. Van Vleet, Michelle Neff, Margarita Teresa, Kieren van den Blink, Steve Cates, and Glorious Johnson.
    Donald Trump has only recently taken the oath of office as U.S. President, and it’s already clear he should be impeached. From his cozy relationship with Russian leader Vladamir Putin, to his myriad conflicts-of-interests arising from his business dealings, to his apparent disregard for the U.S. intelligence community, it’s clear Mr. Trump is not only unfit but also unsafeto serve as president.Clear conflicts of interests already exist: the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China pays Trump for its space in Trump Tower in New York.  Foreign diplomats spend money at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, which is housed in a building owned by the US Gov’t via a lease that contains a provision that prohibits federal elected officials from renting it.Most recently, a yet-to-be-verified document was released alleging that Russia has amassed information it could use to blackmail Trump to do as it likes. This document includes intimate details of the President-elect’s sexual activities.The document alleges that Russia has cultivated Trump for five years, including through bribes and collecting this blackmail material. It also asserts Russian officials have given Mr. Trump information on all his rivals. Though this document hasn’t yet been verified, there are some sources claiming its legitimacy.Sign this petition to ask the U.S. House of Representatives to impeach Donald Trump NOW.


15 responses to “CARE 2 petition to Impeach Trump | update|”

  1. Impeach Donald Trump NOW.

    1. try CAPSLOCK broski.. it might work.

  2. Well, where’s the link for the petition? I’m at the office and I want everyone to sign it.

    1. You go girl! sign up and wait 4 years… at least!! =)))

  3. Rudy1947 Avatar

    Eight years of “birthers” and now the “impeachers”.

    1. bret wright Avatar
      bret wright

      Ah, except the “impeachers” have a leg to stand on. The man is batshit crazy.

      1. batshit crazy is what the US needs.

        1. crewoldt Avatar

          No, we need sane, stable leadership. You are no patriot if you support the impending undoing of our constitution, democracy, and country.

          1. Im not american.. but i hear ur country was once great.. ’bout 50 yrs ago. Ur all bent overs to israel now so u know.. ur “constitution” is going deeper down the shitter…

  4. RosieLady Avatar

    The country is going down fast, I’ve never seen any president pop executive orders out as fast as Trump does..Make me vote # 83,142.

  5. American Spring? ROFL!

  6. Freedom Rider Avatar
    Freedom Rider

    Sign Here to Impeach Donald Trump Now

  7. Freedom Rider Avatar
    Freedom Rider

    Impeach Donald Trump – Created by E.C. on January 21, 2017

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