Jumblatt derides Iran’s claim of Lebanon security ties


jumblatt cloonyProgressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt Wednesday ridiculed on his twitter account the remarks made by an Iranian official who tied that security in Lebanon to the security of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

“Iran’s Culture Minister Ali Jannati has informed us that Lebanon’s security is tied to Iran’s security,” Jumblatt said
“What is this blessing, we never asked for this much,” he added mockingly.

“In the past, Lebanon’s security was [tied] to Syria’s security until we choked,”Jumblatt, an outspoken critic of the Syrian regime, said in reference to the nearly 30 years of Syrian military occupation of Lebanon

The PSP chief then published a series of sarcastic tweets, saying that the partnership with Tehran would alter the Lebanese diet and bring it closer to Iranian cuisine.

“The minister has also hinted that he is willing to hand out Persian rugs [from the city] of Kashan,” he added mockingly .

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad viewed the entire area of southern Lebanon as Iran’s border with Israel.



67 responses to “Jumblatt derides Iran’s claim of Lebanon security ties”

  1. Hannibal Avatar

    Well said Mr. Jumblatt but please don’t change your mind tomorrow…

    1. But according to you Hezbollah is securing Lebanon. And everyone knows Hezbollah is Iranian.

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        Hezbollah is a deterrent for Israel… Despite the fact that I do not like their choice of allies (namely Assad) they are still my compatriots and my cousins.

        1. remove HA from the eqation ,or any other privet army on or border and we will never attack Lebanon. HA on our border equals Iran on oue border equal constant war threat.
          remove those and our border could be as quiet as the Israeli Syrian border was till 2011.
          History shows we only attack after being attacked.

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            You are hiding behind your finger… The Palestinian problem IS the problem… Solve it and you get peace. The refugees are called that for a reason… THEY WILL GO BACK HOME ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.

          2. the palistinian problem is not our problem, we’ve been through this before and as long as you keep harboring the idea that they will move to Israel ,you’re deluding yourself.
            yet ,even in the context you chose to look at it ,it is not THE problem.a pali state might send the palis from lebanon but how will it contribute to your safty when Sunni militias and shiaa militias fight for the complete anihalation of the other?
            how will it stop IS ? or HA? will they even care ? the answer is no. ME will keep eating itself regardless of the palis . you better come to accept the reality and try to make the best of it.
            No arab refugie from prior to 1967 will ever get an israeli citizenship ( it’s not new, we said that all along).
            the concept of arab national states failed miserably after 100 years, claiming that another one is in queue waiting to emerge at times all the others are faling as domino blocks is a joke to anyone who knows his way around the region and knows the PA. infact, the only reason the palis can even maintain the fiction is cause Abu mazen is rulling from behind Israeli byonets, it’s not his people that IDF aressts every night, it’s Hamas and IS supporters or Hizb al Tahrir.neither PLO nor Hamas held an election for years now- it’s not a state ,it’s local warlords that exploit the population.
            when we remove the wetern concepts of democracy, when we remove the masks of progress what the naked body shows us is that it’s the same as it is where it used to be Iraq, where it used to be Syria and where it used to be Yeman.
            there are more chances the palis will leave lebanon to Europe or the US then ever set foot in Israel.

          3. Well said. Bravo

          4. Hannibal Avatar

            I never said Israel… I said Palestine 😛
            You get it? Palestine? Palestinians?

          5. You get it? Phoenicia? Phoenicians?

            Oh that’s right they both don’t exist.

          6. Hannibal Avatar

            The funny part is that Lebanon’s archeological findings are standing until this age as a witness to greatness… What do you have? a wall you wail on which is not even proven to be yours.

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Discovering History and doing Archeology is a ‘Threat’ to National Securities.
            Undoubtably …. Even the Egyptians don’t want to know theirs. :-)))

          8. That they didn’t exist?

          9. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hannibal … suddenly there seems to be a news story about this amazing ‘find’ … hehehe

          10. never was a state called palistine ,never was a palistinian culture and there never was a palistinian nation.
            if they want to have one, i say they can have it, bt none should even think of moving to israel

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            After all those ‘archeological’ additions to history, it would be fair to say, There has been more than one ‘Dark Ages’ on this planet … been really tough to get to this point even with ‘Western Thought’… and having ISIS plow under the ancient ruins, or Talibanis blow faces off the cliff-carvings, could lead to others if the ‘collected’ bits in museums and books and internet recordings are lost due to ‘Dark Times’ … whether forced or natural.
            The next Species to be ‘Controllers’ may decide to just sit and eat most of the time, and not wonder at the strange square blocks of stone at all. Then the one which follows that might need to go start digging again …. hmmm … a world of wonder.

          12. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Very good … Finck’s style is like a preacher giving a Sermon … but one where I can at least pause it to hit the can and get a couple of coffees. 🙂
            The importance of ‘complete’ research can’t be overestimated.

          13. Hannibal Avatar

            Take him with you to the can. 😉

          14. 5thDrawer Avatar

            There it’s ‘Popular Science’ magazines … can be adjusted for duration … excuse me. :-)))

          15. MekensehParty Avatar

            the palistinian problem is not our problem
            Of course it is! Who else is it?

          16. the countries that were paid to and agreed post WWII to absorb them, give them citizenship and equal rights

          17. MekensehParty Avatar

            now this is pushing the bs to a new limit doron
            you know this is not true and certainly doesn’t justify throwing people out of their lands by force.
            I didn’t know you to be a fan of Hitler or Stalin
            both did the exact same thing, drove people out of their homes and into exile or the gas chamber. You guys should be ashamed of such rhetoric.

          18. So did george Washington. How far back in history do you want to go?

          19. MekensehParty Avatar

            Not one second back, I’m talking about the Present.
            If it was acceptable in the past to move populations like cattle, sell them to new lords and take all their lands, it is no longer acceptable today.
            In the present, supporting such theories as “countries that were paid and agreed post WWII to absorb them give them citizenships and equal rights” by an Israeli whose people suffered from the same fate less than a century ago is a revival of these past and doomed philosophies.
            The world has changed, people are not for sale anymore

          20. I may not like you or agree with you but I certainly have more respect for you than I do for others on this site
            At least when you make a claim you back it up with evidence, even if sometimes that evidence is pure hezbo propaganda but at least you still try

          21. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (Hannibal’s got an admirer … Hannibal’s got an admirer … woo woo woo woo woo ..) 😉

          22. Jealousy is a curse.
            I bet even krusty the clown jumblatt has more integrity than you

          23. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Seems he likes ladies too. Especially ones in ‘contests’ … ;-))

          24. Hannibal Avatar

            The truth and nothing but the truth… I do not want to live a lie. Life’s too short.

          25. A deterrent?
            If it wasn’t for them Israel would not have defended itself in 2006

        2. MekensehParty Avatar

          ya raytak khrit wou ma hkit 😉

          1. Blah blah
            Why run to the usa with your tail between your legs, only to bark in Arabic?
            You gutless Arab.

          2. MekensehParty Avatar

            Mosul must be really boring. Sorry you have to suffer through because your family moved you there, and I understand you have but some internet to vent your frustration at the life that was chosen for you but why don’t you keep barking at the Iranians and their supporters, you all clearly speak the same language.

          3. Wow original.
            Btw remember the “evidence is staring you in the eyes”?
            Did you try using that in a scholarly paper or do you only bark on websites where you believe you can get away with such ludicrously absurd claims?
            Afterall the evidence is staring you in the eyes.

            Lol what also happened to your claim of not addressing me? Pinocchio

          4. I will give you a clue where your family moved from and to, “dump”.

          5. MekensehParty Avatar

            I just said you were bored in Mosul and the moment I click “Post” I receive a dozen of replies from you, don’t you think I hit a nail?
            What is it with you and the constant need to be talked to like a piece of shit? Don’t you have a small grain of self esteem? Is that how you talk at home? madrasa? Insults all the time? And what did insults got you but worse insults, and from everybody and now newcomers. Your only friends are a half wit zabada (if he understands half the English you write he might change his mind) and a bunch of avatars you created to help you in your Mosul confinement. What are you getting from all this? Because you have shown 0 cleverness or logic so far. Like Hind has better points and arguments than you do. From time to time, she at least wakes up and fights, even if for moments, Dr. Maher’s brainwashing, but you, you have not shown one sensible comment that proves you even have a brain of your own. You’re an insult machine. Repetitive, boring and pitiful.

          6. Lol all you did was insult.
            I can’t stand hypocrisy.
            As for hind, I’ve already told you you and him are different sides of the same coin. He defends Iran blindly and you defend the U.S. Blindly.
            And I will beat you to it, yes I know you will claim I defend dash. So provide the evidence. Come on hind put up or shut up.

          7. MekensehParty Avatar

            wlak ya O we know who you are, those tricks of changing names, sex, personalities and religion are fooling no one. We all know you support if not Daesh then the brotherhood and are still dreaming of an Islamic win in the ME. You are angry jealous of the US and are now aligning with the Israelis in the hope you get some more anti-US rhetoric from the Jewish tea partiers. You just don’t know where you are anymore, just spewing hatred left and right and at everyone, challenging and insulting non stop.
            Take a step back like you did last time, get yourself a new name in a couple of weeks and bring in a calmer personality and participate in the debates like a grown up. Don’t be insulted by the words dork or idiot, move on. And stop harassing everybody with a reply on every comment.
            You’re not discouraging anybody rest assured, lately I don’t even read whatever your reply because it’s simply the same boring stuff, so you’re only mildly buzzing by behaving like that.
            Yalla, move on…

          8. no evidence?
            Then stfu and get back in the corner.
            And no, “it’s staring me in the eyes” isn’t evidence. It’s purely your opinion and “frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn” about your opinion.

          9. MekensehParty Avatar


          10. I told you, if you make claims then you need to provide evidence otherwise you are nothing but a shit talker.
            Look at Hannibal, he made claims and supported those claims with verifiable evidence. Not just “it’s staring you in the eyes”. Now back in your corner. And say hello to hind coz he is in the same corner

          11. MekensehParty Avatar

            [flusher sound]

          12. That is copyrighted. Get your own lines
            Unoriginal baboon

          13. Now I know why you recommended dr Mahler to him, coz he’s been treating you

          14. Hannibal Avatar

            I speak from both ends 😛

          15. sweetvirgo Avatar


        3. “they are still my compatriots and my cousins.”

          Would you say that about your fellow “compatriots ” if they join isil?

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Speaking of minds … you really can’t go back and add a second thought to a first, can you. Something about the concept of ‘editing’ is really against your genetic make-up, it seems.
        Or, is it just the word ‘edit’ itself? And ‘eye-hand’ relationship not quite connected.
        Hmmmm … something like Broccoli. You can stand to eat it, or not, but in your case you can’t even force yourself to do it. Only one line at a time … ;-))

        1. Idiot as a “guest” with no account I don’t have the option to edit or vote. You ignorant old jealous dumpling

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ah. Well you got me there I admit. There’s something I didn’t know. No experience …
            I was never an ignorant guest. 😉

          2. Just ignorant. Full stop

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (wow … a good one … is there some potential after all?)

    2. Speaking of changing minds…..

    3. arzatna1 Avatar

      You are asking for the impossible

    4. 5thDrawer Avatar

      If Twits are like MalMuckyO, El Supremo will be firing back swear words fast. :-))

      1. Of course your shite crew never swear and of course didn’t start the swearing. You have truly learnt the FF art of hypocrisy

  2. Leborigine Avatar

    Ahh ya Jumblatt, cute kteer in casual attire!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Retirement mode .. throw out the ties. ASSad wasn’t letting him back into the Palace anyway … might as well have a few shots at the whole gang while he’s stepping down. :-))

    2. I like the hands down the pants

      1. Rudy1947 Avatar

        Now, now….must not be jealous of someone else’s hands.

        1. If your jealous then that’s your problem. I don’t need to hear about it.

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