Mansour: Syrian Air force is a friend to Lebanon


mansour on almanarCaretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Adnan Mansour commented on the response by Lebanese forces to the Syrian aircraft that violated the country’s airspace by saying the ” Syrian Air force represents a brotherly nation to Lebanon and is not an enemy .”

Mansour told the Al Jamhourieh newspaper: ” We must know the truth of what happened and we are waiting for the army command to tell us the details and the information available so that we can deal with this issue within the framework of the security agreements signed between the two sisterly states.”

For the first time since the outbreak of the Syria’s conflict three years ago that the Lebanese military took action to prevent Syrian warplanes from violating its airspace on Monday.

The Lebanese officials said the military opened anti-aircraft fire at two Syrian warplanes on Monday after the aircraft bombed Khirbet Daoud, which lies in the Eastern Mountain Range in an area adjacent to the barren mountains of the Lebanese town of Arsal.

Since the eruption of the neighboring country’s war, Arsal has repeatedly been targeted with Syrian rockets.

Mansour added: ” We emphasize that what has happened does not affect the nature of the relations between the two countries , and we want always distinctive with Syria.”

Mansour , who represent the Amal Movement in the caretaker cabinet is a close ally of the Syrian regime and Hezbollah . Many Lebanese politicians refer to him as ” Syrian Foreign Minister” .



66 responses to “Mansour: Syrian Air force is a friend to Lebanon”

  1. Oh Muslims in #Syria: The Syrian Regime’s Crime of Using Barrel Bombs on Civilians is the early stages of the #Geneva II Conference, therefore obstruct the National Coalition plan

    Oh Muslims in Syria: The Syrian Regime’s Crime of Throwing Explosive Barrels on Unarmed Civilians, Women and Children, is from the Preliminaries of the Geneva II Conference, Therefore Hinder the National Coalition and Prevent its Holding

    The criminal Syrian regime increased the level of its criminality in the recent period by launching more vicious, explosive barrels over Aleppo and its surroundings, to strike its enemies from the unarmed civilians. They have caused thousands of deaths and injuries, particularly amongst women and children, claiming that these areas have turned into “frontlines”. It is clear that the criminal regime aims to extend its control over the land through this fierce campaign, to strengthen its negotiating position at the Geneva II Conference and to find a justification for the National Coalition in front of the people to attend the Conference.

    In response to this criminal campaign, the National Coalition took a fruitless position. The Coalition’s Vice President Badr Jamous mentioned on 24/12/2013 that “the Russians have been asked to assert pressure on Assad, who kills the Syrian people with Russian missiles to thwart the negotiation process.” He also stated that “in the event of continued shelling perpetrated by the Assad regime in an attempt to erase the Syrian people, the coalition will not go to the Geneva II Conference on the 22nd of the next month.” The Coalition said in a statement that its President contacted the foreign ministers of Britain and France, and said to them: “Shame on the international community for taking action against chemical weapons and allowing the regime to kill the sons of the Syrian people with conventional arms systematically and on a daily basis.”

    There is no doubt that the position of the Syrian National Coalition is complementary to the position of the criminal regime. With its inverse interpretation of the reality, the Coalition wants to pay people to accept going to Geneva II under the pretext that its position opposes the position of the Syrian regime, while they both share the same position. We wonder: Is it not a shame that the National Coalition resorts to the international community to ask for its help, while the international community stands with the Syrian regime in broad daylight, which the Coalition’s President Al-Jarba knows and announces publicly?! Is it not stupidity to seek help from Russia to exert pressure on the butcher Bashar, to stop the massacres he commits with the permission of the United States and the blessings of Russia?! Is the international community’s silence over launching explosive barrels on unarmed civilians not a crime in itself?! Is it not a failure that the Coalition connects its position on attending the Geneva II Conference with the stop of the Syrian regime of throwing explosive barrels, flipping the page over all the terrible massacres it committed and still commits with other weapons against Muslims?! This position issued by the National Coalition indicates that the coalition is a traitor to Allah, His Deen and the believers. The Coalition is intellectually attached to the West and a political agent to America.

    Oh Steadfast Muslims in Syria: The National Coalition is the other end of the stick with which America works to maintain the rule today, while the first end was the regime of Bashar. The Coalition’s first dirty mission at the Geneva II Conference will be its agreement to a peaceful transition of power according to the American plan. The outcome of this conference will be no different to other previous treacherous and submissive conferences, through which the issues of the Ummah were placed in the enemy’s hands. Here is Iraq, where the outcome was trouble, explosions, and the sectarian, ethnic and religious division of the country. Then the country was handed over to Iran to maintain U.S. influence in it. This is the American model of what the situation will be like in Syria. Here is Lebanon: The Sectarian Accord promoted by America could not establish security and stability in this country, even after nearly twenty-five years of its launch. Rather trouble rages this country which witnesses religious and sectarian divisions, such as those America plants into Syria today, that have almost succeeded. Here is the Madrid Conference, through which America promised to resolve the Palestinian issue. It has not implemented the agreements that were reached after the conference, except installing the Jewish entity and dismembering the Palestinian position between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. It is known that these conferences and conventions have all been sponsored by the U.S. And here is America, opting to solve the Syrian issue through the Geneva II Conference. Through it the situation will only become worse. Allah Almighty said:

    يَعِدُهُمْ وَيُمَنِّيهِمْ وَمَا يَعِدُهُمُ الشَّيْطَانُ إِلَّا غُرُورًا

    “Satan promises them and arouses desire in them. But Satan does not promise them except delusion.”
    (An-Nisa: 120)

    And Allah Almighty said:

    مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ أَوْلِيَاءَ كَمَثَلِ الْعَنْكَبُوتِ اتَّخَذَتْ بَيْتاً وَإِنَّ أَوْهَنَ الْبُيُوتِ لَبَيْتُ الْعَنْكَبُوتِ لَوْ كَانُوا يَعْلَمُونَ

    “The example of those who take allies other than Allah is like that of the spider who takes a home. And indeed, the weakest of homes is the home of the spider, if they only knew.”
    (Al-Ankabut: 41)

    Oh Sincere Muslims in Syria Ash-Sham: Allah Almighty wills that what is happening in Syria ash-Sham would be different from what happened in other countries of the so-called Arab Spring. Has Allah Almighty planned for it to be the abode of Islam? We ask Allah for that. It is clear that the West, led by America, takes all possibilities into account. Therefore it is fighting a relentless war against Muslims and their project to establish a Khilafah State, but the will of Allah is dominant. He سبحانه وتعالى says:

    إِنْ يَنْصُرْكُمُ اللَّهُ فَلا غَالِبَ لَكُمْ

    “If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you”
    (Ali-Imran: 160)

    Perhaps it is from Allah’s bounties which He bestows upon us that the conditions for this project to be successful have been prepared in Syria, through the favor of Allah, who bestows His Mercy upon whom He wills. Hizb ut Tahrir calls upon everyone to form one hand with it to establish this great project, not only in Syria but in all Muslim countries. This is what pleases Allah and pains the disbelievers.

    Allah Almighty said:

    إِنَّمَا كَانَ قَوْلَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ إِذَا دُعُوا إِلَى اللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ لِيَحْكُمَ بَيْنَهُمْ أَنْ يَقُولُوا سَمِعْنَا وَأَطَعْنَا وَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ

    “The only statement of the [true] believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say, “We hear and we obey.” And those are the successful.”
    (An-Nur: 51)

    Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Syria

    23 Safar 1435 AH – 26/12/2013 CE

  2. Oh Muslims in #Syria: The Syrian Regime’s Crime of Using Barrel Bombs on Civilians is the early stages of the #Geneva II Conference, therefore obstruct the National Coalition plan

    Oh Muslims in Syria: The Syrian Regime’s Crime of Throwing Explosive Barrels on Unarmed Civilians, Women and Children, is from the Preliminaries of the Geneva II Conference, Therefore Hinder the National Coalition and Prevent its Holding

    The criminal Syrian regime increased the level of its criminality in the recent period by launching more vicious, explosive barrels over Aleppo and its surroundings, to strike its enemies from the unarmed civilians. They have caused thousands of deaths and injuries, particularly amongst women and children, claiming that these areas have turned into “frontlines”. It is clear that the criminal regime aims to extend its control over the land through this fierce campaign, to strengthen its negotiating position at the Geneva II Conference and to find a justification for the National Coalition in front of the people to attend the Conference.

    In response to this criminal campaign, the National Coalition took a fruitless position. The Coalition’s Vice President Badr Jamous mentioned on 24/12/2013 that “the Russians have been asked to assert pressure on Assad, who kills the Syrian people with Russian missiles to thwart the negotiation process.” He also stated that “in the event of continued shelling perpetrated by the Assad regime in an attempt to erase the Syrian people, the coalition will not go to the Geneva II Conference on the 22nd of the next month.” The Coalition said in a statement that its President contacted the foreign ministers of Britain and France, and said to them: “Shame on the international community for taking action against chemical weapons and allowing the regime to kill the sons of the Syrian people with conventional arms systematically and on a daily basis.”

    There is no doubt that the position of the Syrian National Coalition is complementary to the position of the criminal regime. With its inverse interpretation of the reality, the Coalition wants to pay people to accept going to Geneva II under the pretext that its position opposes the position of the Syrian regime, while they both share the same position. We wonder: Is it not a shame that the National Coalition resorts to the international community to ask for its help, while the international community stands with the Syrian regime in broad daylight, which the Coalition’s President Al-Jarba knows and announces publicly?! Is it not stupidity to seek help from Russia to exert pressure on the butcher Bashar, to stop the massacres he commits with the permission of the United States and the blessings of Russia?! Is the international community’s silence over launching explosive barrels on unarmed civilians not a crime in itself?! Is it not a failure that the Coalition connects its position on attending the Geneva II Conference with the stop of the Syrian regime of throwing explosive barrels, flipping the page over all the terrible massacres it committed and still commits with other weapons against Muslims?! This position issued by the National Coalition indicates that the coalition is a traitor to Allah, His Deen and the believers. The Coalition is intellectually attached to the West and a political agent to America.

    Oh Steadfast Muslims in Syria: The National Coalition is the other end of the stick with which America works to maintain the rule today, while the first end was the regime of Bashar. The Coalition’s first dirty mission at the Geneva II Conference will be its agreement to a peaceful transition of power according to the American plan. The outcome of this conference will be no different to other previous treacherous and submissive conferences, through which the issues of the Ummah were placed in the enemy’s hands. Here is Iraq, where the outcome was trouble, explosions, and the sectarian, ethnic and religious division of the country. Then the country was handed over to Iran to maintain U.S. influence in it. This is the American model of what the situation will be like in Syria. Here is Lebanon: The Sectarian Accord promoted by America could not establish security and stability in this country, even after nearly twenty-five years of its launch. Rather trouble rages this country which witnesses religious and sectarian divisions, such as those America plants into Syria today, that have almost succeeded. Here is the Madrid Conference, through which America promised to resolve the Palestinian issue. It has not implemented the agreements that were reached after the conference, except installing the Jewish entity and dismembering the Palestinian position between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. It is known that these conferences and conventions have all been sponsored by the U.S. And here is America, opting to solve the Syrian issue through the Geneva II Conference. Through it the situation will only become worse. Allah Almighty said:

    يَعِدُهُمْ وَيُمَنِّيهِمْ وَمَا يَعِدُهُمُ الشَّيْطَانُ إِلَّا غُرُورًا

    “Satan promises them and arouses desire in them. But Satan does not promise them except delusion.”
    (An-Nisa: 120)

    And Allah Almighty said:

    مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ أَوْلِيَاءَ كَمَثَلِ الْعَنْكَبُوتِ اتَّخَذَتْ بَيْتاً وَإِنَّ أَوْهَنَ الْبُيُوتِ لَبَيْتُ الْعَنْكَبُوتِ لَوْ كَانُوا يَعْلَمُونَ

    “The example of those who take allies other than Allah is like that of the spider who takes a home. And indeed, the weakest of homes is the home of the spider, if they only knew.”
    (Al-Ankabut: 41)

    Oh Sincere Muslims in Syria Ash-Sham: Allah Almighty wills that what is happening in Syria ash-Sham would be different from what happened in other countries of the so-called Arab Spring. Has Allah Almighty planned for it to be the abode of Islam? We ask Allah for that. It is clear that the West, led by America, takes all possibilities into account. Therefore it is fighting a relentless war against Muslims and their project to establish a Khilafah State, but the will of Allah is dominant. He سبحانه وتعالى says:

    إِنْ يَنْصُرْكُمُ اللَّهُ فَلا غَالِبَ لَكُمْ

    “If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you”
    (Ali-Imran: 160)

    Perhaps it is from Allah’s bounties which He bestows upon us that the conditions for this project to be successful have been prepared in Syria, through the favor of Allah, who bestows His Mercy upon whom He wills. Hizb ut Tahrir calls upon everyone to form one hand with it to establish this great project, not only in Syria but in all Muslim countries. This is what pleases Allah and pains the disbelievers.

    Allah Almighty said:

    إِنَّمَا كَانَ قَوْلَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ إِذَا دُعُوا إِلَى اللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ لِيَحْكُمَ بَيْنَهُمْ أَنْ يَقُولُوا سَمِعْنَا وَأَطَعْنَا وَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ

    “The only statement of the [true] believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say, “We hear and we obey.” And those are the successful.”
    (An-Nur: 51)

    Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Syria

    23 Safar 1435 AH – 26/12/2013 CE

  3. Leborigine Avatar

    Please stick that brotherly nation idea up your arse you traitor. That is why Gibran pitied Lebanon because of people like you! Bending over for the syrians to fill your cavity rather than protecting our nations sovereignty. Yeah, we need more people like you and the rest of these syrian loving fu#$ers.

    1. Peaceforleb Avatar

      Fill your cavity, I friggin love it Lebo. :-))

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        Trying to keep it clean Peace, lol

    2. LOL… This asshole should be blown to bits and pieces… and goodwill to all mankind… 😉

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        I just don’t get it Hannibal, can this guy Mansour be more of an idiot! Is there a word for such a condition?? People throw bombs on us and he says that its a friendly bomb??? I’m confused!

    3. Why you stop! keep going, your comments were too nice to this A$$..

  4. Leborigine Avatar

    Please stick that brotherly nation idea up your arse you traitor. That is why Gibran pitied Lebanon because of people like you! Bending over for the syrians to fill your cavity rather than protecting our nations sovereignty. Yeah, we need more people like you and the rest of these syrian loving fu#$ers.

    1. Peaceforleb Avatar

      Fill your cavity, I friggin love it Lebo. :-))

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        Trying to keep it clean Peace, lol

    2. LOL… This asshole should be blown to bits and pieces… and goodwill to all mankind… 😉

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        I just don’t get it Hannibal, can this guy Mansour be more of an idiot! Is there a word for such a condition?? People throw bombs on us and he says that its a friendly bomb??? I’m confused!

    3. Why you stop! keep going, your comments were too nice to this A$$..

  5. The real lebanese Avatar
    The real lebanese

    Shut up. Those two Syrian aircrafts should’ve been shot down for bombing Lebanese. It will next time, God willing.

    1. Peaceforleb Avatar

      I love when you get angry Real, at least you don’t mention mothers like some low life scums. :-)))))) Happy New Year.

      1. hezzies are terrorists Avatar
        hezzies are terrorists

        I forgive u and hind

        1. I forgive you but will never forgive you your trespasses against mothers… Peace on Earth is achieved by mothers.

          1. hezzies are terrorists Avatar
            hezzies are terrorists

            Thank u for ur forgiveness but I’m gonna have to disagree about mothers achieving peace. Perfect example is Margaret thatcher and benizer Bhutto.

          2. Were you like rejected by women? You should try their love it is afterall universally sweet.

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Hannibal, that martyr says in broad dayligth he forgives Me.
            How can you trust the political opinions of such a hayeh liar..
            Where did he ask you to forgive him, i don’t see it.

            -“Hind i forgive you”‘ monstruous, naturaly the ReaLebanese
            gives him a like..Well, i wrote it below to the public and YaLibnan.

          4. It’s Christmas… There must be hope even for the wicked 😉

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar

            hezzies said to me; “lezze teese ya bint sharmouta” Sorry to say it
            and as you know that was not all.

            YaLiban Moderator stoped him, but left the above on the page.
            I have to defend myself when he says “Hind i forgive you”!!
            (and he gets Likes) Nobody in the World ever told me this.
            Why? Because there was no reason.

          6. I would love to meet him anytime anywhere to kick his sorry ass for his filthy tongue… But again today is a New Year’s day… I will wait and give him another chance to redeem himself.

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Nice of you, as for me i don’t think so, he had a chance, but trew
            the another shoe in my face with his sarcastic “Hind i forgive you”
            He made the most wonderfull and kind man, geo, leave, close
            his account, geo did everything to reach his humanity it was useless.
            Now he want’s sympathy telling the World he has cancer.

        2. Hind Abyad Avatar

          You forgive me?

      2. The real lebanese Avatar
        The real lebanese

        Happy New Years to you to Peace.

  6. The real lebanese Avatar
    The real lebanese

    Shut up. Those two Syrian aircrafts should’ve been shot down for bombing Lebanese. It will next time, God willing.

    1. Peaceforleb Avatar

      I love when you get angry Real, at least you don’t mention mothers like some low life scums. :-)))))) Happy New Year.

      1. hezzies are terrorists Avatar
        hezzies are terrorists

        I forgive u and hind

        1. I forgive you but will never forgive you your trespasses against mothers… Peace on Earth is achieved by mothers.

          1. hezzies are terrorists Avatar
            hezzies are terrorists

            Thank u for ur forgiveness but I’m gonna have to disagree about mothers achieving peace. Perfect example is Margaret thatcher and benizer Bhutto.

          2. Were you like rejected by women? You should try their love it is afterall universally sweet.

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Hannibal, that martyr says in broad dayligth he forgives Me?
            How can you trust the political opinions of such a hayeh liar.

          4. It’s Christmas… There must be hope even for the wicked 😉

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar

            hezzies said to me; “lezze teese ya bint sharmouta”

            Sorry, YaLiban Moderator stoped him but left the above on the page.
            I have to defend myself when he says “Hind i forgive you”!!
            (and he gets Likes).

          6. I would love to meet him anytime anywhere to kick his sorry ass for his filthy tongue… But again today is a New Year’s day… I will wait and give him another chance to redeem himself.

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Nice of you, as for me i don’t think so, he had a chance, but trew
            the another shoe in my face with his sarcastic “Hind i forgive you”
            He made the most wonderfull and kind man, geo, leave, close
            his account, geo did everything to reach his humanity it was useless.
            Now he want’s sympathy telling the World he has cancer.

        2. Hind Abyad Avatar

          You forgive me?

      2. The real lebanese Avatar
        The real lebanese

        Happy New Years to you to Peace.

  7. hezzies are terrorists Avatar
    hezzies are terrorists

    A “friend” that occupied Lebanon, invades it, kidnaps Lebanese, performs acts of terrorism, assisinates Lebanese who disagree with it etc etc. with a “friend” like that who needs enemies. And for all my enemies on this blog u will b happy to know I’ve been in hospital for a week with a diagnosis of cancer. Happy new year

    1. You are right, and courageous enough to denounce the great hypocrisy of the Lebanese
      “puppet” government – owned and controlled by Iran, Syria and it’s Hezbollah proxy traitors,
      who are nothing more than drug dealers, smugglers and terrorists – “sanitized” by Mansour.

      Courage, dear friend, – my best wishes and heartfelt sympathy for your health struggle –
      may the love of your family & friends give you the strength to overcome and survive your
      condition – your struggle is the struggle of Lebanon – who, too, should be fighting the
      disease of terrorism and traitors – may Lebanon and you – survive the challenges ahead.

      1. hezzies are terrorists Avatar
        hezzies are terrorists

        Thank u so much. That was very nice of u. Still kinda in denial but all the tubes keep reminding me of the reality. Again thanks and all the best to u and ur loved ones

        1. Standing up for the haqq will keep you in good stead with your creator, We must try to accept whatever he has planned for us. And say La illaha illa loh, wa Muhammada rasooliloh,.
          May Allah accept your efforts,.

          1. Merry Christmas Btru2u… Peace on Earth.

          2. hezzies are terrorists Avatar
            hezzies are terrorists

            Thank u so much. They were doing a procedure on me which even after anaesthetic was still painful and at that point I remembered how the Palestinians and Syrians have to go through similar kind of procedures without the luxury of anaesthetic thanks to asshead and his devotees and the israhellis and their devotees. I quickly stopped complaining about my pain and cursed those two groups to hell. Thank u again

        2. The greatest enemy of “C” – as I well know from my own experience – is to change your diet completely – to a high alkaline diet, which empowers your immune system and starves the “C” cells inside your body. Grapefruit, fresh lemon juice with warm water and a little honey, every morning, sesame oil, green beans, celery, parsley and courgette (zucchini) – steamed, for 10 days every month – and read the poetry of Kahlil Gibran, to strengthen your faith in the wisdom of human beauty and life.
          If I am still here, after 12 years – without a trace of “C”, it is because I had the blessing of meeting a researcher who helped me to help myself. Never abandon, dear friend – don’t let the fear or the pain control your life. Courage to you, and my sincere support for a happy and good life.

    2. May Allah make it easy for you..

    3. I pray for a rapid recovery… Will it and fight it…

  8. hezzies are terrorists Avatar
    hezzies are terrorists

    A “friend” that occupied Lebanon, invades it, kidnaps Lebanese, performs acts of terrorism, assisinates Lebanese who disagree with it etc etc. with a “friend” like that who needs enemies. And for all my enemies on this blog u will b happy to know I’ve been in hospital for a week with a diagnosis of cancer. Happy new year

    1. You are right, and courageous enough to denounce the great hypocrisy of the Lebanese
      “puppet” government – owned and controlled by Iran, Syria and it’s Hezbollah proxy traitors,
      who are nothing more than drug dealers, smugglers and terrorists – “sanitized” by Mansour.

      Courage, dear friend, – my best wishes and heartfelt sympathy for your health struggle –
      may the love of your family & friends give you the strength to overcome and survive your
      condition – your struggle is the struggle of Lebanon – who, too, should be fighting the
      disease of terrorism and traitors – may Lebanon and you – survive the challenges ahead.

      1. hezzies are terrorists Avatar
        hezzies are terrorists

        Thank u so much. That was very nice of u. Still kinda in denial but all the tubes keep reminding me of the reality. Again thanks and all the best to u and ur loved ones

        1. Standing up for the haqq will keep you in good stead with your creator, We must try to accept whatever he has planned for us. And say La illaha illa loh, wa Muhammada rasooliloh,.
          May Allah accept your efforts,.

          1. Merry Christmas Btru2u… Peace on Earth.

          2. hezzies are terrorists Avatar
            hezzies are terrorists

            Thank u so much. They were doing a procedure on me which even after anaesthetic was still painful and at that point I remembered how the Palestinians and Syrians have to go through similar kind of procedures without the luxury of anaesthetic thanks to asshead and his devotees and the israhellis and their devotees. I quickly stopped complaining about my pain and cursed those two groups to hell. Thank u again

        2. The greatest enemy of “C” – as I well know from my own experience – is to change your diet completely – to a high alkaline diet, which empowers your immune system and starves the “C” cells inside your body. Grapefruit, fresh lemon juice with warm water and a little honey, every morning, sesame oil, green beans, celery, parsley and courgette (zucchini) – steamed, for 10 days every month – and read the poetry of Kahlil Gibran, to strengthen your faith in the wisdom of human beauty and life.
          If I am still here, after 12 years – without a trace of “C”, it is because I had the blessing of meeting a researcher who helped me to help myself. Never abandon, dear friend – don’t let the fear or the pain control your life. Courage to you, and my sincere support for a happy and good life.

    2. May Allah make it easy for you..

    3. I pray for a rapid recovery… Will it and fight it…

  9. The shaitan pays Mansour good money to hate Lebanon

  10. cook2half Avatar

    The shaitan pays Mansour good money to hate Lebanon

  11. Given what Assad has been doing to Syrians that are not part of his Alawi minority, I wouldn’t even care if the IDF dropped bombs on his head and on most of Latakia. His barrel bombs in Aleppo shows his ruthlessness. People are tricked into thinking that Assad is not behind things in Syria when in fact he is the one giving the orders.

  12. Given what Assad has been doing to Syrians that are not part of his Alawi minority, I wouldn’t even care if the IDF dropped bombs on his head and on most of Latakia. His barrel bombs in Aleppo shows his ruthlessness. People are tricked into thinking that Assad is not behind things in Syria when in fact he is the one giving the orders.

  13. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Too much love going on between Mansour and Syria.. what he means we should take all the punishments from Syria since they’re brotherly and keep our mouth shut. I say I hope our sisterly Israeli planes drop some bombs on him and hezzie should keep their mouth shut as well..

  14. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Too much love going on between Mansour and Syria.. what he means we should take all the punishments from Syria since they’re brotherly and keep our mouth shut. I say I hope our sisterly Israeli planes drop some bombs on him and hezzie should keep their mouth shut as well..

  15. “Mansour: Syrian Air force is a friend to Lebanon” since when syria was a friend in lebanon?? since 1975 when they invaded for over 25 years ?
    give me a break

  16. “Mansour: Syrian Air force is a friend to Lebanon” since when syria was a friend in lebanon?? since 1975 when they invaded for over 25 years ?
    give me a break

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