Time for the U.S. to act to prevent breakdown of the M.E.


By Condoleezza Rice

The civil war in Syria may well be the last act in the story of the disintegration of the Middle East as we know it. The opportunity to hold the region together and to rebuild it on a firmer foundation of tolerance, freedom and, eventually, democratic stability is slipping from our grasp.

Egypt and Iran are states with long, continuous histories and strong national identities. Turkey is as well, but there is the matter of the Kurds, who are still largely unassimilated, mistrusted by Ankara and tempted by the hope of independent nationhood.

Every other important state is a modern construct, created by the British, who drew borders like lines on a back of an envelope, without regard for ethnic and sectarian differences. The results: A Bahrain that is 70 percent Shiite, governed by a Sunni monarch. Saudi Arabia was created with a 10 percent Shiite population in its richest provinces to the east. Iraq is 65 percent Shiite, 20 percent Sunni, and a mix of Kurds and others, all ruled until 2003 by an iron-fisted Sunni dictator. Jordan’s population is almost 70 percent Palestinian. Lebanon is roughly evenly divided among Sunnis, Shiites and Christians. And then there is Syria: a conglomerate of Sunnis, Shiites, Kurds and others, ruled by the Alawite minority.

This fragile state structure has been held together for decades by monarchs and dictators. But as the desire for freedom has spread from Tunis to Cairo to Damascus, authoritarians have lost their grip. The danger is that these artificial states could fly apart.

In Iraq, after overthrowing Saddam Hussein, the United States hoped that a fledging multi-ethnic, multi-confessional democracy could do what authoritarians could not: give all of these groups a stake in a common future. To an extent it has, with elections repeatedly producing inclusive governments. But the institutions are young and fragile, and they are groaning under the weight of the region’s general sectarian explosion. The conflict in Syria is pushing Iraq and others to the breaking point. At the same time, U.S. disengagement has tempted Iraqi politicians to move toward sectarian allies for survival. If Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki cannot count on the Americans, he will take no risks with Tehran.

The great mistake of the past year has been to define the conflict with Bashar Assad’s regime as a humanitarian one. The regime in Damascus has been brutal and many innocent people have been slaughtered. But this was no replay of Libya. Much more is at stake.

As Syria crumbles, Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds are being drawn into a regional web of confessional allegiances. Karl Marx once called on workers of the world to unite across national boundaries. He told them that they had more in common with each other than with the ruling classes that oppressed them in the name of national unity. Marx exhorted workers to throw off the “false consciousness” of national identity.

Today’s Karl Marx is Iran. It envisions the spread of its influence among Shiites, uniting them under the theocratic flag of Tehran — destroying the integrity of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Lebanon. Iran uses terrorists groups, Hezbollah and the Shiite militias in southern Iraq to do its bidding. Syria is the linchpin, the bridge into the Arab Middle East. Tehran no longer hides the fact that its security forces are working in Syria to prop up Assad. In this context, Tehran’s sprint toward a nuclear weapon is a problem not just for Israel but the region as a whole.

In response, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other neighboring powers arm and support Sunni factions. The Turks are being drawn into the conflict, desperately fearful that the Kurds will break away in Syria and push their brethren in Turkey to do the same. Missile and mortar strikes are increasingly common across the borders of Israel and Turkey. Ankara’s cry to NATO for help should have gotten our attention.

But where is the United States? America has spent 12 months trying to get the Russians and the Chinese to agree to toothless U.N. resolutions to “stop the bloodshed,” as though Moscow will abandon Assad and Beijing really cares about chaos in the Middle East. Vladimir Putin is not a sentimental man. But if he believes that Assad can survive, he will do nothing to undermine him.

In recent days, France has stepped into the diplomatic vacuum to recognize a newly formed opposition that is broadly representative of all Syrians. The United States should follow Paris’s lead and then vet and arm the unified group on the condition that it pursues an inclusive post-Assad framework. The United States’ weight and influence are needed. Leaving this to regional powers, whose interests are not identical to ours, will only exacerbate the deepening sectarianism.

Certainly there are risks. After more than a year of brutal conflict, the most extreme elements of the opposition — including al-Qaida — have been empowered. Civil wars tend to strengthen the worst forces. The overthrow of Assad could indeed bring these dangerous groups to power.

But the breakdown of the Middle East state system is a graver risk. Iran will win, our allies will lose and for decades the region’s misery and violence will make today’s chaos look tame. War is not receding in the Middle East. It is building to a crescendo. Our elections are over. Now, America must act.

Condoleezza Rice was the US secretary of state from 2005 to 2009.

Washington Post



30 responses to “Time for the U.S. to act to prevent breakdown of the M.E.”

  1. and Obi one Barack Canobi is asleep… 

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      As I have said before …. people trying to make ancient ‘scripture’ actually come true, as wargame likes to relate the stuff, will drive humanity to distraction again if they can’t get the education up to snuff.

      1. Umar Marsh Avatar
        Umar Marsh

        Many of the Muslims living in the west are the most educated people proportion wise. As for ancient Scripture, Islam is responsible forthwith terms: algorithm, algebra, arithmetic, chemistry (alchemy ) the practical application of the zero; why hell, the world even works in “Arabic minerals”. Even medical science, botany, etc. has it’s roots in Islam. Half of the so-called ancient scientists were Muslims whose names have been ‘Latinized’ to hide the truth that the European Renaissance was the result of Islamic universities Muslim Spain (google past Muslim scientist and philosophers with Latinized names). Show me any Greek or Roman equations with practical use in these times. These facts are acknowledged by your own historians, so you’d better get up to snuff on your hisyory and education, oh ye of a barbaric background.

  2. and Obi one Barack Canobi is asleep… 

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      As I have said before …. people trying to make ancient ‘scripture’ actually come true, as wargame likes to relate the stuff, will drive humanity to distraction again if they can’t get the education up to snuff.

      1. Umar Marsh Avatar
        Umar Marsh

        Many of the Muslims living in the west are the most educated people proportion wise. As for ancient Scripture, Islam is responsible forthwith terms: algorithm, algebra, arithmetic, chemistry (alchemy ) the practical application of the zero; why hell, the world even works in “Arabic minerals”. Even medical science, botany, etc. has it’s roots in Islam. Half of the so-called ancient scientists were Muslims whose names have been ‘Latinized’ to hide the truth that the European Renaissance was the result of Islamic universities Muslim Spain (google past Muslim scientist and philosophers with Latinized names). Show me any Greek or Roman equations with practical use in these times. These facts are acknowledged by your own historians, so you’d better get up to snuff on your hisyory and education, oh ye of a barbaric background.

  3. The time is not yet ripe but it will happen in a distant future

    Abu Huraira narrates that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
    “The Hour (of Resurrection) will not come until the الروم Romans (Europeans, Americans, etc.) land in Al-A’maq (valleys in Antioch, southern Turkey) or in Dabiq (a plain near Aleppo, Syria). An army consisting of the best of the people of the Earth (an international Muslim army) at that time will come out of Medina (in Saudi Arabia) to face them.
    When they will arrange themselves in ranks, the Romans will say: ‘ Do not stand between us and those (Christian Converts to Islam) who were taken away from amongst us. Let us fight with them ‘ ; and the Muslims will say: ‘No! by Allah, we will not stand aside and let you fight our brothers.’
    They will then fight. A third (of the Muslim army) will be defeated (& run away), and Allah will never forgive them. A third (of the Muslim army) will be killed and they will be regarded as the best martyrs in the eyes of Allah. A third (of the Muslim army) will conquer and they do not get affected by Fitna (tribulations). They will conquer Constantinople(Istanbul )
    While the Muslims are busy distributing the spoils (booty) of war, after hanging their swords by the olive trees, Satan will shout: ‘The Anti-Christ has taken your place among your family (or in your land).’ The Muslims will then come out, but will find out that it is not true. And when they arrive to Al-Sham (Damascus or Syria), he (Anti-Christ) will come out.  While they (Muslims) are preparing to fight him, and drawing up their ranks, prayer time will come and then, Jesus the son of Mary will descend and lead (or join) them in prayer. When  Allah’s enemy (Anti-Christ) sees him (Jesus), it will dissolve just as the salt dissolves in water. If Jesus were to leave him (Anti-Christ) alone, he (Anti-Christ) would melt to death anyway, but Allah will have him (Anti-Christ) killed by his (Jesus’) hand, and he (Jesus) will show the Muslims his (Anti-Christ’s) blood on his (Jesus’) spear.” (Sahih Muslim)

    As we learn from the hadis that During that time, some Christians will embrace Islam. The Romans (European countries) will attempt to fight them. Muslims will side by the new converts and fight with them against the Romans.

  4. The time is not yet ripe but it will happen in a distant future

    Abu Huraira narrates that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
    “The Hour (of Resurrection) will not come until the الروم Romans (Europeans, Americans, etc.) land in Al-A’maq (valleys in Antioch, southern Turkey) or in Dabiq (a plain near Aleppo, Syria). An army consisting of the best of the people of the Earth (an international Muslim army) at that time will come out of Medina (in Saudi Arabia) to face them.
    When they will arrange themselves in ranks, the Romans will say: ‘ Do not stand between us and those (Christian Converts to Islam) who were taken away from amongst us. Let us fight with them ‘ ; and the Muslims will say: ‘No! by Allah, we will not stand aside and let you fight our brothers.’
    They will then fight. A third (of the Muslim army) will be defeated (& run away), and Allah will never forgive them. A third (of the Muslim army) will be killed and they will be regarded as the best martyrs in the eyes of Allah. A third (of the Muslim army) will conquer and they do not get affected by Fitna (tribulations). They will conquer Constantinople(Istanbul )
    While the Muslims are busy distributing the spoils (booty) of war, after hanging their swords by the olive trees, Satan will shout: ‘The Anti-Christ has taken your place among your family (or in your land).’ The Muslims will then come out, but will find out that it is not true. And when they arrive to Al-Sham (Damascus or Syria), he (Anti-Christ) will come out.  While they (Muslims) are preparing to fight him, and drawing up their ranks, prayer time will come and then, Jesus the son of Mary will descend and lead (or join) them in prayer. When  Allah’s enemy (Anti-Christ) sees him (Jesus), it will dissolve just as the salt dissolves in water. If Jesus were to leave him (Anti-Christ) alone, he (Anti-Christ) would melt to death anyway, but Allah will have him (Anti-Christ) killed by his (Jesus’) hand, and he (Jesus) will show the Muslims his (Anti-Christ’s) blood on his (Jesus’) spear.” (Sahih Muslim)

    As we learn from the hadis that During that time, some Christians will embrace Islam. The Romans (European countries) will attempt to fight them. Muslims will side by the new converts and fight with them against the Romans.

  5. The Romans will be there as the history repeats itself

    Yusayr bin Jabir said, “A red wind (or storm) erupted in the city of Kufa. Afterwards, a man came shouting and repeating the same words, ‘O Abdullah bin Mas’ud! the Hour has come.’ He (Yusayr) then said that he stood up after he was leaning (on his side) and said, 

    ” ‘The Hour (of Resurrection) will not come until people will not be able to divide inheritance, nor rejoice over booty’. Pointing toward Al-Sham (Syria), he said: ‘An enemy will gather forces against the Muslims, and the Muslims will gather forces against them.’ A companion asked: ‘Do you mean the Romans (Europeans) ?’ He said: ‘Yes, and at that time there will be fierce fighting. The Muslims will send a battalion (or brigade) to fight to death, and not return unless they are victorious. They will fight until night intervenes, neither side will be victorious, and the detachment will perish. (On the second day) The Muslims will send another battalion (or brigade) to fight to death, and not return unless they are victorious. They will fight until night intervenes, neither side will be victorious, and the detachment will perish. (On the third day) The Muslims will send another battalion (or brigade) to fight to death, and not return unless they are victorious. They will fight until night intervenes, neither side will be victorious, and the detachment will perish. On the fourth day, the remaining Muslims will go to fight, and Allah will make their enemy be defeated. This will be a battle the like of which has never been seen, to the extent that even birds flying (above the battle field) will not pass without falling down dead. Out of a family of one hundred, only one man will survive. So, how could he rejoice over any war booty or divide any inheritance? 

    While they are doing this, they will hear of an even bigger calamity: they will hear a scream amongst them that the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) has appeared among their families that they left behind. They will discard what they have in their hands and proceed. They will send ten horsemen as an expedition force. The Messenger of Allahصلى الله عليه وسلم  said, ‘I know their names and their fathers name and the colors of their horses. They will be the best horsemen on the face of Earth.’ ” (Sahih Muslim)

    1. the americans are acting like the romans…as the roman empire began to become bankrupt they kept on creating more wars thinking it will save them…look around you history is repeating itself

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        History only repeats itself because humans are still stupidly trying to make ancient theories come true, and also have not evolved enough to understand and control their basic natures. Or at least, understand the reason they should. Without education, they never will.

  6. The Romans will be there as the history repeats itself

    Yusayr bin Jabir said, “A red wind (or storm) erupted in the city of Kufa. Afterwards, a man came shouting and repeating the same words, ‘O Abdullah bin Mas’ud! the Hour has come.’ He (Yusayr) then said that he stood up after he was leaning (on his side) and said, 

    ” ‘The Hour (of Resurrection) will not come until people will not be able to divide inheritance, nor rejoice over booty’. Pointing toward Al-Sham (Syria), he said: ‘An enemy will gather forces against the Muslims, and the Muslims will gather forces against them.’ A companion asked: ‘Do you mean the Romans (Europeans) ?’ He said: ‘Yes, and at that time there will be fierce fighting. The Muslims will send a battalion (or brigade) to fight to death, and not return unless they are victorious. They will fight until night intervenes, neither side will be victorious, and the detachment will perish. (On the second day) The Muslims will send another battalion (or brigade) to fight to death, and not return unless they are victorious. They will fight until night intervenes, neither side will be victorious, and the detachment will perish. (On the third day) The Muslims will send another battalion (or brigade) to fight to death, and not return unless they are victorious. They will fight until night intervenes, neither side will be victorious, and the detachment will perish. On the fourth day, the remaining Muslims will go to fight, and Allah will make their enemy be defeated. This will be a battle the like of which has never been seen, to the extent that even birds flying (above the battle field) will not pass without falling down dead. Out of a family of one hundred, only one man will survive. So, how could he rejoice over any war booty or divide any inheritance? 

    While they are doing this, they will hear of an even bigger calamity: they will hear a scream amongst them that the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) has appeared among their families that they left behind. They will discard what they have in their hands and proceed. They will send ten horsemen as an expedition force. The Messenger of Allahصلى الله عليه وسلم  said, ‘I know their names and their fathers name and the colors of their horses. They will be the best horsemen on the face of Earth.’ ” (Sahih Muslim)

    1. the americans are acting like the romans…as the roman empire began to become bankrupt they kept on creating more wars thinking it will save them…look around you history is repeating itself

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        History only repeats itself because humans are still stupidly trying to make ancient theories come true, and also have not evolved enough to understand and control their basic natures. Or at least, understand the reason they should. Without education, they never will.

  7. isnt this her “birth pangs of a new middle east” as dr finkelstein once said “only a freak would compare the destruction of a country to the birth of a child”…this was after the 2006 war in lebanon…the hypocricy is just disgusting…you just need to go through the history of the middle east since oil was discovered to see it….iran..in 1952 mosadeq was pm he was voted by time magazine as person of the for his democratic reforms…a year later he was overthrown by the americans and brits and the shah was installed…egypt mubarak ruled as a dictator with an iron fist for the 30 years and was supported by the usa…saddam hussein again supported and armed with chemical weapons by the usa…ghadafii was ok when the americans needed to rendition so called terrorists…bahrain dictator..qatar overthrew his own father in 1995 with the help of the americans there is no government total rule by monarchy….yemen dictator….saudia arabia dictator…..even syria had their support….alqaida were supported by them as well….so what are we talking about here? the arab world needs the americans to make us civil? the wahhabi were created by the west…the muslim brotherhood all educated and created by the british…the west has created financed and supported the dictators of the middle east….but whats even sadder is that the middle east is where civilisation began and look where we are? still playing and being played along sectarian lines like ignorant little chimps….

    1. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
      Mahdi Kenaani

      couldnt agree more…

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Finklestein is a freak too. But having the ‘dialogues’ – with accurate reporting of them – is far better than just blowing up the planet. And Americans ARE willing to ‘dialogue’, aren’t they? It’s one reason their Congress has become ineffective, of course, since the divisions are so equal, but really, they are not throwing knives at each other yet. Dialogue on. 😉

  8. isnt this her “birth pangs of a new middle east” as dr finkelstein once said “only a freak would compare the destruction of a country to the birth of a child”…this was after the 2006 war in lebanon…the hypocricy is just disgusting…you just need to go through the history of the middle east since oil was discovered to see it….iran..in 1952 mosadeq was pm he was voted by time magazine as person of the for his democratic reforms…a year later he was overthrown by the americans and brits and the shah was installed…egypt mubarak ruled as a dictator with an iron fist for the 30 years and was supported by the usa…saddam hussein again supported and armed with chemical weapons by the usa…ghadafii was ok when the americans needed to rendition so called terrorists…bahrain dictator..qatar overthrew his own father in 1995 with the help of the americans there is no government total rule by monarchy….yemen dictator….saudia arabia dictator…..even syria had their support….alqaida were supported by them as well….so what are we talking about here? the arab world needs the americans to make us civil? the wahhabi were created by the west…the muslim brotherhood all educated and created by the british…the west has created financed and supported the dictators of the middle east….but whats even sadder is that the middle east is where civilisation began and look where we are? still playing and being played along sectarian lines like ignorant little chimps….

    1. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
      Mahdi Kenaani

      couldnt agree more…

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Finklestein is a freak too. But having the ‘dialogues’ – with accurate reporting of them – is far better than just blowing up the planet. And Americans ARE willing to ‘dialogue’, aren’t they? It’s one reason their Congress has become ineffective, of course, since the divisions are so equal, but really, they are not throwing knives at each other yet. Dialogue on. 😉

  9. 5thDrawer Avatar

    I guess the ‘states’ created by the French were not as important to Condoleeza as those created by the British … who were not helped much in the effort against Hitler until they were broke.
     But there is truth in the fact that the ‘Empire-Builders’ thought they could convince people that living homogeneously for the ‘sake of humanity’ (and big business) was a ‘good thing’, taking precedence over the tribal and sectarian divides.
    Guess again, world.
    Egypt is now the interesting place to watch. SOME people’s minds have been freed up a little. Are there enough? They struggle like Libya does with the minds trapped in stasis.

  10. 5thDrawer Avatar

    I guess the ‘states’ created by the French were not as important to Condoleeza as those created by the British … who were not helped much in the effort against Hitler until they were broke.
     But there is truth in the fact that the ‘Empire-Builders’ thought they could convince people that living homogeneously for the ‘sake of humanity’ (and big business) was a ‘good thing’, taking precedence over the tribal and sectarian divides.
    Guess again, world.
    Egypt is now the interesting place to watch. SOME people’s minds have been freed up a little. Are there enough? They struggle like Libya does with the minds trapped in stasis.

  11. All the problems we have in the middle east are because America is involved, as less they get involved, or anybody else from the west, as better it would be. The west only cares for their oil and other resources and territorial aggressions. America is oil self sufficient in 2020, just watch it, after that they will give a * * * * about Saudi Arabia, or any other country. They will drop the middle east like a hot potato. And Arab nations should learn to take care of their own issues, rather than constantly looking at others to fix their issues. One has only but oneself to blame. REALITY!

    1. Umar Marsh Avatar
      Umar Marsh

      America is doing the bidding of Israel, the invasion of Iraq which was a priority of Israel. The Zionists are about done with America and will leave it as an empty shell—politically and economically bankrupt. They’re already preparing to move on to the next sucker, perhaps Europe or Russia who is run by seven big Zionists. Why would America need excessive amounts of oil in the future anyway, while industries will have completed their migration abroad by then. The new anti-gun drive of today is a preparation for disarmament of the public the subsequent civil breakdown and chaos which only a police state can handle. By the way, China, India, Europe and the rest of the world will need oil for testator come. One monkey doesn’t make the show, as Britain has learned well. Have a nice day.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Well Umar … I tend to agree with Hugo on it … After the British and French left, the lines in the sand drawn in their seemingly ‘sensible’ ways COULD have been re-drawn by the ‘various majorities’ in any given spot. (Although drawing lines around Bedouins is a little tricky. 😉
        But, if fact, they could also be re-drawn even today. And people might wish to move as well.
        Yes, Britain AND OTHERS learned ‘Empire’ couldn’t really work well. So, now, the ones who didn’t like the lines or the dictators might even try some democracy to allow the movements and re-drawing of the lines. Can’t blame the Brits any more, or really, not even the Yanks.

  12. All the problems we have in the middle east are because America is involved, as less they get involved, or anybody else from the west, as better it would be.

    1. Umar Marsh Avatar
      Umar Marsh

      America is doing the bidding of Israel, the invasion of Iraq which was a priority of Israel. The Zionists are about done with America and will leave it as an empty shell—politically and economically bankrupt. They’re already preparing to move on to the next sucker, perhaps Europe or Russia who is run by seven big Zionists. Why would America need excessive amounts of oil in the future anyway, while industries will have completed their migration abroad by then. The new anti-gun drive of today is a preparation for disarmament of the public the subsequent civil breakdown and chaos which only a police state can handle. By the way, China, India, Europe and the rest of the world will need oil for testator come. One monkey doesn’t make the show, as Britain has learned well. Have a nice day.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Well Umar … I tend to agree with Hugo on it … After the British and French left, the lines in the sand drawn in their seemingly ‘sensible’ ways COULD have been re-drawn by the ‘various majorities’ in any given spot. (Although drawing lines around Bedouins is a little tricky. 😉
        But, if fact, they could also be re-drawn even today. And people might wish to move as well.
        Yes, Britain AND OTHERS learned ‘Empire’ couldn’t really work well. So, now, the ones who didn’t like the lines or the dictators might even try some democracy to allow the movements and re-drawing of the lines. Can’t blame the Brits any more, or really, not even the Yanks.

  13. THEY WERE PUNISHED FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST THE UMMA…..It is late at night in the latter part of the 21st Century. The Caliph of the Muslims is taking his nightly walk along the streets of the Caliphate accompanied by his young advisor to ensure all is well with the citizens of the state. The Caliph’s advisor is keen to pick up on their previous discussions on a range of issues such as life in the west and the state of the Muslim world prior to the Caliphate.

    Advisor: What happened to the tyrannical rulers of the Muslim world after the Caliphate was established. Did they receive justice for their years of oppression and brutality towards the Ummah?
    Caliph: Well, not all of them were brought to justice. Many fled and ran away as the Ummah in the early 21st Century started to rise up and demand change. Many were brought to trial. Their list of crimes was long and the evidence against them was overwhelming.
    Advisor: Did the Caliphate put a lot of effort into capturing the former leaders? After all, it was they who held the Ummah back for decades.
    Caliph: It did but don’t forget that those who escaped the Caliphate’s clutches will be punished in the Hereafter. Of the rulers that the Caliphate did pursue in the early years I heard the following story:
    [Three of the former tyrannical leaders of the countries of Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Syria are meeting together in secret and under the cover of darkness; they have fled their countries since the Caliphate was established and have regrouped to plot their next moves. Huddled together to keep warm in a derelict part of a major city; far away from trappings of comfort and luxury they previously enjoyed]
    Zardari: Our time is well and truly up. What are we to do? The masses who we ruled over have chosen Islam and the Caliphate. We hated them and they hated us more, we have no-where to go. Our political masters have left us to fend for ourselves.
    Karimov: Yes that is true, but you did very well out of your years of looting and corruption in Pakistan. What is it the Muslims of Pakistan used to say about you? A palace in every country, millions in the bank you and your cronies did very well.
    [At that moment Bashar Al Asad comes into the conversation; furiously flicking through a well-used copy of a manual called ‘The US guide book for western backed dictators and despots’, 2nd edition]
    Asad: This is no good. I have read this cover to cover a thousand times but there is no chapter on what to do when the Muslims have rejected you; when the army have given their allegiance to someone else, when even the thugs and gangsters I funded for years no longer respond. How can I ever get back to rule again?
    Karimov: I never read the guide book although I was given a copy after I helped the USA in 2001 in granting them use of a military base in Uzbekistan for their invasion of Afghanistan.
    Asad: Never read the book? I didn’t know you could even read! Didn’t you used just look at the pictures; particularly the images of torture techniques used against your opponents described inside. I guess the chapter on torturing Muslims and how to boil people alive who oppose you didn’t come with many words.
    Karimov: Look here, I ruled my country with an iron fist; no opposition was tolerated; no demonstrations, no challenge. I was not going to allow anyone to replace me. I hounded these people calling for a Caliphate in my country for years. Remember the massacres in Andijan. That was me.
    Asad: Alas, I tried to follow that way during Syria ’s uprisings in 2011 and 2012 and the oppression of my father. I tried bombing civilians, killing women and children all over Syria to deter the uprisings but to no avail. The people would not relent and kept demanding Islam.
    Zardari: I too tried to read the US guide book many times, but in the latter years with load shedding throughout Pakistan I couldn’t even do that! Actually, I only had the first edition. I never received the 2nd edition of the ‘US guide book guide for dictators and despots’. How come I never got the updated, second edition?
    Asad: Never mind, it seems the US didn’t need you much anyway. Why send you the guide book when US officials and mercenaries could have just as easily given you an update in person. Maybe they found someone else to deal with, you know, like the army generals?
    Zardari: That’s outrageous. I was forever always flying over to see the Americans to ask them what more that I could do for them.
    Karimov: Yes, yes but how are we going to get out of here. I don’t want to end up in a sewer like our old friend Gaddafi or hiding in a hole waiting to be found like Saddam and see our Western masters abandon us.
    Asad: It won’t happen to me. I’m sure the West will give me some form of immunity and protection from the Caliphate’s laws. I was a loyal and faithful servant of theirs for many years. Helping them in their war in Iraq; leaving Israel unchecked to attack Palestinians and confiscate land, suppressing Muslim activists.
    Karimov: No way, I was much more subservient than you. I gave the US access to the wealth and resources of Central Asia. I was the best at preventing Islamic groups from doing their dawah. I would round up and imprison anyone calling for the Caliphate. My forces were the most brutal without a doubt.
    Zardari: That’s nothing I was far more subservient and loyal to the US than all of you put together. I let US forces roam around my country unhindered; allowed them to kidnap Pakistani citizens; granted them safe passage to kill Muslims in Afghanistan; hoarded my looted wealth in western banks…..I could go on and on.
    [Asad, Zardari, Karimov-all talking at once over one another] No, No I was the most loyal. I deserve to be saved, I was the most pro-western. The West must save me, not you.
    Advisor: So what happened to them?
    Caliph: Apparently, the arguments went on for hours before they were eventually captured by the forces of the Caliphate.
    Caliph: The trials of the former rulers showed the long list of crimes committed for decades against Muslims and their hatred for Islam. The judgement given to them was swift and decisive. They were punished for their crimes against Islam and the Ummah.
    Advisor: I read that the Caliphate was asked to arbitrate for other countries as well.
    Caliph: You are talking about the Caliphate being used to administer justice in other parts of the world. Prior to the Caliphate, there was nobody with the respect to truly resolve disputes between nations or redress crimes committed by the major powers in the international arena.
    Advisor: I learnt in school that there were these organisations such as the UN, International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice.
    Caliph: There were, but justice was selective and they were tied to the major western powers. They had no credibility.
    Advisor: So how did the Caliph of the time come to be involved?
    Caliph: After the trial and punishment of the former rulers and their associates proved so successful, other nations from around the world put forward their own leaders to go on trial.
    Advisor: That’s extraordinary, even though they did not believe in Islam or Shari’ah. Quite different from the times when Muslim countries would refer to international institutions to solve our own affairs.
    Caliph: Yes, nations from around the world such as Africa and South America were looking for justice for the oppression they too had suffered at the hands of their corrupt rulers or western nations. You have to remember the situation in the world in the early part of the 21st Century. So, the Caliphate set up a court to expose the crimes of Capitalism and many western rulers were brought to trial. The first ones were George W Bush and Tony Blair for their invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. In later years, many other former US Presidents were brought there like Hilary Clinton and Justin Bieber!
    Advisor: What was the court of justice called?
    Caliph: To the rest of the world it was known as the ADIL court. Its official title was the “Islamic Court for the preservation of justice, truthfulness and steadfastness”. It was a voluntary body, no-one was compelled to attend but such was the reputation of the Caliphate for fairness and justice that it had a powerful effect in bringing others to it.
    Advisor: What kind of issues did it settle?
    Caliph: Disputes over territories; or where oppressive rulers in the West had evaded justice within their own countries. Many poorer countries asked the ADIL court to step in because they knew the Caliphate would judge by a single standard that their own constitutions and justice systems couldn’t. It was also able to facilitate justice for historical injustices committed by western colonialism; reparations for the native Red Indians and Aborigines, that sort of thing.
    Advisor: It should have asked for money from Britain and France for destroying the Uthmani Caliphate in 1924 and carving up the Muslim world with despotic rulers.
    Caliph: Funny you should ask that. It was the first case to be heard. But those countries were virtually bankrupt by then!
    Advisor: Any tough disputes that required a lot of work?
    Caliph: The result of the Great War for UK Independence in 2018 was difficult; particularly when Wales and Scotland ganged up to invade England!
    At the end of their walk, a telephone call is received from some obscure country asking for mediation in its internal political affairs.
    Caliph: It’s from the USA. They have just had their Presidential elections and it appears there is a tied vote.
    Advisor: The Democrats and the Republicans?
    Caliph: They’re not called that anymore; they are now the McDonalds and Pepsi Cola parties. Neither of the two parties can agree on a winner. We need to reconvene the ADIL court.

  14. THEY WERE PUNISHED FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST THE UMMA…..It is late at night in the latter part of the 21st Century. The Caliph of the Muslims is taking his nightly walk along the streets of the Caliphate accompanied by his young advisor to ensure all is well with the citizens of the state. The Caliph’s advisor is keen to pick up on their previous discussions on a range of issues such as life in the west and the state of the Muslim world prior to the Caliphate.

    Advisor: What happened to the tyrannical rulers of the Muslim world after the Caliphate was established. Did they receive justice for their years of oppression and brutality towards the Ummah?
    Caliph: Well, not all of them were brought to justice. Many fled and ran away as the Ummah in the early 21st Century started to rise up and demand change. Many were brought to trial. Their list of crimes was long and the evidence against them was overwhelming.
    Advisor: Did the Caliphate put a lot of effort into capturing the former leaders? After all, it was they who held the Ummah back for decades.
    Caliph: It did but don’t forget that those who escaped the Caliphate’s clutches will be punished in the Hereafter. Of the rulers that the Caliphate did pursue in the early years I heard the following story:
    [Three of the former tyrannical leaders of the countries of Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Syria are meeting together in secret and under the cover of darkness; they have fled their countries since the Caliphate was established and have regrouped to plot their next moves. Huddled together to keep warm in a derelict part of a major city; far away from trappings of comfort and luxury they previously enjoyed]
    Zardari: Our time is well and truly up. What are we to do? The masses who we ruled over have chosen Islam and the Caliphate. We hated them and they hated us more, we have no-where to go. Our political masters have left us to fend for ourselves.
    Karimov: Yes that is true, but you did very well out of your years of looting and corruption in Pakistan. What is it the Muslims of Pakistan used to say about you? A palace in every country, millions in the bank you and your cronies did very well.
    [At that moment Bashar Al Asad comes into the conversation; furiously flicking through a well-used copy of a manual called ‘The US guide book for western backed dictators and despots’, 2nd edition]
    Asad: This is no good. I have read this cover to cover a thousand times but there is no chapter on what to do when the Muslims have rejected you; when the army have given their allegiance to someone else, when even the thugs and gangsters I funded for years no longer respond. How can I ever get back to rule again?
    Karimov: I never read the guide book although I was given a copy after I helped the USA in 2001 in granting them use of a military base in Uzbekistan for their invasion of Afghanistan.
    Asad: Never read the book? I didn’t know you could even read! Didn’t you used just look at the pictures; particularly the images of torture techniques used against your opponents described inside. I guess the chapter on torturing Muslims and how to boil people alive who oppose you didn’t come with many words.
    Karimov: Look here, I ruled my country with an iron fist; no opposition was tolerated; no demonstrations, no challenge. I was not going to allow anyone to replace me. I hounded these people calling for a Caliphate in my country for years. Remember the massacres in Andijan. That was me.
    Asad: Alas, I tried to follow that way during Syria ’s uprisings in 2011 and 2012 and the oppression of my father. I tried bombing civilians, killing women and children all over Syria to deter the uprisings but to no avail. The people would not relent and kept demanding Islam.
    Zardari: I too tried to read the US guide book many times, but in the latter years with load shedding throughout Pakistan I couldn’t even do that! Actually, I only had the first edition. I never received the 2nd edition of the ‘US guide book guide for dictators and despots’. How come I never got the updated, second edition?
    Asad: Never mind, it seems the US didn’t need you much anyway. Why send you the guide book when US officials and mercenaries could have just as easily given you an update in person. Maybe they found someone else to deal with, you know, like the army generals?
    Zardari: That’s outrageous. I was forever always flying over to see the Americans to ask them what more that I could do for them.
    Karimov: Yes, yes but how are we going to get out of here. I don’t want to end up in a sewer like our old friend Gaddafi or hiding in a hole waiting to be found like Saddam and see our Western masters abandon us.
    Asad: It won’t happen to me. I’m sure the West will give me some form of immunity and protection from the Caliphate’s laws. I was a loyal and faithful servant of theirs for many years. Helping them in their war in Iraq; leaving Israel unchecked to attack Palestinians and confiscate land, suppressing Muslim activists.
    Karimov: No way, I was much more subservient than you. I gave the US access to the wealth and resources of Central Asia. I was the best at preventing Islamic groups from doing their dawah. I would round up and imprison anyone calling for the Caliphate. My forces were the most brutal without a doubt.
    Zardari: That’s nothing I was far more subservient and loyal to the US than all of you put together. I let US forces roam around my country unhindered; allowed them to kidnap Pakistani citizens; granted them safe passage to kill Muslims in Afghanistan; hoarded my looted wealth in western banks…..I could go on and on.
    [Asad, Zardari, Karimov-all talking at once over one another] No, No I was the most loyal. I deserve to be saved, I was the most pro-western. The West must save me, not you.
    Advisor: So what happened to them?
    Caliph: Apparently, the arguments went on for hours before they were eventually captured by the forces of the Caliphate.
    Caliph: The trials of the former rulers showed the long list of crimes committed for decades against Muslims and their hatred for Islam. The judgement given to them was swift and decisive. They were punished for their crimes against Islam and the Ummah.
    Advisor: I read that the Caliphate was asked to arbitrate for other countries as well.
    Caliph: You are talking about the Caliphate being used to administer justice in other parts of the world. Prior to the Caliphate, there was nobody with the respect to truly resolve disputes between nations or redress crimes committed by the major powers in the international arena.
    Advisor: I learnt in school that there were these organisations such as the UN, International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice.
    Caliph: There were, but justice was selective and they were tied to the major western powers. They had no credibility.
    Advisor: So how did the Caliph of the time come to be involved?
    Caliph: After the trial and punishment of the former rulers and their associates proved so successful, other nations from around the world put forward their own leaders to go on trial.
    Advisor: That’s extraordinary, even though they did not believe in Islam or Shari’ah. Quite different from the times when Muslim countries would refer to international institutions to solve our own affairs.
    Caliph: Yes, nations from around the world such as Africa and South America were looking for justice for the oppression they too had suffered at the hands of their corrupt rulers or western nations. You have to remember the situation in the world in the early part of the 21st Century. So, the Caliphate set up a court to expose the crimes of Capitalism and many western rulers were brought to trial. The first ones were George W Bush and Tony Blair for their invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. In later years, many other former US Presidents were brought there like Hilary Clinton and Justin Bieber!
    Advisor: What was the court of justice called?
    Caliph: To the rest of the world it was known as the ADIL court. Its official title was the “Islamic Court for the preservation of justice, truthfulness and steadfastness”. It was a voluntary body, no-one was compelled to attend but such was the reputation of the Caliphate for fairness and justice that it had a powerful effect in bringing others to it.
    Advisor: What kind of issues did it settle?
    Caliph: Disputes over territories; or where oppressive rulers in the West had evaded justice within their own countries. Many poorer countries asked the ADIL court to step in because they knew the Caliphate would judge by a single standard that their own constitutions and justice systems couldn’t. It was also able to facilitate justice for historical injustices committed by western colonialism; reparations for the native Red Indians and Aborigines, that sort of thing.
    Advisor: It should have asked for money from Britain and France for destroying the Uthmani Caliphate in 1924 and carving up the Muslim world with despotic rulers.
    Caliph: Funny you should ask that. It was the first case to be heard. But those countries were virtually bankrupt by then!
    Advisor: Any tough disputes that required a lot of work?
    Caliph: The result of the Great War for UK Independence in 2018 was difficult; particularly when Wales and Scotland ganged up to invade England!
    At the end of their walk, a telephone call is received from some obscure country asking for mediation in its internal political affairs.
    Caliph: It’s from the USA. They have just had their Presidential elections and it appears there is a tied vote.
    Advisor: The Democrats and the Republicans?
    Caliph: They’re not called that anymore; they are now the McDonalds and Pepsi Cola parties. Neither of the two parties can agree on a winner. We need to reconvene the ADIL court.

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