EDL part-time employees end the sit-in: Ghosn


General Workers Union chief Ghassan Ghosn said on Friday that the part-time employees at the Electricité du Liban (EDL) company decided to suspend their sit-in at the company’s headquarters in Beirut.

“It was agreed to pay the workers their overdue salaries and approve their right to pensions,” Ghosn said following his meeting with the workers.

He also said that all the employees would be given the right to participate in the assessment to select those competent for full time positions

“Those who want to work with the [service providers] will be guaranteed work and a salary,” Ghosn added.

The par-time employees appointed Ghosn on Monday to coordinate with Labor Minister Salim Jreissati to reach a solution to the crisis over their demands.

EDL part-time employees have been at odds with the company over improvements to their work conditions and have called for changing their status to full time salaried employees.

Meanwhile Lebanon continues to suffer from  daily power blackouts .

