Syrian filmmaker Bassel Shehadeh killed in Homs shelling


Syrian activists paid tribute to a young filmmaker from Damascus who was killed in Homs on Monday night.

Bassel Shahade reportedly returned to Syria from his studies in the United states at the start of the Syrian protests last year to document the uprising. He was said to have been visiting Homs for the last three months to help train activists in filmmaking when he was killed during shelling.



12 responses to “Syrian filmmaker Bassel Shehadeh killed in Homs shelling”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Youthful Idealism is a wonderful thing sometimes … but not all film-stages are safe.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Youthful Idealism is a wonderful thing sometimes … but not all film-stages are safe.

  3. breakthemould Avatar

    Whatever happened to the “Cradle of Civilizations”  They are killing all forms of life. Any coward and criminal can do this any time. We all want to enhance life not kill it. When will they ever learn? as the song goes?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      A good old song …. but the beat goes on. 🙁

      1. breakthemould Avatar

         Sadly you are right. I hope my great grand children will fare better and learn from the errors of their ancestors.

        1. master09 Avatar

          Hope your rite, but from what we see today most are going backwards..and sticking to the good old days of 1000 years ago…

  4. breakthemould Avatar

    Whatever happened to the “Cradle of Civilizations”  They are killing all forms of life. Any coward and criminal can do this any time. We all want to enhance life not kill it. When will they ever learn? as the song goes?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      A good old song …. but the beat goes on. 🙁

      1. breakthemould Avatar

         Sadly you are right. I hope my great grand children will fare better and learn from the errors of their ancestors.

        1. master09 Avatar

          Hope your rite, but from what we see today most are going backwards..and sticking to the good old days of 1000 years ago…

  5. Shirdel2142 Avatar

    May he rest in peace.

  6. Shirdel2142 Avatar

    May he rest in peace.

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