Sayegh’s resignation clarified by the Phalange party


The Phalange Party media council clarified in a statement on Saturday the issue of the resignation of Minister of Social Affairs Salim Sayegh .

“Sayegh resigned from his position as deputy head of the Kataeb Party to abide by the “principle of non-dualism in party positions.” The statement said.

“Sayegh, by virtue of his ministerial position and as a party representative in the cabinet, absolutely remains a member of the Phalange political bureau and attends its meetings,” the council said.

Sayegh’s resignation was put at the disposal of Phalange Party leader and former president Amin Gemayel and the party’s political bureau “since the first day he took on his ministerial position,” the statement added.

“Sayegh enjoys the trust and appreciation of all Phalange [members], who are proud of his performance in the party and the ministry,” the statement said, denying media reports of disputes between Sayegh and the Phalange party .

Sayegh resigned from his post as the deputy leader of the Phalange party, Central News Agency reported on Friday. According to CNA, Sayegh took the decision in order to better fulfill his obligations in the Ministry .



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